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The Blog @ Homeland Security provides an inside-out view of what we do every day at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The Blog lets us talk about how we secure our nation, strengthen our programs, and unite the Department behind our common mission and principles. It also lets us hear from you.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Morning Roundup - July 30th

From the Washington Post, on the Secretary's speech in New York yesterday:

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano urged Americans on Wednesday to join a "collective fight against terrorism" that combines the efforts of individuals, companies and local, state and foreign governments.

Answering critics who have accused the Obama administration of downplaying the risk of terrorist attacks, Napolitano said the threat has not abated and outlined an approach that emphasizes burden-sharing as federal spending and political support for post-Sept. 11 security measures wane.

"I am sometimes asked if I think complacency is a threat. I believe the short answer is 'yes,' " Napolitano said, speaking to the Council on Foreign Relations in New York before visiting the World Trade Center site destroyed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

"But I think a better question is this: Has the U.S. government done everything it can to educate and engage the American people? The answer is 'no,' " she said.

In what aides called a major counter-terrorism policy address, Napolitano noted that American hotels were targeted in bombings this month in Jakarta, six Americans were among 164 people killed in a commando-style assault in Mumbai in November and three Americans were among 54 killed in a Marriott Hotel in Islamabad in September.

To confront a terrorism threat that "is even more decentralized, more networked and more adaptive," she said, counter-terrorism efforts also need to exploit the values of "networks." For example, the nation needs better technology, training and linkages to share information with 780,000 local law enforcement agents, Napolitano said, promising to strengthen 70 state-run intelligence "fusion centers" that began under the Bush administration.

And from the New York Times:

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano called Wednesday for closer collaboration with foreign partners, more intensive cooperation between the federal government and local law enforcement officials, and greater involvement by civilians in watching for and responding to terrorist threats.

"For too long, we've treated the public as a liability to be protected rather than as an asset in our nation's collective security," Ms. Napolitano said in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. "This approach, unfortunately, has allowed confusion, anxiety and fear to linger."

Ms. Napolitano, whose visit to New York included her first trip to ground zero, seemed intent in her speech on a shift of tone from that of the Bush administration, which critics say too often appeared to exaggerate threats and sow fear. But she unveiled no specific new initiatives in this regard.

She did say she had traveled 30,000 miles in just the last few weeks - "from Islamabad to Seattle" - while brokering international security agreements.

And she emphasized the importance of facilities, called intelligence fusion centers, that have been set up nationwide to improve communications between the local officials most likely to see the first signs of suspicious activity - like a flight school student showing interest in learning to take off but not to land a plane - and state and federal officials.

Public Events
CS&C Division Director Brenda Oldfield will speak at the 2009 Society for Science and the Public Fellows Institute.
St. Regis Hotel
923 16th and K Streets, NW
Washington, D.C.

CBP Office of Air and Marine will accept its first UH-60M helicopter and mark the occasion in a ceremony with the Army.
Redstone Army Airfield
Gate 8 Visitor Entrance, near intersection of Goss and Patton Road
Huntsville, Ala.

TSA Public Affairs Manager Jon Allen will participate in a media availability announcing a 60-day test of next generation imaging technology equipment at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
Terminal Dr.
Cleveland, Ohio

NPPD Deputy Under Secretary Philip Reitinger will deliver a keynote address on the importance of cyber security for states at the National Lieutenant Governors Association (NLGA) Annual Meeting.
InterContinental Harbor Court Hotel
550 Light Street
Baltimore, Md.

CS&C Director of Software Assurance Joe Jarzombek will speak at the Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board (ISPAB)
The George Washington University
Cafritz Conference Center
800 21st St NW
Washington, D.C.

2:30 PM EDT
DHS Office of Management (MGMT) Under Secretary Elaine Duke will testify before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia
342 Dirksen Office Building
Washington, D.C.

3:30 PM PDT
CS&C Director of the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) Mischel Kwon will participate in a panel discussion at the Black Hat conference.
Caesar’s Palace
3570 Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Live from New York

Secretary Napolitano just wrapped up a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York on preventing terrorism. The Secretary talked about the "challenge of countering the threat of terrorism in our networked world of the 21st century, and what the Department of Homeland Security is doing to meet that challenge."

From her prepared remarks (we'll update from the transcript):

"I will therefore speak candidly about the urgent need to refocus our counter-terror approach to make it a shared endeavor . . . to make it more layered, networked and resilient . . . to make it smarter, and more adaptive.

And to get to a point where we are in a constant state of preparedness, not a
constant state of fear.

The challenge is not just using federal power to protect the country, but also enlisting a much broader societal response to the threat that terrorism poses.

A wise approach to keeping America secure should be rooted in the values that define our nation, values like resilience, shared responsibility, and standing up for what’s right.

These are values that led us to fight and win two world wars, and that were on display in the dark days after the September 11th attacks. We must embrace them again now.

So, how do we secure our homeland and stay true to our values?

With four levels of collective response.

It starts with the American people. From there it extends to local law enforcement, and from there up to the federal government, and then, finally, out beyond our shores, where America’s international allies can serve as partners in our collective fight against terrorism.

In the last four weeks alone, I have traveled nearly 30,000 miles—from Islamabad, Pakistan, to Seattle, Washington, engaging partners at each of those levels.

We’ve brokered international agreements, launched new partnerships, and challenged our citizens to play their part in our common security.

We do face a common threat – and it requires a collective response.

And we must face that threat, and coordinate that response, in an evolving and highly networked world.

This networked world takes on many forms.

The cyber network that runs our power grids, fires our critical infrastructure, and facilitates commerce is now itself a target, and is vulnerable to attack.

This networked climate forces us to rethink how best to protect our values and our security in a world where the tools for creating violence and chaos are as easy to find as the tools for buying music online or re-stocking an inventory.

We also live in a mobile world, with complex networks of people and information.

We can’t forget that the 9/11 attackers conceived of their plans in the Philippines, planned in Malaysia and Germany, recruited from Yemen and Saudi Arabia, trained in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and carried them out in the United States.

That’s why our homeland security network must be built to leverage “force multipliers”:

  • the cooperation of international allies;
  • the full powers of the United States federal government;
  • the vigilance of police on the beat; and
  • the untapped resourcefulness of millions of our own American citizens.

The Secretary has a full schedule for the rest of the day, with a visit scheduled to Ground Zero, a transportation security announcement at Grand Central Terminal, stops at New York City police and fire stations to meet first responders, and meetings with counterterrorism experts, first responders and law enforcement leaders to discuss homeland security issues related to New York’s state and local agencies.

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Morning Roundup

From the Wall Street Journal, on the Secretary's trip to New York:

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is expected to outline Wednesday the Obama administration's domestic approach to preventing terrorist attacks -- a strategy that will rely in large measure on refining and expanding initiatives launched under President George W. Bush.

How to keep the U.S. safe and foil terrorists are charged issues that took a central role in last year's presidential campaign, when then-Sen. Barack Obama criticized the Bush administration's tactics. But Ms. Napolitano, in an interview this week, signaled that the Obama administration isn't contemplating a wholesale revision of the agencies or programs created under Mr. Bush to further antiterrorism efforts.

One element of Ms. Napolitano's approach, for example, will be the expansion of a pilot program started during the Bush administration to train police to report such suspicious behavior as the theft of keys from a facility that keeps radiological waste.

It is part of a much broader effort to significantly increase cooperation between her agency and state and local governments across the nation. Her aides say this is one area where her efforts will significantly exceed those of her predecessors in the Bush administration.

From Federal News Radio, on the department's new CIO:

The Homeland Security Department is bringing back a familiar face to be its chief information officer.

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano today announces the appointment of Richard Spires to be CIO.

Spires is the former CIO and deputy commissioner for operations support at the IRS. He left government in July 2008.

Since Sept. 2008, Spires has owned his own consulting practice, according to his Linked In profile.

"Richard has an impressive record of managing large-scale IT programs and I look forward to working with him to find more efficient and innovative ways to help the department meet its strategic and information resource management goals," Napolitano says in a release.

Spires replaces Richard Mangogna, who left in March 2009. Margie Graves has been acting CIO since Mangonga left.

Spires will be responsible for managing and directing information management support processes, combining the functions of information technology and telecommunications to provide coordinated support strategies for meeting DHS-mission related information needs, DHS says in the release.

Leadership Events
Secretary Napolitano will deliver remarks about homeland security and DHS’ approach to preventing terrorist attacks
Council on Foreign Relations
58 East 68th Street
New York, N.Y.

Secretary Napolitano will participate in a media availability following her meeting with counterterrorism experts, first responders and law enforcement leaders
Staten Island Ferry Terminal
Mezzanine Level
4 South Street
New York, N.Y.

Secretary Napolitano will make a transportation security announcement
Grand Central Terminal
Main Concourse
New York, N.Y.

Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute will testify before the House Committee on Homeland Security on “Beyond Readiness: An Examination of the Current Status and Future Outlook of the National Response to Pandemic Influenza.”
311 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

Public Events
10:30 AM CDT
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) Senior Equal Employment Opportunity Manager Junish Arora will deliver remarks at the Examining Conflicts in Employment Law (EXCEL) conference
New Orleans Marriott Hotel
614 Canal Street
New Orleans, La.

10:45 AM CDT
Terry Adirim, M.D., Senior Advisor in the Office of Health Affairs (OHA), will deliver remarks during a special meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices on Novel Influenza A (H1N1).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Building 19, Room 232
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, Ga.

U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Bertholf will lead the Elliot Bay Parade of Ships to start the Seattle SeaFair’s Fleet Week
Bell Harbor Pier 66
Seattle, Wash.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Morning Roundup - July 28th

From the Associated Press, on the Secretary's visit to Washington yesterday:

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano got a tour Monday of a $4 million Olympics Coordination center that in six months should be a bustling hub of counterterrorism and security operations for the 2010 Winter Games in nearby British Columbia.

The tour at the command center in Bellingham, just south of the U.S.-Canadian border, was one of several stops in a jam-packed visit to the state.

Napolitano also visited the border crossing in Blaine, Wash. - the main entry into British Columbia from Washington. Later in the day, she met with federal and state government officials in Seattle to discuss port security and immigration, and visited Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond to talk about cybersecurity.

Napolitano said security of government Web sites is a key and new goal for Homeland Security, and the department has been recruiting staff across the country.

"I like to say in this area, we don't need to be playing catch up. We need to be leap-frogging,' she said. "We need to be thinking ahead of what the next line needs to be. This is such rapidly changing threat environment."

Interested in a career in cybersecurity? Check this out from CNet:

The U.S. government on Monday launched a national talent search for high school and college students interested in working in cybersecurity.

