Operations and Management
Fleet and Family Readiness

Environmental Support

Commander, Navy Region, Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA) is committed to environmental compliance with local, State, and Federal environmental laws, regulations and policies. We acknowledge that environmental stewardship is essential to the safe, healthful, and compliant execution of our mission and the preservation and protection of our land, air, and water. We are committed to preventing pollution at its source whenever possible. To achieve our goals, we integrate sound environmental practices into all of our operations and business decisions.

For more information:

In Virginia, call (757) 444-3009
FAX (757) 444-3000
In Pennsylvania, call (215) 897-2174
FAX (215) 897-2579

Department of Defense Regional Environmental Coordinator Concept

In order to build better coordination and communication with area regulators and public on environmental issues, the Department of Defense (DoD) formally established the DoD Regional Environmental Coordinators program through the issuance of DoD Instruction 4715.2, "DoD Regional Environmental Coordination," dated May 3, 1996. This document outlines policy, roles, and responsibilities for the DoD regional environmental coordination program. Although there were some existing Military Service environmental regional offices, this program established a lead Military Service as an Executive Agent to represent DoD on environmental issues at the 10 Federal EPA regions of the United States. These DoD regional environmental coordinators are known as DoD RECs.

The various Military Services established and located regional offices and DoD RECs based on the standard federal EPA regions for which the DoD Instruction assigned them executive agent responsibility (see areas of responsibility below).

The Army established their regional offices in 1995, including their four DoD REC offices in Regions 4, 5, 7 and 8.

The Navy established regional offices in October 1990 and then designated DoD RECs for Regions 1, 3, and 9 in July 1994.

The Air Force, which has had regional environmental offices since the mid-1970s, designated DoD RECs for Regions 2, 6, and 10.

Assigned to each federal EPA region there is a DoD REC office and Service Component RECs who coordinate with the DoD REC.

The role of the DoD REC, as detailed in the DoDI, is to take the lead on issues that affect more than one Service, and to manage these issues through the Service Component RECs. The Service Component RECs have the task of managing coordination within their respective Services and delivering a Service position to the DoD REC. If consensus cannot be reached, then the DoD REC must elevate the issue to the Executive Agent for resolution.

The majority of DoD REC efforts focus on various regulatory matters of interest to or in support of military installation environmental efforts. This includes issues in support of (applicable) senior Military Services leadership, various active and reserve major commands, and the federal/state guard activities in the continental US and its territories. The DoD RECs do not infringe upon the chain of command, but ensure awareness of DoD REC initiatives in support of senior leadership, the major commands, and their installations. Similarly, the DoD RECs do not infringe upon the relationship of the National Guard Readiness Centers (National Guard Bureau) and the state adjutants general.

DoD REC Office Mission

To support the DoD/Military Services mission through coordination, communication and facilitation of regional environmental issues and activities when these activities affect two or more installations.

Areas of Responsibility

Mission Essential Tasks

Coordinate region-wide issues with the other Service regional offices

Provide review, analysis and comment on proposed and existing state regulations and legislation

Facilitate partnering with states by articulating DoD/Military Service positions, where appropriate

Publicize and share success stories and innovations

DoD Regional Environmental Coordination Office Publications

Semi-annual DoD REC environmental reports

Environmental regulatory alerts as needed

Regional Updates

Regional reviews (regulatory and legislative)

Reaching Out

The DoD RECs are a key link in the communication process between the Military Services, the states, and federal agencies. They are charged with knowing and understanding the dynamics of state and regional environmental issues and the needs of the installations in their regions. Not only do the DoD RECs work to give the DoD a voice on matters that affect readiness, they are also an invaluable resource to assist Commanders in achieving their environmental stewardship goals.

Contact Us

Head, Regional Environmental
Naval Station Norfolk
Phone: (757) 444-3009
DSN 564-3009 Fax: (757) 444-3000

Naval Air Station Oceana Environmental Director
Phone: (757) 433-3437
DSN 433-3437 Fax: (757) 433-2719

Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek Environmental Director
Phone: (757) 462-2517 ext 392
DSN 253-2517 ext 392 Fax: (757) 462-7060

Sewell's Point Environmental Director
Phone: (757) 445-6703
DSN 565-6703 Fax: (757) 444-3000

Naval Weapons Station Yorktown Environmental Director
Phone: (757) 887-4086
DSN 953-4707 Fax: (757) 887-4478

Philadelphia Naval Business CenterDirector
Phone: (215) 897-2174
DSN 443-2174 Fax: (215) 897-2579

Recycling Director
Phone: (757) 444-5335
DSN 564-5335 Fax: (757) 444-7407

Compliance Director
Phone: (757) 445-6682
DSN 565-6682 Fax: (757) 444-3000

DoD/Navy Regional Environmental Coordination Head
Phone: (757) 445-6493
DSN 565-6493 Fax: (757) 444-3000

Environmental Funding/Administrative Director
Phone: (757) 444-0214
DSN 564-0214 Fax: (757) 444-3000

Contact Us
Regional Environmental Coordination Office


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