
Are there tours of Edwards Air Force Base?


We offer two types of tours -- General Public Tours and Large Group Tours.

General Public Tours are for small groups like families, couples or individuals. Large Group Tours are for groups of at least 15 people. All of our tours are free, but reservations are required. Minimum age for either tour is five years.

We offer one General Public Tour per month. The new start time for these tours is 9:30 a.m. and the new ending time is 1 p.m.

Large Group Tours are offered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and on non-General Public Tour Fridays (see schedule below). The start and end times are flexible.

The tour includes visiting the Air Force Flight Test Museum as well as a windshield tour of the main base to include seeing our flightline.

Tour dates fill up fast, and it is recommended that you make reservations for your requested tour date as far in advance as possible.

Tour dates for 2016:

November 4 (Full)
December 2 (Full)

Tour dates for 2017:

January 13 (Full)
February 10 (Full)
March 10 (Full)
April 7 (Full)
May 5
June 2
July 14
August 11
September 8
October 6
November 3
December 1

Full tours all have waiting lists.

To be clear, you do not have a reservation until we receive this information for each person in your group and we send you a confirmation e-mail.

We close the roster for each tour one weeks prior to the tour in order to properly process each roster with Security Forces.

Citizens from countries other than USA (visiting with a passport on a visa) are welcome, but reservations must be made at least 30-calendar days in advance.

The following information is needed for EACH PERSON:

NAME: Last, First, Middle Initial, if you have one. (For example: Jones, Joe A.)
PHONE NUMBER: Cellular or mobile is preferred. We ask for this because military requirements could cancel your tour, even once confirmed. It hasn't happened often, but it has happened.
E-MAIL ADDRESS: If you have more than one, then we prefer the one you check most often. Using one e-mail for your group is fine, if you'd prefer.
BIRTH DATE: The requested format is mm/dd/yy. (For example, May 21, 1975 would be written as 05/21/75)
BIRTH PLACE: City and state, if born in the United States. If born in another country, outside of the United States, then we need city and country.
COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP: Which country are you a citizen of? Which country issued your passport?
ID TYPE: For US citizens and legal resident aliens: Driver's License, State-issued ID card, Passport, Green card, or Social Security Number. Use "Minor Child" for anyone in your party younger than age 18 years as of the tour date.
For citizens of other countries: Passport preferred, but Driver's License or other government-issued ID allowed.
1) STATE LICENSE: If you choose to list your driver's license as your ID for this tour, then we'll need to know which state and what your number is.
2) ID NUMBER: This is for the ID type asked for earlier, for anyone age 18 and older. Again, use "Minor Child" for anyone in your party is younger than 18 on the tour date. For all other types, except SSN, we'll need the full number, including any letters. If you selected SSN, then we'll need only the last SIX numbers.
3) ID EXPIRATION: This applies to Drivers Licenses, Passports, State-issued ID cards, Green Cards and Immigration Status Cards only. The Social Security Number has no expiration date.
RESIDENCE ADDRESS: NOT mailing address.
SPECIAL NEEDS: Does anyone in your group use special medical equipment, like a wheelchair, a walker, a portable oxygen device, have a service animal, or have any other special needs? If so, we probably need to discuss this with you so that we can make proper arrangements.

You MUST bring and present the same ID at the time of check in on the date of your tour reservation.

If you have an email account: To make reservations, or for more information on our public tours, you can send an e-mail to 
Edwards Tours.  If your computer is having problems opening an email automatically, you can copy this address and type into an email message: You can also call us at 661-277-3517 or 661-277-3510.

Expect an email response within 3 business days. If you do not receive a response, call us to check on it.