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Enhancing Human Capital Course

EHC Course Materials

EHC Flyer EHC Flyer (fillable) EHC Poster
EHC Poster

EHC Slides

EHC Placemat Notetakers

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has a Placemat Notetaker


Enhancing Human Capital Snipits
(To view Snipit Instructor Guide, click on "View" and select "Notes Page")

Be sure to select "Save" instead of "Open" in order to view the slide in the "Instructor Guide" format.

Commitment, Loyalty and Trust

Power Point Format

PDF Format

Power & Authority

Power Point Format

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Personal Bias and Blind Spots

Power Point Format

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Personal Bias & Relationships

Power Point Format

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Systematic Thinking

Power Point Format

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Destructive Communication

Power Point Format

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Power Point Format

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Entrenched Thinking

Power Point Format

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Human Behavior

Power Point Format

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In Group Psychology

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Institutional Health

Power Point Format

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Power Point Format

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Course Intercepts

"Course Intercepts" are designed to provide professionalism examples and best practices to all Airmen.  These are proud stories of Air Force Airmen , and also ideas generated by fellow Air Force units intended as tools for your professionalism tool box. Use these to increase commitment, loyalty, and trust within your unit.

Street Cred

Crash Spelled Chrach

Service in the Service

Excellence in Action

Battle of Takur Ghar

Heritage Roll Call


Ethical Mishaps Overview

PACE has assembled a repository of "Ethical Mishap" cases to provide lessons learned to all Airmen.  These are real cases of Airmen who violated the United States Code (USC), Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), Department of Defense (DoD) guidance, or the Air Force Core Values.  These cases demonstrate the consequences to American Airmen who made poor choices while serving in the Profession of Arms.

All cases have been adjudicated through appropriate judicial punishment, non-judicial punishment, or administrative action and are no longer active.

The following definitions apply to "Warnings", "Cautions", and "Notes" found throughout the Ethical Mishap cases.

WARNING - This conduct betrays the trust of fellow Airmen and discredits the Air Force; judicial punishment, imprisonment, and a loss of career could result.

CAUTION - This conduct diminishes the trust of fellow Airmen and discredits the Air Force; non-judicial punishment could follow and negatively impact a career.

NOTE - A standard of conduct or Air Force Core Value which is considered essential to emphasize. 


Can't Escape Hatch

Risky Business

Cheaters Never Prosper

Not Worth It

Credit Card Abuse

No Compromise

"Ethical Mishap" Discussion Points

1. Which Air Force Core Value(s) were violated in each scenario?

2. What do you think were the career consequences?

3. Is our mission impacted by a loss of trust in one individual? Why?

4. Do you have the moral courage to hold others accountable?


Airmen's Week Video

Course Overview

Airmen's Week Video

Airmen's week is about better preparing our new Airmen to be better leaders and how to make smarter life decisions in accordance with our Core Values.  It makes them think more deeply about these core values and what it means to be in the Profession of Arms.  Click the video above to get a better perspective on this outstanding initiative.