Current issue

October 2012

Volume 21

Issue 10

Included in the Science Citation Index

BMJ Quality & Safety (previously Quality & Safety in Health Care) is an international peer review publication providing, news, opinion, debate and research for academics, clinicians and healthcare managers. It encourages innovation and creative thinking to improve the quality of health care and the science of improvement.

Quality & Safety in Healthcare has an Impact Factor of 1.683 for 2011. However, in January 2011, the journal was relaunched as BMJ Quality & Safety. The change of title means that BMJ Quality & Safety will not receive its first Impact Factor until the 2012 Journal Citation Reports are released in 2013. All previous content is still available through the archive.

Free: Editor's choice

Identifying and categorising patient safety hazards in cardiovascular operating rooms using an interdisciplinary approach: a multisite study
Cardiac surgery is still a high-risk procedure despite significant reductions in associated morbidity and mortality over the past 30 years ...
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Reducing CVC-related infections


Using checklists or bundle approaches to reduce infections related to central venous catheters (CVCs) has received widespread attention in recent years. A large, controlled study from the UK shows that comparable improvements occur in control and intervention sites when employing these methods.

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