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About the Department

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), landmark civil rights legislation that broke down age-old barriers to equality for millions of Americans with disabilities.  In the two decades since, we have learned that equal access for people with disabilities—to services, employment, buildings and programs—is best protected by thorough integration of their needs into ordinary, day-to-day activities.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) promotes that integration every day, through all our components and activities.  Some examples:

Honoring Our Veterans

As we honor the service and sacrifice of our nation’s veterans on this Veteran’s Day, I hope you’ll join me in honoring the tens of thousands of veterans who serve our country as members of Department of Homeland Security.

The Department’s Five Responsibilities

When President-elect Obama nominated me to become our country’s third Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, I was warned that the vast Department was too cumbersome to lead; that the 225,000-strong workforce was too big to manage; that

Efficiency Review

Today the Department took a major step forward to advance one of President Obama's most important goals – improving efficiency and transparency across the Federal government.

Stimulating the Economy

As you may know, the President recently launched a new website – – that allows the public to track how our taxpayer dollars are being spent under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (also known as the stimulus).


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