Guardian of the Week – AST3 Emley

Click on this picture to watch amazing video footage of the rescue shot by the Aircraft Commander, LT Rapp.

Click on this picture to watch amazing video footage of the rescue shot by the Aircraft Commander, LT Rapp.

Can you imagine what it would be like to deploy out of a helicopter over rocky cliffs and turbulent seas and swim in and back out of a cave with raging waves to rescue someone. Almost like a Hollywood movie, isn’t it?

Well, it was real life for Aviation Survival Technician Third Class Robert Emley last Saturday evening off the coast of Tillamook, Oregon. A paraglider’s jump off a popular cliff on Cape Lookout went wrong and left her clinging to cliff wall before she fell into the turbulent water. Onlookers who witnessed the alarming incident called 911 for help where dispatchers quickly notified the Coast Guard.

A Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter and air crew from Air Station Astoria immediately launched and within about 30 minutes had located the glider with the help of people pointing in her direction. The air crew saw her floating face up with the help of air trapped in her paraglider. As the women slipped inside a deep cave at the base of a 200-foot cliff, the rescue swimmer, AST3 Robert Emley, prepared to deploy. Once in the water, he timed the 6-foot seas that threatened to push him into the cliff side. AST3 Emley was able to catch a wave that pushed him into the cave where he grabbed a hold of the paraglider and swam free of the cave.

Cape Lookout, Oregon

Cape Lookout, Oregon

As he was approaching the survivor, AST3 Emley said, “I wanted to make sure she was conscious and once I knew I verbally informed her with everything that I was going to do.” He assessed the survivor and could tell she was very lethargic and suffering from advanced hypothermia. While holding the survivor’s head above water, he used a J-hook shroud cutter to cut the parachute lines to prevent the chute from entangling both himself and the survivor.

Because the seas and the helicopter rotorwash were pushing the swimmer and survivor towards the cliff side, AST3 Emley called off the initially attempted 60-foot hoist out of the water. The helicopter pilots, LT Kevin Rapp and LTJG Stephen Drauszewski, increased altitude to 150-feet and the flight mechanic, AET2 Josh Hollingshead, deployed the rescue basket. AST3 Emley was able to safely load the survivor into the basket where she was hoisted into the helicopter. After getting the survivor onboard, AET2 Hollingshead retrieved AST3 Emley by his harness from the water.

Despite suffering advanced hypothermia, the woman was reportedly in stable condition after an overnight stay in the hospital.

The air crew from left to right; AST3 Robert Emley (rescue swimmer), AET2 Josh Hollingshead (flight mech.), LTJG Stephen Drauszewski (pilot) and LT Kevin Rapp (pilot).

According to LT Rapp, Aircraft Commander, “During the post flight debrief, we all shook Rob’s hand and I said to him, ‘That was Bravery… and a very honorable thing!’” Chief Jim Dickerson from Netarts Fire Department said, ”The bravery and courage of the swimmer going into the cave with the victim who was still attached to her paraglider really stands out for the Coast Guard. Devotion to Duty comes to mind immediately and describes the entire crew… Special thanks to the rescue swimmer who risked alot to save alot.”

According to AST3 Emley, he felt it was a successful rescue because of the entire air crew. “I want to make sure that everyone knows that it wouldn’t have been possible without the rest of the air crew that day.”

Yes, this was a dramatic and daring rescue but it was all in a day’s work for the air crew. That same crew had five search and rescue cases in 12 hours that day. LT Rapp even mentioned that on the subsequent cases, AST3 Emley’s drysuit was still wet.

Bravo Zulu and Semper Paratus to AST3 Robert Emley, along with LT Kevin Rapp, pilot, LTJG Stephen Drauszewski, pilot, and AET2 Josh Hollingshead, flight mechanic. Way to go Guardians!

To watch a Fox News interview with AST3 Emley, click here.

Originally from Phelen, California, AST3 Emley has been in the Coast Guard for just over five years. He has been an Aviation Survival Technician for three years and when asked how he likes his rating, he replied, “It’s a good lifestyle, you’re able to keep physically fit. It’s a good feeling when you can help someone and even better when you have a great environment and crew to help.”

Do you know someone in the Coast Guard that has done something great for the service, the missions or the public? Please submit your nominations for Guardian of the Week using the submit button at the top of the page.



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5 Responses

  1. Kevin says:

    A rescue/paramedic, Paul Featherstone, become quite famous in the Australian rescue community after performing a somewhat similar rescue a few years back.
    Congratulations to AST3 Emley for his truly remarkable skill and bravery.

  2. William Leistner CWO4 USCG(Ret.) says:

    I don’t know if the CG still hands out :attaboy’s”, but if they do, you sure as hell earned a big one!
    MYou make an old Coastie very proud.

  3. William Leistner CWO4 USCG(Ret.) says:

    As an xRM, xAL, xAT and ret. CWO4, you sure make me proud ot have been a 25 year member of the Coast Guard. If the CG still gives out attaboy’s, you sure as hell earned a huge one.
    Hang in there, you make us proud.
    Bill Leistner

  4. Chip Halterman says:

    Way to go Rob! you made some old friends proud that day! keep it up my man!

  5. Brad Ettinger says:

    Good job Robert! Your the man. Keep up the good work my friend