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I monitored a TV Station, Radio Station and an Int...

I monitored a TV Station, Radio Station and an Internet Radio Station. The Local Radio station had only some tones for a couple of seconds. It then went immediately back to music. The TV station finally had a test screen about 4 to 5 minutes after the test was supposed to begin, it was on no longer than a minute. The internet radio station from NewYork, NY (WXRK) had NO/NO test. <br /><br />To me this was evidence of a system that currently can not be depended on. Are Internet Radio stations exempt from this testing? Many people now receive their Radio Stations through the Internet. What about Text Messages on Cell Phones? Satellite Radio? You've got a long way to go to correct this. You need to enforce these tests as a first step as I feel with the poor results I saw that stations are not ensuring their equipment is active and functioning. This is the first step FEMA/the Government needs to do. If broadcast stations are disregarding this and feel they don' need to worry about ensuring this equipment is in place and working and that they won't suffer some consequence from (The FCC) then they'll just continue to disregard it. <br />(From a retired Federal Communications Employee)