Paper airplanes take flight to help raise charitable funds

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Several paper airplanes took flight Oct. 29 in the rotunda of Bldg. 12, home of the Agile Combat Support (ACS) Directorate, contest sponsor. The competition was fiercely friendly as competitors competed in categories such as distance and accuracy.

Each competitor entered the competition for $1 with all of the proceeds benefitting the Miami Valley Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Before the competition began, the paper airplane engineers were able to fill up on purchased barbeque meals, the sales of which also benefitted CFC. In total, the airplane toss raised $400 for CFC charities.

"While paper airplane design is easy to learn, it is a craft that takes skill and creativity in order to make a good flyer," said Michael Stock, an event organizer. "This year I saw the different airplane designs are better for different competitions."

The winner in the distance category was Capt. Jeff Tetrault of the ACS Directorate of Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC). Tetrault's airplane traveled 510 inches.

In the category of accuracy, the winner was Jim Stocker of AFLCMC, hitting the mark at 18 inches.

Competitors represented different Air Force organizations, origami experiences and ages. The youngest competitor in the event was 9-year-old Caleb Ashley, who participated in two different competitions.

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the annual workplace charitable giving campaign for the Department of Defense and federal workforce. Contributions support eligible nonprofit organizations that provide health and human welfare benefits. Since its inception in 1961, DOD and federal employees have contributed more than $7 billion through CFC.

With a theme of "Making a Difference Together," MVCFC's 2014 goal is $2,310,000. About 90 percent of that amount will be contributed by the Wright-Patterson AFB workforce, according to Michael Gill, executive director, Air Force Materiel Command, and the 2014 MVCFC grand marshal.

As of Nov.5, CFC has raised donations of $1,453,212 or 63 percent of its goal. The campaign runs through Nov. 14, with e-pledges accepted through Dec. 15. Payroll deductions will be made from January to December 2015.

New this year is universal giving, introduced by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Donors can direct their pledges to any CFC-approved charity regardless of duty location or charity location. The entire list of CFC-approved charities may be found online at, (click Search Charities).