FY 2011 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Investment Justification Template IntroductionAs part of the FY 2011 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Grant Program application, applicants must develop a formal Investment Justification (IJ) that addresses the construction or renovation Investment proposed for funding. Under the FY 2011 EOC Grant Program, EOCs may propose only one construction or renovation IJ. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has developed guidelines that establish the required IJ content and helps ensure that submissions are organized in a consistent manner while addressing key data requirements. This template may be used by applicants to complete and submit their IJ. If applicants do not wish to use this form, they must follow the requirements detailed in the FY 2011 EOC Grant Program Guidance. Failure to address these data elements in one of the prescribed formats, including the strict formatting guidelines, could potentially result in the rejection of the IJ from review consideration. All submitted applications must use the following file naming convention when submitting required documents as part of the FY 2011 EOC: “FY 2011 EOC - .” The IJ should be sent electronically to the State Administrative Agency (SAA) no later than 11:59 p.m. EST, June 13, 2011 to ensure adequate time for a State review of EOC applications. If an extension to the deadline is required, applicants must consult with their respective SAA. If using Excel 2007, applicants are required to save the final version of the IJ in the Excel 97-2003 format before submitting. Excel 2007 or PDF formats cannot be accepted. Instructions on saving the IJ template in the Excel 97-2003 format are below in the “Helpful Hints” Section. Helpful Hints: Security Warning: When opening the IJ template, some users may see a note that says "Security Warning: some active content has been disabled." Click on the [Options …] button next to the message, select "Enable this content," then click on the [OK] button. If this is not done, the text boxes may not function properly. Moving Through the Investment Justification: While entering information in the IJ template, applicants should try to minimize the use of the Tab and Enter keys to move between data entry fields. As the template consists of a combination of text boxes and cells, using these keys may cause the cursor to move to an undesired location. Copying & Pasting in the Investment Justification: Some applicants may find it helpful to begin drafting their IJ information in MS Word and then pasting this into the Excel-based template. However, please be aware that, when copying and pasting information from Word into the text boxes in the template, any formatting will not carry over. Also, right-clicking in the text boxes in Excel will not provide the usual pop-up menu where you can select Cut, Copy, Paste, or any of the usual such options. To copy from a text box, users must select the text, then use the [Edit] menu in Excel 2003 or the [Home] tab in Excel 2007 and select [Copy]. To paste data into a text box, click in the text box, then use the [Edit] menu in Excel 2003 or the [Home] tab in Excel 2007 and select [Paste]. FY 2011 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Investment Justification Template IntroductionCharacter Count: The data entry fields included in the IJ allow for the maximum number of characters noted for that section, plus an additional number of characters to account for spaces. Once that limit has been reached, users will not be able to include any additional text. Spell Check: When using Spell Check in MS Excel, it will not review information entered into the data entry boxes. Therefore, it is suggested that applicants use MS Word to ensure that the entered information is spelled correctly. To use Spell Check in MS Word: In MS Word 2003a) Click on the [Tools] menub) Select [Spelling] and all spelling issues will be displayedIn MS Word 2007a) Click on the [Review] tab near the top of the screenb) Click on [Spelling & Grammar] and all spelling issues will be displayedSaving in Excel 97-2003 Format: As stated above, if using Excel 2007 to complete the IJ template, applicants are required to save the final version in the Excel 97-2003 format before submitting. To do that: a) Click on the Office Button at the top left of the Excel windowb) Hover over [Save As] in the listc) Click on [Excel 97-2003 Workbook] d) In the “Save As” Window, chose a location and file name for the new file. Be sure to use the “FY 2011 EOC - ” file name format noted above. To begin entering information into the IJ, click on the "Investment Justification" tab below. FY 2011 EOC Investment JustificationI. Applicant InformationInvestment Heading: Emergency Operations Center Name: FY 2011 EOC Grant Program Project Name: Indicate whether a State, local, or Tribal EOC: Indicate the physical address of the EOC: (if the EOC is a new construction and an address has not been assigned, provide the city and state in which the EOC will be located) Dun and Bradstreet Number: Identify any FY 2010 EOC Grant Program funding received, including amount: Identify any FY 2011 EMPG funding allocated, including amount: Investment Type: Construction or RenovationIf Construction Investment, please indicate whether construction is of a new facility or an addition to an existing facilityIf Renovation Investment, please indicate the year that the original facility was constructed Total cost of proposed EOC project: Requested FY 2011 EOC Grant Program Federal funds FALSE Grantee matching funds (must be at least 25% of requested Federal funds) Match RequirementDescribe how the 25% program cash- or in-kind match requirement for the FY 2011 EOC Grant Program award will be met. (800 