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Regional Centers of Expertise

Bridge Inspection

Regional Center of Expertise (NAP)

Deep Draft Navigation

Regional Center of Expertise (NAN)

Enhanced Geographic Information System

Regional Center of Expertise (NAO)

Fire Protection

Regional Center of Expertise (NAB)

Groundwater Modeling

Regional Centers of Expertise (NAP/NAE)

Off-Post Military Housing Leasing

Regional Center of Expertise (NAN)

Radiological Health Physics

Regional Center of Expertise (NAB)

Recreation Facilities/Park Rangers

Regional Center of Expertise (NAE)

Secure Facility Design

Regional Center of Expertise (NAB)

Subsurface Explorations

Regional Center of Expertise (NAB)

Dam Safety Design Center

Regional Infrastructure Production Center

Levee Safety Design Center

Regional Infrastructure Production Center

Bridge Safety Design Center

Regional Infrastructure Production Center

Hydraulic Steel Structure Design Center

Regional Infrastructure Production Center

Hazardous Toxic Radioactive Waste

Regional Design Center of Expertise (NAE, NAB)