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AFRL Small Business Office – In the News

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Users of the Maker Hub’s 3-D printer can make their own creations using computer-aided design or can explore the many shared designs available through the vast online Maker community.  (U.S. Air Force photo/Lori Hughes) Maker Hub turns researchers into builders
WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- The Air Force Research Laboratory has unveiled a new project that will introduce Wright-Patterson employees to the innovative prototyping community known as the Maker Movement.The Maker Hub, a one-year pilot project in partnership with the Wright Brothers Institute, was conceived and spearheaded by AFRL
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Video marketing company builds business model around Air Force intelligence tool. Video marketing company builds business model around Air Force intelligence tool
Live-stream video has emerged as a popular marketing tool to reach millennial audiences, leading to a boom in companies such as Arizona-based VidFall.When launching VidFall in 2014, co-founders Joel Robinson and Steve Messa wanted a "hook" to set the company apart. That led the duo to the Air Force Research Laboratory's (AFRL's) Information
0 7/01
Default Air Force Logo AFRL: Transforming technology, education and the economy
Through sponsored programs in key locations, the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is working to bolster the industrial base, create jobs and foster the next generation science and technology workforce by thrusting more of its technology into the mainstream.Student and business teams being assembled near AFRL locations are finding new
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