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Standard Operating Procedures for Mitigation Assessment Team Process (2008)

Cover photo for the document: Standard Operating Procedures for Mitigation Assessment Team Process (2008)
To make the Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) process an integral part of disaster response and hazard mitigation activities, FEMA has developed a MAT Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The SOP is a proactive and comprehensive approach to the planning, pre-deployment, deployment, field assessment, and post-deployment functions of a MAT. Under this approach, whenever possible, the process for determining the need for assembling and deploying a MAT begins well in advance of the disaster event itself, and the potential members of the MAT will have already been identified, qualified, and placed on “standby” for deployment by FEMA.
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Icon for file of type application/pdfStandard Operating Procedures for Mitigation Assessment Team Process
2.77MSeptember 1, 2008