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New England District celebrates milestone anniversaries for Littleville Lake and Knightville Dam
Between them, Littleville Lake and Knightville Dam in Massachusetts both have served the people of New England by keeping dangerous floodwaters at bay for a total of 125 years. Local representatives joined members of the New England District team in commemorating the 75th anniversary of Knightville Dam and the 50th anniversary of Littleville Dam, at an event held in Huntington, Massachusetts, Oct. 8.
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New England District team commemorates Surry Mountain Lake Dam's 75th anniversary
For the last 75 years, Surry Mountain Lake Dam in Surry, New Hampshire has stood at the ready to protect New Hampshire residents from flooding. The District team members who operate the project held a 75th anniversary event on October 1 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., to commemorate the opening of the dam.
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Distinguished Civilian Gallery Member receives prestigious award from Alma Mater
Richard Reardon, retired Chief of Engineering/Planning and Distinguished Civilian Gallery Member, received the Academy of Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
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District, volunteers celebrate National Public Lands Day
National Public Lands Day (NPLD) is the largest single-day volunteer effort for public lands in the United States, and New England citizens did an incredible job at this year’s events. Connecticut’s Black Rock Dam hosted their NPLD clean-up on September 17, while three Massachusetts sites, West Hill Dam, Buffumville Lake and Hodges Village Dam, hosted their National Public Lands Day events on Sept. 24.

Who We Are

New England District is responsible for managing the Corps' civil works and military program responsibilities in a 66,000-square-mile region encompassing the six New England states east of the Lake Champlain drainage basin.

The region has:

  • 6,100 miles of coastline
  • 171 harbors with Corps improvements
  • 13 deep draft commercial waterways
  • 13 major river basins
  • thousands of miles of rivers and streams

The District employs about 500 professional civilian employees, with several military officers serving in key management positions. Seventy-five percent of the staff is stationed at the Concord, Mass., headquarters, while the others serve at Corps projects and area offices throughout the region.

The missions of the New England District are many and varied. They include:


Latest News Releases

Four Season Farms, LLC seeks Corps permit to impact wetlands to construct hydroponic greenhouses in Suffield

CONCORD, Mass. – Four Season Farms, LLC is seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Published: 11/29/2016

Corps of Engineers to conduct Proposed Plan meeting Dec. 7 for Nantucket Memorial Airport Formerly Used Defense Site

CONCORD, Mass. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), New England District with assistance from
Published: 11/29/2016

Corps of Engineers awards contract for concrete repairs at Franklin Falls Dam service bridge in Franklin

CONCORD, Mass. – Concrete repairs to the Franklin Falls Dam service bridge in Franklin, New
Published: 11/4/2016

Yankee Engineer

Year In Review

2015 Yankee Engineer Year in Review