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Region I: Environmental & Historic Preservation Office

This page gives an overview of the Environmental & Historic Preservation Office at FEMA Region 1--who we are and what we do.

Who We Are  

The Region 1 Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (EHP) Office integrates the protection and enhancement of environmental, historic, and cultural resources into FEMA's mission, programs and activities. It ensures that FEMA's activities including facility management, its Public Assistance, Individual Assistance, Hazard Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness grants comply with federal environmental and historic preservation laws and executive orders.

All federally funded projects must undergo an environmental review to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and executive orders. A project review must:

  1. Be consistent with the review requirements for other similar projects;
  2. Be defensible in a court of law;
  3. Be integrated into the initial phase of the project planning process;
  4. Be completed before the project is initiated or funded.

For regional FEMA related environmental and historic preservation technical assistance please email Jack Sullivan, Regional Environmental Officer at or Lydia Kachadoorian, Deputy Regional Environmental Officer at

What We Do

The potential of FEMA funded actions to affect the environment or historic properties depends on the nature and location of the activity. The higher the potential impacts, the higher the level of review is required. Most of the FEMA funded activities that may affect the environment or historic properties fall into the following categories:

  • Road construction
  • Bridge construction
  • Sewage lagoons
  • Acquisition, relocation, and demolition of buildings
  • Studies & project planning
  • Storm water management projects
  • Tornado shelters
  • Temporary housing
  • Utilities
  • Fuel modification projects
  • Construction of public facilities (i.e. schools, libraries)
  • Debris removal

Visit the National Environmental and Historic Preservation web page for more information.

Last Updated: 
04/14/2015 - 10:25

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