All Tornadoes

On the first anniversary of our web page--May 1st, 1997--we began supplying information about the locations of tornadoes that have occurred in every state in the USA. In October of 2000, we began our worldwide tornado pages.

We are making this available for a variety of purposes, which include the following:

We offer this information in hopes that you will then use the microfilm or bound volumes of their your newspapers to seek out detailed information on each tornado. We do not intend to provide descriptions at this time. In the future, additional information will be provided in another format. The intent here is to get students and severe storm enthusiasts started on their own research projects. For many people, the lack of dates and counties are the biggest stumbling block to creating a report or completing a research effort. That will no longer be a problem.

The information for the USA is provided in this format, after the county name: month, day, year, official event number for that year in that state, time of day in military time, death(s), injury(ies), F-scale, and county number. In general, all counties are odd-numbered(this is the government's idea, not ours).

To research the tornadoes that interest you, go to the library in a town where a newspaper is published, or, if the tornado occurred in the distant past, find out if a newspaper was published there in the past. Or if really ambitious, to the state historical library in the capital city of the state or province. Bring with you the tornado dates, and ask for the microfilm of the newspaper for those dates. Get a lesson on how the microfilm projector works. Some libraries will not have microfilm, but will have the original newpapers in bound volumes. Treat them with the utmost care and respect so that they will be around for future use by people in years to come. If a tornado occurred on April 5th , and the newspaper is a daily, then April 6th, 7th and 8th should be the issues with information and stories. If the newspaper is a weekly, then you search for one or two weeks after the tornado. Some state historical libraries have tens of thousands of microfilm reels, with archives of hundreds of newspapers, dating back 100 years or more. This microfilm archive is a gold mine of tornado information if you know the county and the date. And now you do.
Happy hunting!

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St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819

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