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Rhode Island Hurricane Sandy (DR-4089)

Incident period: October 26, 2012 to October 31, 2012
Major Disaster Declaration declared on November 03, 2012

Sandy: One Year Later


Resources for survivors:

Visit for an overview of full Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts.


October 30, 2013 - Updates

In the past year over $125.9 million in FEMA funding has been obligated toward Hurricane Sandy recovery in New England, including:Rhode Island

June 25, 2013 - News Release

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. -- Thunderstorms and lightning are in the forecast for much of New England this week. To be safe from dangerous lightning follow this simple rule: When thunder roars, go indoors.Lightning kills an average of 55-60 people a year in the U.S. But 90 percent of those who are struck survive, often with permanent neurological disabilities. Eighty percent of lightning fatalities occur among men who were fishing, boating, golfing, biking, or working outdoors.

June 11, 2013 - News Release

Warwick, R.I.–More than $39.4 million in support from four federal disaster relief programs is helping Rhode Island recover from Hurricane Sandy’s effects.“Federal assistance has reduced Sandy’s financial impact on public facilities and affected individuals,” said FEMA Federal Coordinating Officer James N. Russo. “FEMA continues working to assure that all receive the maximum disaster aid we can provide.”

Geographic Information

Map of declared counties for [Rhode Island Hurricane Sandy (DR-4089)]

Financial Assistance

Individual Assistance - Dollars Approved

Individuals & Household Program (IHP): Provides money and services to people in Presidentially declared disaster areas.

Housing Assistance (HA): Provides assistance for disaster-related housing needs.

Other Needs Assistance (ONA): Provides assistance for other disaster-related needs, such as furnishings, transportation, and medical.

Total Individual Assistance (IA) - Applications Approved: Total Individual & Households Program - Dollars Approved* Total Housing Assistance - Dollars Approved* Total Other Needs Assistance - Dollars Approved*
Total Amount 105 $421,340.81 $378,748.80 $42,592.01
Last Updated: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 - 03:03 (Updated daily)

Public Assistance - Dollars Approved

Public Assistance (PA): Disaster grant assistance available for communities to quickly respond to and recover from major disasters or emergencies declared by the President

Emergency Work (Categories A-B): Work that must be performed to reduce or eliminate an immediate threat to life, protect public health and safety, and to protect improved property that is significantly threatened due to disasters or emergencies declared by the President

Permanent Work (Categories C-G): Work that is required to restore a damaged facility, through repair or restoration, to its pre-disaster design, function, and capacity in accordance with applicable codes and standards

*Dollars Approved: Assistance dollars approved but not necessarily disbursed.

*Dollars Obligated: Funds made available to the State via electronic transfer following FEMA's final review and approval of Public Assistance projects.

Total Public Assistance Grants - Dollars Obligated* Emergency Work (Categories A-B) - Dollars Obligated* Permanent Work (Categories C-G) - Dollars Obligated*
Total Amount $8,605,960.73 $4,818,724.95 $3,695,576.53
Last Updated: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 - 05:51 (Updated daily)

Related Links

Preliminary Damage Assessment Report

PDA Report; FEMA-4089-DR