With the U.S. Cyber Challenge the goal is to find 10,000 young Americans to be "cyber guardians and cyber warriors," according to a statement from the Center for Strategic & International Studies, which is sponsoring the event.

…Candidates with promising skills will be invited to attend regional camps at local colleges beginning next year. The top candidates will be hired by the National Security Agency, the FBI, Defense Department, US-CERT, and the U.S. Department of Energy Laboratories.

Public Events
Alexander G. Garza, M.D., Presidential Nominee for the position of DHS Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs and Chief Medical Officer, will testify before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs about his confirmation
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC

Denver DSAC Paul Maldonado will participate in a press conference announcing the initial results of an ICE-led investigation of Salt Lake City’s largest immigration firm for fraudulently obtain H-2B employment visas for hundreds of unqualified alien workers
185 South Street
Salt Lake City, Utah

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Secretary Meets with National Security Preparedness Group

The Secretary met Friday with the National Security Preparedness Group (NSPG) to discuss the department's progress in implementing the recommendations outlined in the 9/11 Commission Final Report released five years ago this week. The NSPG includes former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge, and is co-chaired by former 9/11 Commission Chair Thomas H. Kean and Vice Chair Lee H. Hamilton. The group held a press conference after the meeting, and that video is below.

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Morning Roundup - July 27th

From the Associated Press, on the National Level Exercise:

The government is conducting its first-ever nationwide exercise Monday aimed at preventing a terrorist attack.

The five-day exercise, being coordinated by the Homeland Security Department, will involve simulated "real life" scenarios, with a focus on preventing a terrorist from entering the U.S. to carry out an attack. Also participating will be officials from the Pentagon, office of the Director of National Intelligence as well as the Justice and State departments.

The exercise will take place at command posts and field locations in Washington, D.C., in addition to Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and California.

Homeland Security spokesman Clark Stevens says the simulations will most likely not affect or be seen by the public.

Previous nationwide exercises have focused on terror response efforts rather
than prevention.

From the Associated Press, on preparations for the Olympics:

When the 2010 winter Olympics open in Vancouver next February, representatives of state, local and federal law enforcement and emergency response agencies will gather 45 miles south, at a new $4 million communications center at Bellingham International Airport.

Whether they'll have much to do there remains an open question. The Department of Homeland Security has called the facility a key site for counterterrorism and security operations leading up to the games, and officials say a key goal is to make sure travelers move across the border safely and quickly.

But in the past three years, estimates of how much traffic the Winter Games will generate in Washington state have dropped dramatically, from early guesses of 2,000 cars a day, roughly the equivalent of a busy summer day, to as few as 400, according to studies by the Whatcom Council of Governments.

"Even when we thought we were looking at an additional 2,000 cars a day, the Olympics traffic volume didn't seem like something that would overwhelm the resources in place," said Hugh Conroy, a project manager with the council who has studied the traffic implications of the games. "It's basically gone from being like a busy summer day to a busy winter day."

Leadership Events
8:45 AM PDT
Secretary Napolitano will participate in a media availability with Governor Chris Gregoire and U.S. Congressman Rick Larsen
2010 Olympics Coordination Center
3888 Sound Way
Bellingham, Wash.

10:30 AM PDT
Secretary Napolitano, Governor Gregoire and Congressman Larsen will tour the Peace Arch border crossing
Interstate 5 at the U.S.-Canada Border
Blaine, Wash.

12:45 PM PDT
Secretary Napolitano and Governor Gregoire will participate in a media availability
Joint Harbor Operations Center
U.S. Coast Guard Integrated Support Command
1519 Alaskan Way South
Seattle, Wash.

Public Events
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Air & Marine Operations will participate in a media availability to display the newly acquired Advanced Concept Demonstrator (ACTD) Vessel
CBP Brownsville Marine Unit
502 South Point Dr.
Port Isabel, Texas

10:00 AM EDT
USCG Station Miami Beach Commanding Officer, LT John Corbett, will participate in a media availability about diving and boating safety, harvesting regulations and closed areas for Florida's Mini-Lobster season
Coast Guard Integrated Support Command Miami Beach
100 Macarthur Causeway

1:20 PM EDT
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Cyber Security and Communications (CS&C) Rear Admiral Michael Brown will speak at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) luncheon
1539 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

2:00 PM EDT
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate will testify before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure about the role of federal government in disasters
2167 Rayburn Office Building
Washington, D.C.

3:05 PM EDT
Brenda Oldfield, Director of Cyber Education and Workforce Development for the National Cyber Security Division, will give a keynote speech at the 3rd Annual “Securing the eCampus” Conference
Hopkins Center for the Arts, Alumni HallDartmouth College
6041 Lower Level Wilson Hall
Hanover, NH

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Dr. Brown"

USCIS conducted a special naturalization ceremony last week for a man we’re referring to as Dr. Brown. Why was the ceremony so special, and why aren’t we using his real name? Well, Dr. Brown is the first nonimmigrant to become a citizen of the United States under the pilot Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) program. MAVNI allows nonimmigrants to enlist in the Army and apply for citizenship even though they do not hold permanent resident status. So, Dr. Brown was the first, and his story is pretty incredible.

For starters, and as we already mentioned, that’s not actually his name; it’s a pseudonym used at the Army’s request to protect his family still in Pakistan. Dr. Brown, who qualified for the MAVNI program as a licensed medical professional, is also fluent in Urdu, Punjabi, and Hindi. He originally came to the U.S. on a student visa and later received a temporary visa to work as a dentist. He is the first member of his family to become a U.S. citizen, and the first to serve in the U.S. military. More impressive firsts.

USCIS and DHS worked with the Defense Department before the Army launched the pilot program to enlist up to 1,000 non-citizens earlier this year. USCIS continues to work with the Army to expedite possessing of naturalization applications from non-citizens joining the Army through this pilot program.

Dr. Brown told us he was not only impressed with USCIS’ efficiency in processing his application in less than a month, but that he was extremely honored to become a citizen of the United States – he said it was the best day of his life.

Dr. Brown: Welcome.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Interesting News from the Efficiency Review. No, Really.

First of all, for those of you who average 47 seconds per visit to The Blog: you may want to stick around and give this post a full read. We’re breaking some news on The Blog today, and it involves your tax dollars.

Turns out our Office of Management just saved us a little money. Here was the official summary:
“In response to the Management Action Directive, Software Licenses, DHS’ Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) consolidated all component requirements for Microsoft software licensing and maintenance into a single enterprise-wide

The Management Action Directive (try not to think too hard about the acronym) ordered that all Microsoft software contracts for our offices and components (ICE, CBP, USCIS, etc.) be merged into one contract for the entire department. Previously, each of the components negotiated separate contracts, so this solution saves - and I think this is the technical term - a BOATLOAD of money. The Coast Guard can check my math on that.

In layman’s terms, it’s $87 million dollars. Which is a lot, whether you’re a layman or otherwise.

Here’s the breakdown:
  • Software Licensing: $82M
  • 24 X 7 Problem Resolution Support: $5.1M
  • Training Vouchers: $315K
  • Packaged Services: $90K
  • Estimated Total Savings/Cost Avoidance: $87.5M

Where then, you might you ask, does this savings end up? The answer is simple: mission-critical activities. We’ll take the savings from the elimination of printed reports, periodical subscriptions, conferences and travel, and invest that money in programs that strengthen our borders, secure air travel, and provide cutting edge technology to improve our operational efforts. These are programs worthy of your tax dollars. This is smart spending.

We’ll keep you up-to-date on the Efficiency Review, because saving money can actually be interesting.

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In the Line of Duty

We were deeply shocked this morning to learn of the murder of a member of the DHS family: Border Patrol Agent Robert Rosas was shot and killed last night in the line of duty while on patrol in San Diego County, California. DHS is working with the FBI and local law enforcement on the investigation, and a manhunt is underway for the gunmen who killed Agent Rosas.

The Secretary's statement from earlier today:

“I am deeply saddened by the tragic death of one of our own. Agent Robert Rosas was gunned down while protecting our nation’s Southwest border. This act of violence will not stand—nor will any act of violence against the Border Patrol. I have directed that the full resources of the Department assist in the investigation to find and bring to justice those responsible for this inexcusable crime.

My thoughts and condolences are with Agent Rosas’ family and his fellow agents at this difficult time. I want to commend those in the law enforcement and first responder community in Southern California for so quickly responding to the scene and attempting to save Agent Rosas’ life. His death is a vivid reminder that we are engaged in a serious effort to secure our border and that thousands of Border Patrol agents and other DHS employees risk their lives every single day to protect and defend our nation.”
CBP flags across the country are at half-staff today in Agent Rosas' honor. Our thoughts are with his family and all who knew him.

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Morning Roundup - July 24th

From The Washington Post, on labor-management talks at TSA:

It's not unusual for labor and management to talk about their differences.

But when Transportation Security Administration officials met with union leaders Thursday, they described the session as "historic."

It was the first-ever formal labor-management meeting between the agency and the union and the beginning of what labor leaders hope will be a relationship that could lead to TSA employees winning the right to collective bargaining in the near

Labor leaders, shut out during the Bush administration, placed gaining collective bargaining rights for transportation security officers -- the screeners who make sure no one takes dangerous items on airplanes -- at the top of their agenda when the Obama administration took office.

"The past eight years with the Bush administration have been an uphill battle, and we are finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel," said American Federation of Government Employees President John Gage.Currently, unions can recruit officers as members, but labor organizations do not have the right to bargain on their behalf. Congress is considering legislation that would provide
that ability.

From HS Today, on the department's 9/11 Commission progress report:

One of the most important areas of concern to the 9/11 Commission members in their final report was the improvement of intelligence collection and dissemination across the board throughout government. In marking the fifth anniversary of the issuance of the 9/11 Commission Report Wednesday, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano released a progress report outlining advancements in the Department’s capabilities to protect against and respond to acts of terrorism and other threats.

Not surprisingly, the report outlined the many actions that DHS has taken since it was created to improve and broaden the functioning of counterterrorism intelligence gathering, analysis, and sharing.

“The 9/11 Commission’s recommendations have in many ways set the course for the Department’s efforts to combat security threats,” said Napolitano. “We have answered these challenges by building an agency far better equipped to combat terrorism, and we will continue to expand these capabilities as we move forward in our mission to keep America safe and secure.”

Leadership Events
11:45 AM EDT
Secretary Napolitano and the National Security Preparedness Group will participate in a media availability
DHS Headquarters, Building 21
Nebraska Avenue Complex
3801 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC

Public Events
10:00 AM CDT
Director of National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) Cyber Exercises Program Brett Lambo will deliver remarks at the National Association of Counties 2009 Annual Conference about DHS cybersecurity efforts
Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center
2800 Opryland Drive
Nashville, Tenn.