character max - not including spaces) FY 2011 EOC Investment Justification II. OverallDescribe at a high level what will be implemented and accomplished by this Project Investment. (1,800 character max - not including spaces) III. Needs AssessmentCertify that a facility assessment has been conducted (to include the date and conductor of assessment). Outline how the project will address the identified deficiencies or needs identified in the assessment. Address the impact of project (loss of services) on population/risk. (1,800 character max - not including spaces) FY 2011 EOC Investment Justification IV. Investment ImpactDescribe how the project will enhance emergency management capabilities for the State, local, or tribal applicant; also noting how the project will be accomplished in a cost effective manner. (1,500 character max - not including spaces) V. Pre-Existing PlanningFacility Assessment: Describe any pre-existing planning that has taken place relative to the deficiencies noted in the facility assessment, including: - Architectural plans developed- Permits in Place- Explanation of proposed project including design criteria to address the identified hazards and threatsDescribe any pre-existing planning that has taken place relative to the proposed project. Hazard-Resistance Guidance: Describe hazard-resistance design guidance utilized as part of the pre-existing planning, such as, but not limited to: - FEMA 426/452 for identifying and mitigating man-made and terrorist threats- FEMA 361 and FEMA 543 for identifying and mitigating flood and wind hazards- FEMA 310 (ASCE 31) and FEMA 356 for identifying and mitigating seismic hazardsDeficiencies/Needs: Describe any current activities that have taken place relative to rectifying the deficiencies or needs identified in the assessment. (2,200 character max - not including spaces) FY 2011 EOC Investment Justification VI. Funding PlanThis section will focus solely on the amount of Federal funds being requested for this construction or renovation project (up to $1,000,000 for construction projects or up to $250,000 for renovation projects). Applicants must make funding requests that are reasonable and justified by direct linkages to activities outlined in this particular Investment. - Budget Narrative – Each State, local, and Tribal EOC applicant must outline proposed costs in the categories identified in the budget detail worksheet. - Budget Detail Worksheet – Each State, local, and Tribal EOC applicant must complete and attach the SF 424C: Budget Information – Construction Programs available at: http://www.grants.gov/agencies/aapproved_standard_forms.jsp#1 Note: Investments will be evaluated on the expected impact on security relative to the amount of the Investment (i.e., cost effectiveness). (800 character max - not including spaces) VII. Funding SourcesSupplemental Funding: In addition to the required cash- or in-kind match, discuss other funding sources (e.g., non-FY 2011 EOC Grant Program funds, public or private agreements, future fiscal year grants) that you plan on utilizing for the implementation and/or continued sustainment of this Investment. If no other funding resources have been identified beyond the required cash or in-kind match, or if none are necessary, provide rationale as to why the requested FY 2011 EOC Grant Program funding is sufficient for the implementation and sustainment of this Investment. (800 character max - not including spaces) FY 2011 EOC Investment Justification VIII. Investment ChallengesList and identify potential challenges to effective implementation of this Investment over the period of performance. Provide a brief description of how each challenge will be addressed and mitigated, and indicate a probability of occurrence (high, medium, or low). Be sure to address the following: - The necessary steps and stages that will be required for successful implementation of the Investment; - Identify areas of possible concern or potential pitfalls in terms of Investment implementation; and, - Explain why those areas present the greatest challenge to a successful Investment implementation. (2,000 character max - not including spaces) IX. Project ManagementExplain how the management team members will organize and work together in order to successfully manage the Investment. (2,000 character max - not including spaces) FY 2011 EOC Investment Justification X. MilestonesProvide descriptions of up to 10 major milestones that are critical to the success of the Investment: - Milestones are for this discrete Investment – those that are covered by the requested FY 2011 EOC Grant Program funds and will be completed over the period of performance for the grant; - Milestones should be kept to high-level, major tasks that will need to occur; - Identify the planned start date associated with the identified milestone. The start date should reflect the date at which the earliest action will be taken to start achieving the milestone; - Identify the planned completion date when all actions related to the milestone will be completed and overall milestone outcome is met; and- List any relevant information that will be critical to the successful completion of the milestone (such as those examples listed in the question text above). (1,000 character max - not including spaces) MilestoneState DateCompletion DateRemaining Characters in Table: 10001. Instructions for Finalizing the IJIf you are using Excel 2007, please be sure to save the final version of your IJ for submission in the Excel 97-2003 format. Instructions can be found on the Introduction tab in the "Helpful Hints" section. Excel 2007 or PDF formats cannot be accepted. Please provide a copy of this Investment Justification to the SAA by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on June 13, 2011.