2017 Presidential Transition added a new photo.
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The President-elect shares an update on the Presidential Transition, an outline of some of his policy plans for the first 100 days, and his day one executive actions.


“Sen. Jeff Sessions’ nomination as attorney general is great news for all of us who revere the Constitution and the rule of law." - Sen. Ted Cruz

Statements of support from Senate colleagues, conservative policy groups, and leaders from the legal community came pouring in.
medium.com|By Transition 2017

CBS News: “Michael Flynn, the former Army lieutenant general…rose through the ranks of military intelligence on the strength of his reputation as an astute professional and an unconventional thinker.”

President-elect Donald J. Trump’s selection of Gen. Mike Flynn for National Security Advisor is receiving wide praise.
medium.com|By Transition 2017

“Not only is Pompeo qualified for CIA director, he would represent a welcome change of direction from an Obama administration marked by catastrophic intelligence failures.” - The Weekly Standard

Statements of support from elected officials and the intelligence community came pouring in.
medium.com|By Transition 2017

President-elect Donald J. Trump today announced that he intends to nominate U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions to serve as Attorney General and U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has been selected to be the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.

President-elect Donald J. Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence have spoken with numerous foreign leaders. The list is up at GreatAgain.gov.

President-elect Donald J. Trump today spoke with President Vladimir Putin, who called to offer his congratulations on winning a historic election. During the call, the two leaders discussed a range of issues including the threats and challenges facing the United States and Russia, strategic economic issues and the historical U.S.-Russia relationship that dates back over 200 years. President-elect Trump noted to President Putin that he is very much looking forward to having a strong and enduring relationship with Russia and the people of Russia.

During the 73-day period between Election Day and Inauguration Day, the President-Elect will deploy Agency Review Teams to each federal agency to ensure a smooth transition between administrations.

Ensuring the smooth transition of presidential power has been a democratic hallmark of the United States for more than 200 years.

"Working together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream." - President Elect Donald J. Trump

Want to learn more about how transition works? Check out this article.

There is both disruption and continuity in a presidential transition. Thankfully, a support structure of career staff and their agencies stands ready to assist the presidential transition teams BEFORE the election and the incoming administration after the votes have been counted.
presidentialtransition.org|By Partnership for Public Service
This is the official page for President-Elect Donald Trump’s transition team.
2017 Presidential Transition's photo.
2017 Presidential Transition's photo.
2017 Presidential Transition's photo.
2017 Presidential Transition's photo.
2017 Presidential Transition's photo.
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