NPPD Office of Emergency Communications Deputy Director Taylor Heard will deliver remarks about OEC’s resources for local governments at the National Association of Counties 2009 Annual Conference
Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center, Delta Ballroom B
2800 Opryland Drive
Nashville, Tenn.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate will participate in a media availability following his meeting with New England Emergency Management Directors
FEMA Region I Headquarters
99 High Street
Boston, Mass.

U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Thad Allen will attend the change of command ceremony for the First Coast Guard District
Integrated Support Command Boston
427 Commercial Street
Boston, Mass.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Under Secretary Sits Down with Reporters

National Protection and Programs Directorate Under Secretary Rand Beers sat down with the DHS press corps last week to answer questions and talk about the Secretary's trip to Europe and the Middle East. He spoke broadly about DHS’ counterterrorism and cybersecurity efforts, emphasizing the need for cooperation with international partners. He took a few other questions from reporters as well—here are some of the highlights:

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Morning Roundup - July 23rd

From the Associated Press, on the relaunch of dhs.gov:

The Homeland Security Department relaunched its Web site Wednesday and became the first Cabinet-level agency to follow the tech-savvy White House directives on social media.

President Barack Obama's aides have been urging agencies to add interactive components to their Web sites, such as videos and blogs. But it's been a slow start for a team that harnessed the Internet during the presidential campaign to organize supporters and deliver the White House.

The White House touted the Homeland Security Department's online presence as a model for other agencies. The department redesigned its own Web site to offer more opportunities for citizens to interact and launched a YouTube channel to post online videos.

From Federal News Radio, on the department's 9/11 Commission progress report:

Five years to the day the 9/11 Commission issued its report, the Homeland Security Department released a progress report outlining the advancements it has made.

The Commission identified intelligence failures occurring before the 2001 terrorist attacks. It also suggested recommendations to help prevent a similar attack.

Among DHS's new policies, initiatives and grants created since 9/11, the progress report reflects the department's focus on enhanced science and technology.

DHS says in a release it has increased transportation security by conducting 100 percent screenings for all checked and carry-on baggage through more than 500 explosive detection systems deployed to every major U.S. airport.

Leadership Events
11:00 AM EDT
Secretary Napolitano, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Education Secretary Arne Duncan , John Brennan and Dr. Anne Schuchat will participate in a media availability
U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, Upper Atrium
Washington D.C.

1:20 PM EDT
Secretary Napolitano will deliver remarks at the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) and the Asset Forfeiture Program National Leadership Conference
Omni Shoreham Hotel
Regency Ballroom
2500 Calvert Street
Washington, D.C.

Public Events
USCIS Deputy Associate Director of National Security and Records Verification Gerri Ratliff will testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Management, Organization and Procurement about E-Verify
2154 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C

TSA Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS), Office of Law Enforcement Director Robert Bray will testify before the House Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Management, Investigations, and Oversight about personnel challenges faced by FAMS
311 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A New Look, and a New Way to Communicate

Today, the department proudly unveiled an updated dhs.gov. We've been working on the "new look and feel" for sometime, and we're happy to finally share it with you. The new design and navigation reflects Secretary Napolitano's five major responsibilities, and makes it easier for users to find information. We relied on extensive user input and search analysis to help us in the redesign, and want your feedback. Check it out.

We're also launching the department's new official YouTube channel. President Obama continually emphasizes the need for more transparency and access, and YouTube is a social media tool that helps us do just that. We'll use it to highlight events, speeches, public service announcements and other related content. We'll continue to move forward with the use of web 2.0 tools, allowing the Department to communicate its message and broadcast content with a human face and voice to an audience eager for more transparency and access.

“Social media plays an increasingly large role as we engage with the public, especially in the event of an incident or disaster,” said DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. “These new tools help us communicate directly and facilitate immediate dialogue about the Department’s security efforts across the nation and around the world.”
Check out the new look at dhs.gov, and our new Youtube channel.

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The 9/11 Commission: 5 Years Later

On July 22nd, 2004, the 9/11 Commission released its official report on the September 11 terrorist attacks, detailing the circumstances and our preparedness regarding the attacks themselves, but also providing recommendations on how best to guard against future attacks.

So, it's five years later. Where are we, as a department, on implementing those recommendations, and how do we plan to move forward?

Secretary Napolitano today released a report outlining the department's progress on the Commission’s recommendations. You can check out the highlights on dhs.gov, or you can read the full report.

On Friday, Secretary Napolitano will meet with members of the National Security Preparedness Group—a bipartisan coalition of national security experts including former DHS Secretary Tom Ridge and co-chaired by former 9/11 Commission Chair Thomas H. Kean and Vice Chair Lee H. Hamilton.
At the meeting, Secretary Napolitano will discuss the Department’s progress in securing the country against the challenges the Commission outlined and confronting an ever-changing array of threats to homeland security, including cybersecurity and bioterrorism. More on that after the meeting.

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Morning Roundup - July 22nd

From the Bangor Daily News, on a local endorsement of Pass ID:

Just back from the summer meeting of the National Governors Association, Gov. John Baldacci said Tuesday he is endorsing the Pass ID proposal of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

"We need to strengthen our driver's licenses, and we need to require a lawful presence requirement," he said. "It eliminates the fees currently assessed to states to use existing federal databases. It eliminates all the data-sharing mandates. It adds flexibility to the states."

Baldacci said the Pass ID legislation is designed to replace the controversial Real ID law that Maine and other states have opposed. While governor of Arizona, Napolitano opposed Real ID but said the new proposal fixes the problems she saw in the Real ID law.

"Pass ID provides a strong yet flexible framework for states to implement secure identification," she said. "I am proud to join our nation's governors in supporting Pass ID - a cost-effective, common-sense solution that balances critical security requirements with the input and practical needs of state governments."

From the Grand Rapids Press, on a USCIS naturalization ceremony in Michigan:

New United States citizens stand for the administration of the oath during the naturalization ceremony at the Gerald R. Ford Museum Tuesday afternoon.

The multi-hued group gathered Tuesday at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum proved the point: Citizenship is more coveted than ever.

Approximately 80 immigrants from 52 countries as varied as Somalia, Chile and India raised their right hand for the oath of citizenship, as record numbers are doing.

Department of Homeland Security data show the number of immigrants naturalized in the United States grew from about 660,000 in 2007 to more than 1 million in 2008 -- an increase of roughly 58 percent.

A decade ago, about two-thirds of the eligible immigrants who had been in the United States for more than 20 years were naturalized. Now, about three-quarters of such long-term residents have become citizens.

Public Events
9:15 AM EDT
Acting Director of the National Cyber Security Division Dr. Peter Fonash will deliver remarks at the Pre-Solicitation Conference Certification and Accreditation and Other Security Services event MITRE-3 Headquarters
7515 Colshire Drive
McLean, Va.

USCIS Service Center Operations Deputy Chief Robert Kruszka will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about the EB-5 (investor visa) regional center program
226 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C

10:30 AM EDT
TSA Public Affairs Manager Lara Uselding will participate in a media event about the deployment of Advanced Imaging Technology
Port Jefferson Ferry Terminal
102 West Broadway
Port Jefferson, N.Y.

11:30 AM CDT
U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Thad Allen will deliver remarks at the National Naval Officer’s Association Professional Development and Training Conference
Westin Galleria Houston
Plaza Ballroom
5060 West Alabama St.
Houston, Texas

1:55 PM EDT
NPPD Deputy Under Secretary Philip Reitinger will deliver remarks at the DHS Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate Cyber-Physical Systems Security Workshop
Hilton Newark Penn Station-Gateway Center
Newark, N.J.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Laying the Keel

From the Coast Guard Compass:

It was a big day yesterday for the third National Security Cutter (NSC), Stratton. The Coast Guard and industry partners not only laid the keel, marking the beginning of the ship’s construction, but also announced the cutter would be sponsored by the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama.

As the cutter’s sponsor, the First Lady’s initials were ceremoniously welded into the keel during yesterday’s events. Serving as Stratton’s sponsor is an extension of Mrs. Obama commitment to supporting America’s men and women in uniform and their families. The NSC Stratton is also the first white-hull patrol cutter to be named after a woman in 20 years and only one of about 10 Coast Guard cutters with a female namesake.

More at the Coast Guard Compass. They have some great video, too.

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Morning Roundup - July 21st

Morning Roundup for July 21st, 2009 - Featured News and Public Events

From the Wall Street Journal - An op-ed co-written by Secretary Napolitano and Attorney General Holder:

Five years ago this week, the bipartisan National Commission on Terrorist Acts Upon the United States released the "9/11 Commission Report," a comprehensive review of the circumstances and actions leading up to, including, and following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The Report's concluding chapter offered a set of recommendations to dramatically refocus the federal government's efforts to prevent and prepare for future terrorist attacks.

While the scope of the Commission's recommendations was comprehensive, the ultimate goal was straightforward: in order to protect the American people, the many components within our government responsible for national security and law enforcement had to break old habits and communicate with one another more effectively.

Though clear in principle, the goal of interagency cooperation had proven elusive in
practice. Before the attacks of 9/11, federal counterterrorism efforts were impeded by the failure to share key information. As a result, law enforcement officials-the men and women who often serve as the first line of defense against potential attacks-did not always receive the tools and intelligence they needed.

From USA Today, on immigration enforcement:

The Department of Homeland Security is changing the way it tackles illegal immigration, in many cases remaking or rescinding Bush administration policies.

The changes put heavier emphasis on employers, including more investigations of hiring records and fines for violations, says John Morton, assistant secretary for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in DHS.

"We have to come to grips with the market for illegal labor," he says. "To get there, we have to move beyond individual cases."

The arrests of hundreds of illegal workers at a time in raids at factories and meatpacking plants were a visible component of President George W. Bush's immigration enforcement strategy.

The largest workplace raid under the Obama administration was in February, when 28 illegal immigrants were arrested at an engine manufacturer in Bellingham, Wash.

Guidelines issued since then make it clear that raids targeting employees won't be a priority. The agency still will arrest illegal immigrants as it conducts investigations, Morton says, but "we are going to place our focus . first and foremost on the employer."

From the Associated Press, on a first for the Coast Guard and for the First Lady:

In a first for a first lady, Michelle Obama is sponsoring a future Coast Guard cutter.

Construction of the cutter Stratton began Monday in Pascagoula, Miss., when the U.S. Coast Guard and Northrop Grumman laid the ship's keel at the defense contractor's shipyard.

