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I lived in my university's on campus dorms whe...

I lived in my university's on campus dorms when Hurricane Rita devastated our city. I lost ALL of my personal possessions and now FEMA has sent me a recoupment letter asking me to return some $2000. I appealed and supplied a letter fromt the university's vice-president, which indicates that I lived on campus the entire school year preceding hurricane Rita (Approximately 10 of the preceding 12 months w/ the two missing months being the summer months of June and July); I received a response yesterday, and my appeal was summarily DENIED with NO EXPLANATION as to why my 10 month dorm living does not satisfy the Hurricane Katrina/Rita Student Recoupment Modification's "major portion of the school year" requirement, as set forth in Release Number: FNF-07-023. <br /><br />Of course, I seemingly have no way to make this inquiry since the appeal letter says the determination is final - despite the lack of an explanation why my supporting documents were insufficient.<br /><br />With this new law, will I be given another time frame to appeal?