Vertical Datum Transformation
Intergrating America's Elevation Data

Welcome to VDatum!

VDatum is a free software tool being developed jointly by NOAA's National Geodetic Survey (NGS)Office of Coast Survey (OCS), and Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). VDatum is designed to vertically transform geospatial data among a variety of tidal, orthometric and ellipsoidal vertical datums - allowing users to convert their data from different horizontal/vertical references into a common system and enabling the fusion of diverse geospatial data in desired reference levels.

Important: Transformation Uncertainties in the ‘Louisiana/Mississippi - Eastern Louisiana to Mississippi Sound’ Regional Model, have been found to range from 20 to 50 cm in particular locations from the Mississippi River Delta north to Lake Pontchartrain. These issues most likely can be attributed to subsidence, newly established datums, and changes to the understanding of NAVD88 based on new versions of the GEOID. The VDatum Team is currently looking at resolving these uncertainties.

Download the newest VDatum (v3.6.1) and its datasets.

Animated tutorial!


Tampa Bay Bathy/Topo Mreged DEM - the VDatum initial project


VDatum software is written in Java, so it runs on Mac OS X, Unix, VMP, and Windows.

Where available and uncertainties are established, VDatum supports the conversions among following: 

  • Coordinate Systems:  Geographic, UTM, State Plane Coordinates (SPC), and geocentric (ECEF)

  • Horizontal Datums:  NAD27, NAD83(1986), and NAD83(HARN); and ellipsoidal datums such as of ITRF, WGS84, and NAD83 serializations

  • Vertical Datums: 

    • Ellipsoidal Datums: NAD83, WGS84, ITRF88, ITRF89, ITRF90, NEOS 90, PNEOS 90, ITRF91, ITRF92, SIO/MIT 92, ITRF93, ITRF94, ITRF96, ITRF97, IGS97, ITRF2000, IGS00, IGb00, ITRF2005, IGS05, ITRF2008, IGS08, WGS84(transit), WGS84(G730), WGS84(G873), WGS84(G1150), WGS84(G1674), NAD83(PACP00), NAD83(MARP00)

    • Orthometric Datums:   NAVD88, NGVD29, PRVD02, VIVD09, ASVD02, GUVD04, NMVD03, HAWAII EGM2008, EGM1996, and EGM1984

    • Tidal Datums: MLLW, MLW, LMSL, DTL, MTL, MHW, LWD, and MHHW

    • IGLD85

  • GEOID models: GEOID12B, GEOID12A, GEOID09, GEOID06 (Alaska only), GEOID03, GEOID99, and GEOID96

  • EGM models: EGM2008, EGM1996, and EGM1984

  • Supported file format: text(ASCII), LiDAR(.LAS) version 1.0 to 1.2, ESRI ASCII Raster(.ASC), and ESRI 3D shapefile

Nov 17 2016