As sponsor, Mrs. Obama promises to be involved in the life of what the service is calling a "national security cutter."

The White House says Mrs. Obama's decision is an extension of her commitment to support servicemembers and their families. The Coast Guard says it's the first time a president's wife has signed on as a sponsor.

Stratton is named after Capt. Dorothy Stratton. She was director of the Guard's women's Reserve during World War II.

Public Events
National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) Office of Cybersecurity and Communications Director Sean McGurk will testify before the House Committee on Homeland 311 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Acting Deputy Director Mike Aytes will testify before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security about E-Verify
226 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Serve it Forward

We’ve posted a few stories at this point about the Department’s involvement with the President’s service initiative, United We Serve. A few days ago, a great story by Lisbeth R. went up on Serve.gov about her involvement with Citizen Corps. Citizen Corps is FEMA’s national service program: their goal is to increase the capacity of American communities to respond in emergency situations, and they’ve set up all sorts of opportunities for people to make their families, their homes, and their communities safer.

It’s a great way to get involved with the Summer of Service—check out Lisbeth’s story, and get involved.

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Morning Roundup - July 20th

An editorial from the Las Vegas Sun on Pass ID:

Since the Real ID Act was passed by Congress four years ago, criticism of this legislation to increase the security of driver's licenses has arisen from many sources, including state governments, privacy groups and travel agents.

The federal law was passed as a response to 9/11. Its purpose was to prevent terrorists from easily obtaining false licenses, enabling them to set up bank accounts, rent living quarters and otherwise blend into American society unnoticed.

Although its intention was good, the Bush administration followed its usual pattern - quickly writing legislation and pushing it through a Republican-controlled Congress without thinking much about problems that could arise.

The National Governors Association has endorsed an alternative to Real ID that is backed by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. She was governor of Arizona when that state, along with many others, protested Real ID as too expensive and unworkable from technical and privacy standpoints.

From the Biloxi Sun Herald, on FEMA Administrator Fugate's remarks to the National Governors Association:

The hurricanes of 2004 and 2005 taught residents and officials along the Coast many lessons, but the most important is that federal, state and local governments need to work together to respond and recover.

FEMA Director Craig Fugate told governors from across the country Sunday all levels of government need to work as a team to coordinate response to disasters and see who can help most in different areas.

Fugate was the head of Florida's emergency management department in 2004 when four hurricanes struck that state. He also offered help to Mississippi in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina struck.

He spoke Sunday as part of a panel discussion on emergency preparedness, along with representatives from Motorola and Travelers Insurance.

"Too often the disaster we prepare for is the last one when we need to look at the ones in the future," he said at the National Governors Association summer meeting.

The conference wraps up today at the Coast Coliseum and Convention Center.

Leadership Events
Secretary Napolitano will participate in a media availability at the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference
Hyatt Regency Monterey Resort
Regency Conference Center, Regency Terrace, Main Floor
Monterey, Calif.

Secretary Napolitano will deliver remarks at the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference
Hyatt Regency Monterey Resort
Regency Grand Ballroom
Monterey, Calif.

Public Events
U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral James Rabago will lay the keel for the Third National Security Cutter Stratton at the Northrup
Grumman shipyard
1000 Access Road
Pascagoula, Miss.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

From the Veterans Job Fair

We are proud that 26% of our workforce is made up of veterans, but we aren’t stopping here.

Today at the Grand Hyatt Washington Hotel in downtown DC, DHS recruitment specialists greeted veterans for a job fair. Attendees got information on career opportunities and how to apply for positions within the department. Over 700 veterans signed up today for more information.

Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute, herself a veteran, stopped by the fair and addressed attendees. She spoke about the importance of providing veterans the opportunity to apply for jobs at DHS, and expressed her personal thanks for their service.

We at DHS want to be a model in veteran hiring in the federal government, and our efforts so far have significantly increased veteran representation within the department. We promote veteran hiring, contracting and procurement in all recruitment efforts, recognizing we owe veterans more than gratitude; at DHS, we feel we owe veterans opportunity.

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Veterans Job Fair Today

We noted it just now in the morning roundup, but this one is worth mentioning again.

DHS is hosting a Veterans Job Fair today at the Grand Hyatt from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT. It's open to all active duty, retired, former service, Reserve/National Guard servicemembers and their spouses. Straight from dhs.gov:

July 17, 2009
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Grand Hyatt Washington Hotel100 H St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
Constitution Room A, Level 3B(Take Metro Center stop, exit at 11th

The job fair is open to all active duty, retired, former service, Reserve/National Guard servicemembers and their spouses.

Explore career opportunities in law enforcement, immigration and travel security, prevention and response, and mission support by attending the job fair and talking to representatives.

Learn more about the Department that touches the lives of all Americans and find out how Departmental careers contribute to the mission of defending America. Speak to Department professionals about continuing your service to America.


  • How to apply for federal jobs
  • Understanding and applying veterans preference in federal hiring

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Morning Roundup - July 17th

Morning Roundup for July 17th, 2009 - Featured News and Public Events

From Federal Computer Week, on the cybersecurity RFI:

The Homeland Security Department wants information from companies on technical solutions that could be used to protect the ".gov" cyber domain used by federal civilian agencies, according to recently published notice.

DHS is interested in products that could be used for its integrated cybersecurity program that includes software and hardware, the department said in a request for information (RFI) published July 15 on the Federal Business Opportunities Web site.

The full RFI is classified and vendors interested in the opportunity need to contact the department by July 22.

A letter to the editor of the New York Times from Assistant Secretary for ICE John Morton:

I take issue with your assertion that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's 287(g) program is "misguided, ineffective and dangerous."

Among other things, the program enables state and local law enforcement officials to deploy resources and manpower in their communities to enforce federal immigration laws, a force multiplier for federal law enforcement.

The program has been effective. Since January 2006, 287(g)-trained officers have identified more than 120,000 people, predominantly in jails, who are in the country illegally and have committed serious crimes while here. Finding and removing these criminal aliens is critical to our nation's overall interior enforcement strategy.

From Government Technology, on FEMA Administrator Fugate's remarks yesterday on disaster response:

The goal of emergency management policy should be not just to respond but also to change the outcomes of natural hazards, and to do that the private sector and communities must be involved, said Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate on Thursday at the 2009 Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop in Broomfield, Colo. That includes changing building codes and standards, as well as the language used in mitigating hazards.

Fugate said minimizing the impacts of natural hazards should be the goal and disasters occur from natural hazards because of the way people live and build in the communities. "Floods and hurricanes happen. The hazard itself is not the disaster -- it's our habits, it's how we build and live in those areas, that's the disaster," Fugate said.

Public Events
Veterans Job Fair
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Grand Hyatt Washington Hotel
100 H St., N.W.Washington, D.C. 20001
Constitution Room A, Level 3B(Take Metro Center stop, exit at 11th Street)

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Morning Roundup - July 16th

From the New York Times, on PASS ID:

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who as governor of Arizona opposed tough new federal requirements for driver's licenses, endorsed legislation on Wednesday to replace the 2005 law with a more flexible and less costly version.

The new legislation maintains some features of the so-called Real ID law, which required states to scrupulously verify the identity of people to whom it issues driver's licenses, including verifying information they submit, like Social Security numbers and birth certificates.

The original measure, prompted by concerns about terrorism, was passed without Senate hearings as an amendment to a spending bill, and has been contested ever since. It requires states to comply with a series of benchmarks by Dec. 31, but no state has been certified as compliant.

The Real ID card is intended to be the only driver's license a person can use when boarding an airplane or entering a federal building.

Ms. Napolitano said the new bipartisan bill, sponsored by Senator Daniel K. Akaka, Democrat of Hawaii, was "a bill that if passed and implemented before Dec. 31 of this year will fix a bill that was flawed from the outset."

From the Associated Press, on cartel violence in Mexico:

Ongoing concerns that drug-related violence in Mexico poses a threat to American communities remain the Obama administration's border focus, the federal government's border czar said Wednesday.

Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Alan Bersin, who visited Arizona's busiest commercial port here on Wednesday, said those concerns have triggered a series of border security initiatives and brought about closer cooperation with Mexican federal authorities.

"We take the threat of spillover violence very seriously," Bersin said. "We're prepared to deal with it in the event it occurs. There are contingency plans to respond. But we have not yet seen that violence spill over into the United States."

Public Events
Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Investigations Deputy Director Kumar Kibble will testify before the House Committee on Homeland Security; Subcommittee on Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism
311 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

TSA Public Affairs Manager Jon Allen will participate in a media
event announcing the installation of CT-80 Explosives Detection
System (EDS) equipment
University of Illinois Willard Airport11 Airport RoadSavoy, Ill.

11:30 AM EDT
TSA Public Affairs Manager Lara Uselding will participate in a
media event at Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) to
showcase new AT X-ray machines
Newark Liberty International Airport
Terminal C
Newark, NJ

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The Quadrennial Homeland Security Review launches a new phase today.

The Office of Strategic Planning (OSP) is taking something that’s usually somewhat humdrum and using it to build a pretty cool new process.

Basically, based on the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Report, Congress mandated some time ago that DHS complete an internal review this year (and every four years hereafter) and report recommendations about strategy, programs, policies, and capabilities. But Congress left it up to OSP to determine just what that the review – the Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR) would look like.

The entire review will be unclassified, which makes it a little unconventional from the start. The whole process is also creatively set up in a way that acknowledges that many individuals—at multiple levels of government as well as outside the government—make decisions and provide expertise that contribute to homeland security.

Earlier this year, Secretary Napolitano invited representatives from every part of this broader homeland security community to contribute position papers to a public document library. This means that input from academics, experts, think tanks, professional associations, and more—all specialists in areas under the homeland security umbrella—all helped inform the QHSR’s frame of reference.

From there, the study groups—each made up of DHS officials and facilitated by an independent expert to ensure all viewpoints are represented and opinions heard—will examine focus areas (law enforcement and security, intelligence, etc.). Here’s where it gets really interesting, though: they’re going to be using a web-based collaborative dialogue platform for these studies, which means that all stakeholders, individuals or organizations with recognized homeland security roles and members of the general public can participate.

You can participate by logging on to http://www.homelandsecuritydialogue.org/ today to pre-register for the upcoming dialogues. Follow along, join the conversation, and share your ideas on what you think the study groups should focus on.

After all this, Secretary Napolitano and a 13-member Executive Committee (made up of the Secretary of Defense, Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Director of National Intelligence, among others) will analyze the study groups’ recommendations and present their findings to Congress before we ring in the new year.

