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  1. How "pro-life" can your platform be when you are gutting healthcare for millions of Americans who WILL DIE without it????

  2. So it seems like has turned his phones off. The coward doesn't want to hear from his constituents about the

  3. TODAY: call the Republicans who can help

  4. Women Who Voted for Trump may soon be . Heck of a job, ladies.

  5. This is. Just. I can't. It's too sad to be funny. Yet it's also hilarious.

  6. People View all

  7. In reply to

    I lost my beloved wife from cancer, and only the Allowed me to get coverage for me, my kids & my disabled daughter.

  8. You can't claim to be pro-life & anti-ACA. Disabled people will die without it.

  9. Face it KNOW this is true... Take away & we will take away your ! Working for 2018 now

  10. Spirit of Texas Royalty MEDCOED5: No Deductions to Report

  11. Woodlands Elite Generals SMSR5: No Deductions to Report

  12. As a cancer survivor who had access to care and treatment, nothing breaks my heart more than this.

  13. I'm standing up 4 healthcare tomorrow (Sunday) noon at Westlake in .Time to say NO to GOP's immoral plan to repeal . Who's in?

  14. Every Congressional leader who supports the should bring an impacted person to Congress to put a face to the pain.

  15. Just voted NO on GOP budget gimmick to repeal . GOP would throw millions off their healthcare without a plan to replace their coverage.

  16. Rather than stand w/current ,this might be the time to propose Single Payer-which would improve issues GOP uses as excuse to repeal.

  17. With sprinting ahead w/o plan, it’s worth remembering how carefully we considered .

  18. I'm working on how we can improve the and health care. Great forum with medical school students today!

  19. RT if you oppose GOP vote to repeal the w/o a replacement which will

  20. RT if you oppose 's vote today to repeal the and .

  21. Powerful moment last night: a man stands up at Ryan town hall & shares his story as a cancer survivor about how the saved his life.

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