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FEMA Strategic Plan

This page provides information about and a link to the 2014-2018 FEMA Strategic Plan. It also provides links to related documents. The page is intended for anyone interested in learning more about FEMA's strategic direction for the next four years

2014-2018 FEMA Strategic Plan

The 2014-2018 FEMA Strategic Plan reflects objectives the Agency will accomplish to provide the best possible support to the American people before, during, and after disasters. It sets forth the strategies FEMA will employ to accomplish the objectives and also establishes measurable outcomes to achieve. This Strategic Plan was developed through the involvement of hundreds of FEMA employees and many external stakeholders who contributed to generating our objectives, strategies, and outcomes, and who are now working to execute this Plan. 

The Strategic Plan provides a strategic lens to focus FEMA's efforts and guide the allocation of resources over the next four years. The FEMA Strategic Plan also supports the Department of Homeland Security's Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years (FY) 2014-2018 Mission 5 of Strengthen national preparedness and resilience.

FEMA’s Five Strategic Priorities:

  • Priority 1: Be survivor-centric in mission and program delivery

  • Priority 2: Become an expeditionary organization

  • Priority 3: Posture and build capability for catastrophic disasters

  • Priority 4: Enable disaster risk reduction nationally

  • Priority 5: Strengthen FEMA’s organizational foundation

FEMA's Two Strategic Imperatives:

  • A whole community approach to emergency management

  • Foster innovation and learning

Click here to read the Plan.

Additional Resources

Last Updated: 
06/23/2016 - 10:33