Web-based collaborative? Defining what DHS will look like for the next four years? Sounds like we'll have som New Year's resolutions.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A request for information (RFI) to support our cyber mission

In January 2009, DHSCybersecurity & Communications shop hosted an Industry Day to open a dialogue between public and private sector technology providers. Today, as a follow-up to the Industry Day, DHS activated https://www.dhscyber.net for companies interested in responding to a request for information (RFI). The RFI is classified, but in general terms, it seeks information on prospective technical, end-to-end solutions that will help to protect the federal (.gov) cyber domain, and to facilitate cybersecurity improvements affecting the private sector. The effort will enable the Department to develop workable technology solutions while strengthening the relationship between the public and private sectors that is so critical to cybersecurity. Registration will remain open until July 22, 2009.

The Department is committed to increased collaboration between government and industry representatives. In May, President Obama noted in the first-ever Presidential address on cybersecurity:
“[i]t's the great irony of our Information Age -- the very technologies that empower us to create and to build also empower those who would disrupt and destroy. And this paradox -- seen and unseen -- is something that we experience every day.”
At Industry Day, DHS highlighted the need for private industry to become more involved in developing comprehensive, game-changing, innovative solutions that improve and expand upon our current capabilities to protect, detect, and respond to cyber incidents. The recent denial of service (DoS) incident only underscores that point. Our RFI is the next step in reaching out to stakeholders to assist us in advancing our capability to secure the nation’s critical cyber infrastructure and address future cyber challenges. For more information, we encourage you to visit FedBizOpps or email CIVendorInfo@dhs.gov.

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Secretary Testifies on PASS ID

The Secretary was on the hill this morning to testify in front of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on PASS ID.

PASS ID is legislation that was introduced last month in the U.S. Senate, and would amend the REAL ID Act of 2005. Both pieces of legislation are aimed at strengthening security requirements for driver's licenses – while the federal government sets the standards, it’s up to the states to implement. 13 states have enacted “anti-REAL ID” laws, virtually eliminating the chance that REAL ID can ever be implemented nationally. PASS ID seeks to establish national standards to enhance the security and integrity of all licenses and ID cards, while retaining state flexibility to go further if they want.

From the Secretary's testimony today:

"PASS ID is a critical piece of national security legislation that will fix the REAL ID Act of 2005 and institute strong security standards for government-issued identification. PASS ID will fulfill a key recommendation of the 9/11 Commission, that the federal government set standards for identification such as driver’s licenses and non-driver identification cards – and this bill will do so in a way that states will implement, rather than disregard. PASS ID will enact the same strong security standards set out by REAL ID as quickly as REAL ID – but, critically, this bill provides a workable way to get there."

-- Secretary Janet Napolitano

We'll keep you updated on PASS ID as it moves forward.

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Morning Roundup - July 15th

Morning Roundup for July 15th, 2009 - Featured News and Public Events

From the Washington Post, on PASS ID:

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is promoting a new program to make driver's licenses more secure that would cost less than the plan pushed by the Bush administration.

On Wednesday, she was to testify before a Senate committee considering legislation that would replace the former administration's Real ID card plan with something called a Pass ID. Those who support the new program say it would not gut the security requirements in current law. But others say the new ID would relax rules enacted after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Bush's Real ID plan has been stalled well short of nationwide implementation by opposition in the states. Twelve states have voted not to participate, and others have raised complaints.

The National Governors Association helped write the new proposal. As Arizona governor, Napolitano said the Bush administration did not collaborate enough with governors in the development of its plan for implementing the congressionally mandated program.

The governors group said the current law would cost states $4 billion while the new plan could cut the costs to between $1.3 billion and $2 billion.

From the Associated Press, on the HSAS review:

The Obama administration has begun a review that could spell the end of the color-coded terrorism advisories, long derided by late night TV comics and portrayed by some Democrats as a tool for Bush administration political manipulation.

It's not likely the review will plunge an alert system into the dark all together, but short of that, everything is on the table for consideration, according to one administration official familiar with the plans. The official was not authorized to speak publicly about potential outcomes.

The alert system assigns five different colors to terror risk levels. Green at the bottom signals a low danger of attack and red at the top warns of a severe threat. It was put in place after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and was designed to help emergency responders get prepared.

But it's been the butt of late-night television comics' jokes and criticized by Republicans and Democrats alike for being too vague to deliver enough useful information.

From the San Diego Union-Tribune, on a huge haul for CBP this year:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is reporting record drug seizures for the first three quarters of fiscal year 2009, which ended June 30.

According to the agency, which includes the Border Patrol, customs officers and air and marine operations, more than 3.3 million pounds of drugs were intercepted at and in between ports of entry along both the southern and northern borders. This is an increase of 64.3 percent compared to the same period the previous year.

The largest marijuana seizure occurred in late March, when agency officers at the Otay Mesa port of entry intercepted a commercial tractor-trailer loaded with 10,764 pounds of marijuana.

Customs and Border Protection spokeswoman Jacqueline Dizdul credited a larger presence of border security personnel, among other things.

Leadership Events
Secretary Napolitano will testify before the Senate Committee on
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs about PASS ID
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C.

Public Events
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) Policy Advisor Debbie
Fulmer will deliver remarks on preparedness efforts for special needs populations at the 2009 Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)
San Diego Convention Center
111 W Harbor Dr.
San Diego, Calif.

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Assistant
Administrator John Sammon will testify before the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation Security and Infrastructure Protection about general aviation security risks
311 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Things we think are cool

Groundbreaking: An early prototype of S&T’s ground-penetrating radar on display at a demonstration this spring. Engineers tested the technology in a giant sandbox to simulate conditions along areas of the southern U.S. border

In a recent technology snapshot, our Science and Technology Directorate highlighted a project that, if successful, could help find and plug up smuggling tunnels as fast as criminals can dig them.

The Tunnel Detection Project is working on a design that places radar antennas in a trailer towed by a truck. Electromagnetic waves penetrate the earth, and what shows up on a monitor inside the truck is a picture of what’s beneath them, composed of red, yellow, and aquamarine dots. Civil engineers already use ground-penetrating technology, but it’s just to find pipes or cable a few meters beneath the earth. S&T’s taking this and giving it some oomph. They’re using much lower frequency waves to penetrate deeper into the ground, and the sophisticated imaging technology they’re working on produces surprisingly clear pictures of any tunnels that are found.
As a program director points out, tunnels have been found so far by good law enforcement work or by chance, but never by technology.

The team showed off a prototype this spring that used mock-up “border” made of sand and rocks. Soon, they’re bringing everything they’ve developed down to the Southwest to give it a spin against the rigors of the real border. What’s going to be key for them, they say, is being able to separate tunnels from rocks, plants, and other objects buried in the ground.

Check out the full snapshot.

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Morning Roundup - July 14th

Morning Roundup for July 14th, 2009 - Featured News and Public Events

From the Hampton Roads Virginian-Pilot, on the Secretary's visit to Portsmouth, VA, yesterday:

When the boss is in town, you had better put on a good show.

By all accounts, the Coast Guard didn't disappoint Monday morning, when its members performed an anti-terrorism exercise for Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

The secretary boarded the cutter Frank Drew around 10 a.m. Soon after, the ship began making its way up the Elizabeth River under escort.

As it passed the shipping terminal, three 25-foot response boats swarmed up the water behind it. With one boat providing cover at the cutter's stern, Maritime Security Response Team members in the other boats clambered up the cutter's side toward the bridge.

A few minutes later, in the exercise's second phase, an MH-60J helicopter swooped in low behind the cutter and hooked a sharp left turn over its stern. A line dropped and, within 20 seconds, six team members had "fast roped" to the deck and proceeded to make their way across the ship.

And check out this report from WAVY-10 TV. They have some great video from the demonstration.

From the Associated Press, on increased cooperation between Mexico and the U.S. on curbing arms trafficking:

Mexico and the United States have agreed on a protocol for sharing information in arms trafficking cases.

Top officials of both countries say the guidelines are aimed at helping them bring more cases against weapons traffickers.

Mexican Attorney General Eduardo Medina-Mora made the announcement Monday at a joint news conference with John T. Morton, the assistant secretary of homeland security for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Mexican authorities say much of the country's drug cartel violence is fueled by weapons smuggled in from the United States.

Public Events
DHS Chief Veterinarian Thomas McGinn III, DVM, will
participate in a panel discussion about public health and animal
health at the 2009 American Veterinary Medical Association
Annual Convention
Washington State Convention & Trade Center
800 Convention Place
Seattle, Wash.

9:30 AM MDT
DHS Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Special
Representative for Border Affairs Alan Bersin will participate in a
media availability
Nogales Border Patrol Station
1500 West La Quinta
Nogales, Ariz.

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Secretary Visits Coast Guard Unit

Secretary Napolitano paid a visit to the Coast Guard cutter Frank Drew in Portsmouth, VA, today to see maritime security capabilities firsthand and check out the Coast Guard’s Maritime Security Response Team (MSRT) in action. What's the MSRT? Well, first things first: these guys don't mess around.

The MSRT was originally created as part of a response to weapons of mass destruction threats, and they now train – and train, and train – for the full spectrum of maritime challenges, from domestic law enforcement operations to counterterrorism. The MSRT utilizes canine explosive detections teams, tactical delivery vessels, and multiple specialized resources in their efforts. Today, they demonstrated a vertical insertion – very quickly boarding and controlling a boat by fast-roping in from an HH-60 helicopter. Suffice it to say: very cool stuff.

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Shots from the Scene

On Friday, we posted about the Coast Guard cutter Bertholf's drug bust last Wednesday off the coast of Guatemala. The Coast Guard just posted some great photos and infrared video on their blog. Check them out.

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Morning Roundup - July 13th

Morning Roundup for July 13th, 2009 - Featured News and Public Events

From the Associated Press, on immigration enforcement:

An overhauled federal program allowing local and state law enforcement officials to arrest and deport immigrants will focus on the most serious criminals and limit officers' police powers, the Homeland Security Department said Friday.

The agency reworked the program, which had been criticized by the Government Accountability Office and led to a Justice Department investigation of the Maricopa County, Ariz., sheriff's office.

Government investigators said the previous program - cited as an example of misguided immigration enforcement by the Bush administration - did not clearly spell out when and how officers could use their arrest authority.

The revised program now requires local and state law enforcement agencies to first resolve any criminal charges that led to the arrest of the immigrants.

It also creates three priority levels for the immigrants who are to be arrested and detained. Immigrants convicted or arrested of major drug offenses or violent offenses such as murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery or kidnapping are the top priority.

From the Washington Post, on the Bertholf's bust last week:

The Coast Guard says a cutter based in Alameda has seized two speedboats, recovered a bale of cocaine and detained four suspected smugglers off the coast of Guatemala.

