Without "To the Colors", saluting not necessary during Reveille

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB, Ohio -- Recently Wright-Patterson AFB changed its morning routine of playing "To the Colors" immediately following Reveille. This change caused a little confusion and I'd like to clarify.

Reveille is a traditional bugle call song that was originally meant for roll call and a way to start the duty day. According to regulation, if there isn't a 24 hour flag on an installation, all personnel should stop while driving/walking during Reveille. If there is a 24/7 flag, like at Wright Patterson, reveille is just a traditional bugle call to signify the start of the official duty day.

Because Wright-Patterson's flags are flown 24/7, there is no requirement to play "To the Colors," which eliminates the need to stop or salute during Reveille. Some may find it hard to break the ingrained response to stop or salute at the first note of any music.

Air Force Instruction 34-1201 states "If your base flies the U.S. flag a continuous 24-hours and no music but Reveille is played with no action with the flag you are not required to stop and salute, Reveille is just a bugle call."

Conversely, during Retreat we play the national anthem immediately following the retreat bugle requiring us to stop, salute and honor our nation's flag. Retreat and the national anthem are played daily at 1700. You should stop and face the flag or the music if walking and stop your vehicle safely if you are still in your vehicle.

What do I do when Retreat is played?

Whether in uniform or not in uniform: At the first sound of Retreat, stop where you are and turn to face the flag, or in a situation where the flag is not visible, turn in the general direction of the flag or the sound and, if in uniform, stand at parade rest. If not in uniform, protocol still dictates that you stop and face the flag or the music out of respect.

When do I come to attention and salute the flag?

In uniform: When the Retreat music concludes, come to attention and render a salute when you hear the first note of the national anthem.

Not in uniform: Come to attention and place your right hand over your heart. Remove your hat with the right hand and hold it at the left shoulder while your right hand is over the heart.

Exception: Servicemembers and veterans not in uniform may render a salute during the hoisting, lowering or passing of the flag; this was changed by the 2008 Defense Authorization Act; Congress realized they omitted the national anthem and have added an amendment to the Department of Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal year 2009 (S. 3002, section 1081) to amend title 36, USC, to allow veterans and servicemembers not in uniform to salute during the national anthem if they so desire.

How long do I hold my salute?

Remain at attention saluting the flag until the national anthem has finished playing.

What if I'm wearing my Physical Training Uniform (PTU)?

Proper military customs and courtesies apply while wearing the PTU during Retreat (attention and saluting).

What do I do if I'm driving at the time of Retreat?

At the first note of Retreat and the national anthem, you should bring your moving vehicle safely to a complete stop as you would if an emergency vehicle were approaching and put the car in park. Base guidance is that personnel turn off any music playing in the vehicle. Everyone inside the vehicle, including the driver, should remain seated at attention.