The bust was made Wednesday night by the cutter Bertholf about 80 miles from the Central American nation.

Officials say four boats were spotted by a patrol aircraft before a marksman aboard a Coast Guard helicopter shot out the engines of two speedboats.

From the Washington Post, on funding for the H1N1 vaccine:

The United States is ready to announce another $1 billion in orders for swine flu vaccinations.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says she will announce Monday that Washington has approved another billion dollars to buy components of the vaccine. Sebelius said on Sunday that research is under way to provide a safe and effective vaccine to fight a flu strain that could be a pandemic.

Leadership Events
Secretary Napolitano will observe an MSRT Demonstration
4000 Coast Guard Blvd.
Portsmouth, Va.

Secretary Napolitano will participate in a media availability
4000 Coast Guard Blvd.
Portsmouth, Va.

Public Events
10:30 AM CDT
Chief Privacy Officer Mary Ellen Callahan will deliver remarks at the American Library Association’s 2009 Annual Conference
McCormick Place West
2301 S Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, Ill.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Chief Veterinarian Thomas McGinn III, DVM, will participate in a panel discussion about Homeland Security Presidential Directive 9 at the 2009 Washington State Convention & Trade Center
800 Convention Place
Seattle, Wash.

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Some Coast Guard Crossposting

A great story over at the Coast Guard Compass on a first for the recently christened cutter Bertholf:
Late Wednesday night, the crew of the cutter’s first drug bust and disrupted a major drug smuggling operation in international waters. Two suspected drug smuggling boats, four suspected smugglers and a bale of cocaine were seized as evidence some 80 miles off the coast of Guatemala.

Head over to the Coast Guard Compass for the rest. We can't wait for the pics and video.

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Morning Roundup - July 10th

Morning Roundup for July 10th, 2009 - Featured News and Public Events

From The New York Times, on the H1N1 Summit:

The Obama administration warned Americans on Thursday to be ready for an aggressive return of the swine flu virus in the fall, announcing plans to begin vaccinations in October and offering states and hospitals money to help them prepare.

"The potential for a significant outbreak in the fall is looming," President Obama said by telephone link from Italy to the White House's H1N1 Influenza Preparedness Summit, held at the National Institutes of Health.

With good planning, "we may end up averting a crisis," Mr. Obama said. "That's our fervent hope."

The summit meeting was jointly led by the secretary of health and human services, Kathleen Sebelius; the secretary of homeland security, Janet Napolitano; and the secretary of education, Arne Duncan. It gathered health and school officials from across the country and took questions by video link from the governors of several states, most of whom wanted to know who would pay for preparations like the vaccination drive.

From the Associated Press, on the best part of waking up:

Customs agents discovered an extra ingredient in a shipment of Colombian coffee: nearly a half-ton of cocaine.

U.S. Customs officer Troy Simon said Thursday it was his agency's biggest cocaine find at the Port of New Orleans since more than two tons turned up in a transformer shipment about 10 years ago.

He said officers opened the shipping container Monday after a gamma-ray scan showed squarish shapes on top of the rounded burlap bags of coffee beans.

They turned out to be 15 duffel bags.U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokeswoman Virginia Dabbs says they held 400 packages of cocaine weighing a total of 994 pounds.

Public Events
2:30 PM EDT
U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Thad Allen will participate in a Change of Command ceremony for the Coast Guard’s Pacific Area in which Vice Admiral Jody Breckenridge will relieve Vice Admiral David Pekoske
Parade Field
Coast Guard Island
Alameda, Calif.

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

H1N1 Summit Update

The H1N1 Flu Prepardness Summit wrapped up about an hour ago. Hopefully some of you had the opportunity to watch part of the live-stream. If not, you can check out highlights from the summit, the Twitter feed, and other information on how today's discussion will move things forward on this public health issue at the newly re-launched flu.gov. The bottom line is that we all need to be prepared for flu season. The federal government, in coordination with all our partners, used today as an opportunity to discuss the best options for preparing the public.

President Obama joined the summit via telephone from Italy, underscoring the importance of the discussion and noting the point is to prepare, not to panic:

"And so I won't go through the details of this," the President said. "I'm sure that Kathleen and Janet and others have laid out what the potential consequences are of a renewed outbreak of H1N1. We want to make sure that we are not promoting panic, but we are promoting vigilance and preparation. And the most important thing for us to do in this process is to make sure that state and local officials prepare now to implement a vaccination program in the fall, but also that they are working on an overall public communications campaign with the White House and the possibilities that we may need to be dealing with schools that are seeing significant outbreaks of H1N1."

Check out the President's full remarks at whitehouse.gov.

For those more creatively inclined, there's a new contest for you. Record a public service announcement, in the form of a video response on Youtube to Secretary Sebelius' call for contest entries. If you win, you could be eligible for a $2,500 cash prize.

So, check out the new site to get and stay informed as we get ready for the fall.

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Morning Roundup - July 9th

Morning Roundup for July 9th, 2009 - Featured News and Public Events
From The New York Times, on E-Verify:

The Obama administration will require businesses that win federal contracts to use a government electronic database system to verify that their employees have legal immigration status to work in the United States, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said on Wednesday.

After a six-month review, Homeland Security officials decided to go ahead with a worker-verification plan based on the electronic system, called E-Verify. The system, which the Bush administration sought to put into effect in its final months, is meant to prevent federal contractors from hiring illegal immigrants.

At the same time, Homeland Security officials said they would drop another Bush administration proposal that would have forced employers to fire any workers whose Social Security information did not match the records of the Social Security Administration. That measure, called the no-match rule, had been challenged in federal court by immigrant advocates and businesses, who said the Social Security database contained errors that could have cost thousands of legal workers their jobs.

Administration officials said the court battle over the no-match rule, which never went into effect, would now end.

From the Associated Press, on the H1N1 Summit:

The Obama administration put the states on notice Thursday: Swine flu promises to create a mess this fall. Are you ready?

Swine flu may have faded from the headlines but it's still sickening people here and abroad and is certain to worsen when influenza-friendly fall temperatures arrive.

The federal government called together health and education officials from every state to check their preparations for the likely prospect of vaccinations and determine how they'll handle flu-riddled schools.

"I want to be clear: This summit is not about raising alarms or stoking fears. It is about being prepared," Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebeliussaid. "We must avoid complacency."

The government estimates that 1 million Americans so far have been infected with the never-before-seen virus known formally by its scientific family name,

No longer do many public health experts warn of the new virus' "return" in the fall. Summer's heat and humidity usually chase away influenza, but the swine flu has never left. Children are spreading it in summer camps, and U.S. deaths have reached 170.

Leadership Events
9:05 AM EDT
Secretary Napolitano will deliver remarks about DHS H1N1 Influenza preparedness efforts
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
Conference Room A
Natcher Conference Center
Bethesda, Md.

9:25 AM EDT
Secretary Napolitano will participate in a roundtable discussion with Secretary Sebelius and Secretary Duncan
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Conference Room A
National Institutes of Health
Natcher Conference Center
Bethesda, Md.

10:15 AM EDT
Secretary Napolitano will participate in a media availability with Secretary Sebelius, Secretary Duncan and Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
Conference Room A
Natcher Conference Center
Bethesda, Md.

Public Events
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Investigations Deputy Director Kumar Kibble and DHS Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Special Representative for Border Affairs Alan Bersin will testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform about Southwest border security
2154 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

Coast Guard Rear Admiral Kevin Cook will testify before the Technology and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation about Merchant Mariner licensing and documentation
2167 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

dhs.gov Spotlight: Operation Warfighter

Dhs.gov features a number of programs aren't always in plain view. Operation Warfighter is a great example. It offers recuperating miliatry service members the chance to remain active in internships or temporary assignments during their convalescence. The Operation Warfighter page on our site explains the program, its benefits for employers and service members, and information on how to become involved. Check it out.

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Reminder: H1N1 Flu Preparedness Summit Tomorrow

We talked last week about the H1N1 Flu Preparedness Summit happening tomorrow. It's an opportunity for federal, state, local, and tribal governments, as well as our private sector and emergency responder partners to come together and discuss a clear way forward on this public health issue. It's taking place at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland tomorrow.

A new development: The morning portion of the summit will be live-streamed on flu.gov, the new federal source for information on H1N1. Check it out, beginning at 8:30 AM EDT and ending just after 12:00 PM EDT.

The live-stream will include a panel discussion involving Secretary Napolitano, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius of Health and Human Services, and Secretary Arne Duncan from the Department of Education. The discussion will be moderated by Governor Martin O'Malley of Maryland.

Tune in!

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Rand Beers Sworn in as Under Secretary for NPPD

This morning, Secretary Napolitano swore in Rand Beers as Under Secretary for the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD). Mr. Beers was confirmed by the Senate in late June, and brings a wealth of experience in national security and law enforcement policy.
“More than anyone I know, Rand Beers can be trusted with protecting the security of the United States,” said DHS Secretary Napolitano. “He will be an invaluable asset to NPPD. I thank Rand for his service as Acting Deputy Secretary, and I am grateful that his leadership and vast depth of experience will continue to benefit the Department of Homeland Security.”
Check out NPPD's page on dhs.gov for more information on who they are and what they do.

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Morning Roundup - July 8th

Morning Roundup for July 8th, 2009 - Featured News and Public Events

From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, on a new national fire chief:

Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin J. Cochran has accepted a key federal position with the Obama Administration.

Cochran was chosen as U.S. Fire Administrator with the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the Department of Homeland Security, according to a White House press release.

"Each of these individuals brings with them valuable expertise in their respective fields, and I am grateful for their decision to serve in my administration," President Obama said in the statement, which includes nominations of nine others for various federal roles.

Cochran has 28 years of experience from firefighter to chief training officer to fire chief, according to the press release. Cochran has also served as the president of the Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association and Vice Chairman of Volunteers of America. Cochran took over as Atlanta's fire chief in 2008. Prior to his post with Atlanta, he served as fire chief in Shreveport, Louisiana
beginning in 1999.

"It is remarkable to think that my childhood dream of being a firefighter has taken me from the front porch of a shotgun house in Shreveport, Louisiana, to becoming the head of the United States Fire Administration," Cochran said in a statement from the City of Atlanta's press office.

From the Associated Press, on the recent cybersecurity incident:

A widespread and unusually resilient computer attack that began July 4 knocked out the Web sites of several government agencies, including some that are responsible for fighting cyber crime, The Associated Press has learned.

The Treasury Department, Secret Service, Federal Trade Commission and Transportation Department Web sites were all down at varying points over the holiday weekend and into this week, according to officials inside and outside the government.

Some of the sites were still experiencing problems Tuesday evening. Cyber attacks on South Korea government and private sites also may be linked, officials there said.

U.S. officials refused to publicly discuss details of the cyber attack. But Amy Kudwa, spokeswoman for the Homeland Security Department, said the agency's U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team issued a notice to federal departments and other partner organizations about the problems and "advised them of steps to take to help mitigate against such attacks."

The U.S., she said, sees attacks on its networks every day, and measures have been put in place to minimize the impact on federal Web sites.

From WWL-TV, on new ICE efforts to curb the flow of undocumented workers into the U.S.:

In an effort to stop the flow of undocumented workers into the country, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency is about to try a new approach: not just targeting the workers, but also the people who employ them, in the
first place.

"That's a challenge. There are millions of employers in the United States," said John Morton, the newly-appointed assistant secretary of ICE, who spent Tuesday visiting New Orleans.

Among the agency's efforts: a renewed, aggressive auditing of I-9 forms. All employers are required to have one, as proof of an employee's residency or citizenship. Just how effective that move will be in the New Orleans area, though, remains to be seen.

Here, a majority of illegal workers are day laborers, not concentrated within one company, but rather working in smaller numbers for individual employers or contractors. Morton said the smaller concentration does make enforcement harder.

"We're very cognizant that we just can't focus on the very top, on the biggest employers - that we have to do this at all levels," he said.

Public Events
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate and Inspector General Richard Skinner will testify before the House Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs about FEMA housing solutions
311 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

FEMA National Preparedness Directorate (NPD) Deputy Administrator Tim Manning will testify before the House Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on Technology and 2318 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

Federal Protective Service Director Gary Schenkel will testify before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee about the Government Accountability Office’s preliminary findings concerning the Federal Protective Service and security operations
342 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C.

Acting Chief Financial Officer Peggy Sherry will testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on Government Management, Organization and Procurement, about annual oversight of the federal government’s consolidated financial statement
2247 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Lifetime of Service

I didn’t know exactly what to expect when I walked onto the 5th floor of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building last week. I had an email telling me that the 8th longest serving federal employee, and the longest serving employee at the Department of Homeland Security, was retiring…after 67 years of government service. It’s one of those opportunities no one should pass up, right? Whether you write for a blog, or a newspaper, or just your journal - that kind of insight into the last 70 years of our nation’s inner workings doesn’t come along every day. So, there I was, sitting across the table from Erma Paliani…sorry, “Ms. Erma”, not 5 feet tall, and 92 years old. She’d been working for the federal government for 67 years. I’d been working for the federal government for 6 weeks.

Before we start talking about Ms. Erma’s story, let’s put 67 years into perspective. The U.S. hadn’t entered the Second World War 67 years ago, the minimum wage was 30 cents an hour, you could get a coke for a nickel, and the jitterbug was just getting its legs. Oh, and Federal office buildings weren’t air-conditioned, and as Washington, D.C. was essentially constructed on top of a swamp, I would imagine that would make summers…difficult.

Ms. Erma sat across the table, sunken into her chair after just finishing an interview with the AARP. Now here I was, writing for a “blog,” and the latest in a series of people who wanted to interview her. The attention had been steady in recent weeks and had been kindly - if not eagerly - received. I asked her if she was looking forward to her big retirement party on Friday. She grinned and politely shook her head no.

We began to talk about her life, her roots, her home. She was born in Ambridge, Pa., the second of seven children in an Italian family. Her father passed away when she was young, and it became difficult for her mother and 6 siblings to support themselves. Ms. Erma said she ran errands while her mother took in laundry, and did odd jobs for people to earn money. “My mother was dependent on us to help with the family expenses,” she explained.

Ms. Erma found a job with the Works Progress Administration when she graduated from high school, and her tenure as a federal employee began a few years later when she started working as a stenographer for the Army Signal Corps in 1941—one month before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Her skill earned her a reputation, so when she started looking for work in the private sector after the war, the government asked her to stay; so in 1947 Ms. Erma transferred to the INS, where she remained for 62 years.
Pictured above: Ms. Erma in her ball gown for President Eisenhower's Inauguration in 1953.

Working in the investigations office, Ms. Erma helped dismantle organized crime and racketeers, and over the years handled correspondence in such notable cases as the Tokyo Rose and the Alger Hiss trials and the McCarthy-era HUAC hearings. When she passed her 50th year of service, the then INS granted her with honorary credentials as an agent.

She’s now in the Office of Investigations at ICE and is secretary to the Deputy Assistant Director. A computer has supplanted the Dictaphones and manual typewriters she used at the beginning of her career, though she draws the line at carrying a BlackBerry. Her eyes crinkled into a smile as she explained, “I have enough junk to carry without one of those.” Sing it sister.

Her many friends and colleagues talk about her generous spirit, evident in discussions about how she would stay up all night baking cakes and cookies when an office birthday drew near.

As our meeting wrapped up, a coworker came by to remind Ms. Erma that her Metro Access bus would be coming soon. As we (slowly) walked out with her, it was hard not to notice the fondness with which they treated her. After I said goodbye to Ms. Erma, a coworker turned to me and said, “She’s just got such big heart.”

Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute and Assistant Secretary for ICE John Morton, at Erma's retirement party

Thanks to Ms. Erma for 67 years of service.

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Project SeaHawk

It may be the best name ever, but it also serves a critical need. Secretary Napolitano talks a lot about how important our state and local partnerships are to keeping our borders and ports safe. Project SeaHawk exemplifies this idea.

Based in Charleston, South Carolina, Project SeaHawk brings state and local authorities together with federal resources and personnel to enhance our maritime security and response abilities, making our ports safer. The Secretary, joined by U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, announced on Monday that responsbility for the pilot program would be transferred from the Department of Justice to DHS on October 1st, 2009.
“Project SeaHawk is an innovative security program designed to increase our
maritime security capabilities,” said Secretary Napolitano. “By working with our
state, local, and Federal partners we will improve overall situational
awareness, increase information sharing and continue to collaborate to find more
effective and efficient ways to protect our ports.”

Responsbility was transferred to DHS as part of the SAFE Port Act of 2006.

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Morning Roundup - July 7th

Tuesday, July 7th Morning Roundup - Featured News and Public Events

From the Associated Press, on Project Seahawk:

Project Seahawk, a port security effort developed in South Carolina, is vital to waging the war on terrorism and a model for ports around the nation, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Monday.

Graham, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Gov. Mark Sanford and other leaders had a private briefing on the project during a visit to the Project Seahawk headquarters at the old Charleston Navy Base.

Seahawk, created in 2003 in response to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, brings together representatives of state, federal and local law enforcement agencies who meet each day in a command center to share and compare information on harbor activity.

From the San Diego Union-Tribune, on a fruitful holiday weekend for CBP:

Federal authorities announced Monday the seizure of marijuana, heroin and cocaine worth more than $1 million in three separate busts.

Customs and Border Protection agents found 99 packages of marijuana, weighing more than 315 pounds, hidden throughout a Nissan SUV Saturday morning at the San Ysidro Port of Entry, officials said.

A dog walking through the line of vehicles waiting to enter the United States alerted agents to the drugs, officials aid. Two male Mexicans, ages 19 and 20, were arrested on smuggling charges.

On Friday, Border Patrol agents at a checkpoint on Interstate 8 in Pine Valley discovered 10 bundles of cocaine weighing 26 pounds hidden in the dashboard of a Chevrolet Malibu, officials said. The driver, a 26-year-old man and U.S. citizen, was arrested.

Public Events
U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Thad Allen will testify before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and the Coast Guard regarding Coast Guard Authorization
253 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C.

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS) Assistant Special Agent in Charge Nelson Minerly will participate in a media event to highlight OLE/FAMS workforce diversity efforts in federal law enforcement at the FAMS Detroit field office
11301 Metro Airport Center Dr.Romulus, Mich.

10:30 CDT
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Air and Marine personnel will demonstrate Marine Advance Concept Technology for members of congress and local media
Jones Park Road & U.S. Highway 49
Gulfport, Miss.

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Monday, July 6, 2009

From the Field: "Going Green" at CBP

The Border Patrol is truly “going green,” and we’re not just talking about our uniforms. Our new El Paso Station boasts several eco-friendly values. For example:

  • Approximately 80 percent of all construction materials are certified recyclable.
  • The building is 50% more energy efficient than a building constructed with standard methods.
  • Minimal amounts of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) were used in the sealants, paints, carpets and related materials.
  • All new furniture is certified to contain low VOCs.
  • Water used to wash vehicles will be 100% recycled.

Over time, the energy efficiencies at the new El Paso Station will save taxpayer dollars by lowering operational costs. For example, we expect to save approximately 25% on annual electric usage by using state-of-the-art energy-saving technologies, such as skylights, occupancy sensor lights, solar panels, reflective roofing, and LED lights.

The solar panels alone will generate around 12% of our yearly energy needs.

Of course no building would truly be “green” if we didn’t take into account the local ecosystem. To help accomplish this, we moved more than 50 local cacti before the groundbreaking, then replanted and incorporated them into the building landscaping.

Two hawk towers were also constructed to welcome back any displaced hawks affected by the construction.

We’re working hard at CBP to make sure that every tax dollar is spent wisely. Green buildings stand right in line with Secretary Napolitano's leadership on these issues - saving taxpayers' money and creating a more efficient, sustainable department.


Steven Cribby is an Operations Officer for the United States Border Patrol.

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On the 4th, Liberty for All

On Saturday, Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute participated in a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services naturalization ceremony for seven members of the military at the Statue of Liberty. She administered the Oath of Allegiance to the seven and thanked them for their service.

"The bright light of America will shine brighter on Saturday. These men and women have served their country with honor—and on Saturday, their country will honor them. Their service in defense of freedom sends the message that all can find their freedom here. Their naturalization continues our proud tradition of welcoming immigrants in the spirit of liberty. "

--Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute

The group was comprised of members of the Army, Navy, and Marines - all seven from New York. Just before the ceremony, the Deputy Secretary and the seven climbed the 354 steps to Lady Liberty's crown, among the first to do so since the 9/11 attacks.

Lady Liberty's crown was closed after 9/11, but Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar was on hand to officially reopen the monument to public traffic. About 240 people will be able to make the trek to the top each day. Can't get to Lady Liberty in person? Check out the National Park Service's virtual tour.

USCIS hosted naturalization ceremonies all over the world this past fourth, welcoming over 6,000 new United States citizens. DVIDS captured some great video from the ceremony in Baghdad, attended by Vice President Joe Biden and Iraq Commander Gen. Raymond Odierno. Check it out here!

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The Secretary's Visit to Pakistan

A great piece from CNN below on the Secretary's visit to Pakistan last week. Pakistan was the last stop on the Secretary's trip abroad, and was kept under wraps for security reasons. Secretary Napolitano met with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani, and other officials.

Check it out:

CNN Video

Morning Roundup - July 6th

Monday, July 6th Morning Roundup - Featured News and Public Events

From CNN, on Pakistan's crackdown on the Taliban:

The Pakistani government's crackdown on the Taliban has helped U.S. security, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Friday.

Janet Napolitano says that "anything that cracks down on the Taliban helps."

"The key concept is, you just can't start protecting the homeland at the borders of
the United States," she said.Napolitano said she was in Pakistan to discuss with Pakistani leaders the fight against terrorism, as well as how the two countries share information.

Asked what impact the Pakistani government's recent crackdown on the Taliban, centered in the Swat region of North West Frontier Province, has had on U.S. security, she said, "anything that cracks down on the Taliban helps. ..."

From the Associated Press, on the upcoming H1N1 Summit:

The White House is planning a summit to talk about preparations for swine

The White House on Thursday announced details for a July 9 meeting at the National Institutes of Health. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Education Secretary Arne Duncan plan to participate. White House homeland security adviser John Brennan also plans to joint the group.

President Barack Obama will be in Italy that day attending meetings of the G-8. Sebelius says the swine flu threat could worsen in the fall and the administration wants to start a national campaign to help stem a serious outbreak.

Duncan says everyone needs to play a part in keeping the flu from spreading.

Leadership Events
Secretary Napolitano will participate in a media availability with U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham
Project SeaHawk
1050 Register Street
North Charleston, S.C.

Public Events
CBP-Border Patrol Sector Chief Mike Fisher will participate in the opening ceremony of Smuggler’s Gulch
Smuggler’s Gulch
San Diego, Calif.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

White House Announces H1N1 Flu Preparedness Summit

At today's White House press briefing, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs announced an all-day H1N1 Flu Preparedness Summit, scheduled for next Thursday, July 9th, at the National Institutes of Health in Washington, D.C.

H1N1 now exists in over 100 countries around the world, and experts say that the virus may worsen this fall when the traditional flu season starts in the Northern Hemisphere.

Continued cooperation among all federal departments, as well as with state, local, and tribal governments and medical, academic, and business sectors (yes, all of the above) will be vital as we continue to tackle this national public health issue.

The Flu Preparedness Summit will bring government officials and health professionals, emergency managers and educators, non-profit organizations and business executives, together in one room. They'll have a forum to talk about their lessons learned from H1N1 thus far, and importantly, discuss the next steps in assessing and building on current pandemic plans.
The initial news blitz has largely subsided, but the simple fact remains that H1N1 flu is still with us. We'll keep you up-to-date on the summit, and on the department's continuing role in dealing with H1N1.

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Secretary Napolitano Tours USCG Cutter

The Secretary just wrapped up a tour of the Coast Guard Cutter Aquidneck, a 110-foot patrol boat operating in the Persian Gulf. She was joined by Vice Admiral Robert Papp, Commander, U.S. Coast Guard Atlantic Area and Defense Force East, and Captain Douglas Heugel, the Section Chief for Patrol Forces Southwest Asia. Vice Admiral Papp essentially oversees half the Coast Guard's operations worldwide.

The trio toured the boat and spoke to the crew of the Aquidneck about their mission and concerns for the department. The Aquidneck, led commanding officer Lieutenant Fred Bertsch, is currently deployed to the Persian Gulf and supports US Navy operations in the area.

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Secretary Addresses Coast Guard Personnel

Just after touching down in Kuwait, Secretary Napolitano spoke to Coast Guard personnel stationed in Kuwait. She thanked them for their service, mindful of the fact that they will be on duty and away from their families on July 4th.

Most Americans will take time this weekend to celebrate our nation's independence. Let's remember the men and women of our armed forces who will continue the work to secure America's interests abroad.

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Morning Roundup - July 2nd

Thursday, July 2nd Morning Roundup - Featured News and Public Events

From the Latin American Herald Tribune, on the Secretary's visit to Spain:

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano started her official visit to Spain on Wednesday by honoring the victims of the March 11, 2004, terrorist attacks in Madrid.

Napolitano placed a wreath bearing the colors of the U.S. flag at the monument to the victims of the commuter-train bombings at Madrid's Atocha station that left 191 people dead.

The U.S. official observed a minute of silence at the monument along with Spain's secretary of state for security, Antonio Camacho, and Madrid Mayor Alberto Ruiz

Napolitano met with Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, as well as with Spain's interior and justice ministers, to discuss cooperation in fighting illegal immigration and terrorism.

From the New York Times, on immigration enforcement:

The Obama administration began investigations of hundreds of businesses on Wednesday as part of its strategy to focus immigration enforcement on the employers who hire illegal workers.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency told Congress in an e-mail message that it had begun notifying businesses of plans to audit the documents known as I-9 forms, which employers fill out for every worker. The Department of Homeland Security said 625 businesses had been told they would be audited, compared with 503 for last year.

Public Events
FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate will participate in a media availability with Delaware Governor Jack Markell, U.S. Senator Tom Carper, U.S. Senator Ted Kaufman, and U.S. Representative Mike Castle about the importance of emergency preparedness
Rehoboth Beach Volunteer Fire Company
219 Rehoboth Avenue
Rehoboth Beach, Del.

ICE Seattle Special Agent in Charge Leigh Winchell will participate in a joint ICE-DEA media availability to discuss arrests made in a drug trafficking operation
400 2nd Ave W
Seattle, WA 98119

Wheels Down: Kuwait

Secretary Napolitano just landed in Kuwait, kicking off the last leg of her trip. She met with and spoke to military personnel on the ground. Stay tuned, more to come.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

From Madrid: Secretary Meets with President of Spain

Today has been a busy day for the Secretary. We began the day in Madrid where we visited the 3/11 memorial at the site of the 2004 train bombing, an important symbol of Spain's fight against terrorism, and a solemn reminder of the purpose of our weeklong trip abroad: our international effort to reduce the risk of another terrorist attack on US soil. Mayor Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon of Madrid was kind enough to join us as the Secretary laid a wreath on the memorial.

She then participated in a series of meetings with a variety of Spanish officials, including the Vice President and other Ministers. She signed an important agreement with her counterpart, the Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba. This agreement will formalize the IAP pilot program that has already prevented high-risk travelers from entering the U.S. on an airplane.
She's in a meeting with President Zapatero as I type this post, discussing ways the US and Spain can cooperate further in our shared mission of keeping our countries safe.

The day is long from over, as we still have to attend a diplomatic reception before we can find dinner and call it a night.


Sean Smith is the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at the Department of Homeland Security

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Secretary Signs Agreement with Spain

Moments ago, Secretary Napolitano and Spanish Interior Minister Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba signed an agreement formalizing the Immigration Advisory Program. The IAP has been a pilot program since February 2008, and allows the U.S. to identify and prevent high-risk travelers at foreign airports from flying to the U.S.

In the 16 months since the pilot began, the IAP has identified hundreds of people with improper documentation, intercepted 23 persons with fraudulent documents, and importantly, stopped 10 terrorism-related suspects from heading to our shores.

The preliminary success of the IAP encourages further cooperation between the U.S. and Spain on this issue.
“Protecting our nation from terrorism requires close coordination with our international allies,” said Secretary Napolitano. "This agreement enhances the capabilities of the United States and Spain to facilitate legal travel and deter dangerous people attempting to enter our country.”

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Morning Roundup - July 1st

Wednesday, July 1st Morning Roundup - Featured News and Public Events

From the AFP, on the agreement signed yesterday between the U.S. and Portugal:

The United States and Portugal signed Tuesday a bilateral agreement to cooperate in the battle against terrorism and organised crime during a visit by Washington's homeland security chief.

"We have signed an important agreement on the prevention and fight against terrorism and organised crime," Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado said in a news conference alongside US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

Napolitano said the agreement allows the two countries to share information to stop serious crimes."The agreement we signed today will help us to achieve this goal," she said.

From CNN, on increased cooperation between ICE and ATF:

The two federal agencies most responsible for stemming the flow of firearms to Mexico agreed Tuesday to improve cooperation after they were sharply criticized by a congressional report for lack of coordination.

The agreement between Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives will result in a more effective fight against the flood of U.S. weapons that provide Mexican drug cartels with more than 90 percent of their firearms. Top federal law enforcement officials were in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to sign documents pledging to work together.

The agreement is expected to result in increased seizures of trafficked weapons and more prosecutions and convictions, said David Ogden, the deputy attorney general.

But "it's hard to say when we'll see results," he added.

Ogden, along with ATF Director Ken Melson and John Morton, assistant secretary for ICE, expressed confidence the duplication and confusion between the agencies would end.

Leadership Events
11 AM Local
Secretary Napolitano will tour Atocha Train Station, site of the 2004 train bombing
Atocha Train Station
Madrid, Spain

1 PM Local
Secretary Napolitano and Spanish Interior Minister Alfredo Pérez
Rubalcaba will sign of Declaration of Principles formalizing the Immigration Advisory Program (IAP) and participate in a media availability
Ministry of Interior
Paseo de la Castellana 5
Madrid, Spain

Public Events
Director of the Control Systems Security Program (CSSP) in the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications Sean McGurk will deliver remarks at the 2009 Chemical Sector Security Summit on the topic, “Roadmap to Secure Control Systems in the Chemical Sector.”
The Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
700 Aliceanna Street
Baltimore, Md.

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Public Affairs Manager Dwayne Baird will participate in a media event about the inline baggage system
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
19631 International Blvd.
Seattle, Wash.

1:30 PM EDT
Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) Deputy Director Taylor Heard will deliver remarks at the New York State Public Safety Interoperability Symposium: Focus of Governance
The Desmond Hotel and Conference Center
660 Albany Shaker Road
Albany, N.Y.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will participate in a media availability about the importance of preparedness.
New York City Hall
City Hall Park – Opposite 250 Broadway
New York, N.Y.

Secretary Napolitano Visits Atocha Train Station

From left to right. Arnold A. Chacón, Chargé d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Madrid; Antonio Camacho Secretary of State for Ministry of Interior and Security Affairs; Secretary Napolitano; Madrid Mayor Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon; Victor Morlán Secretary of State for Infrastructure; Antonio González Marin President ADIF.

This morning, Secretary Napolitano visited the site of the 2004 train bombing in Madrid. She laid a wreath at the memorial to honor the victims of that attack.

The Secretary then moved on to the Ministry of Interior, beginning a full schedule of meetings and events. We'll have more on her trip throughout the day.

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