Distracted While Driving

  • Driving While Texting - The very real human consequences that can result from driving while 'InTEXTicated.'
  • New Virginia Law on CellPhones - http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?ses=091&typ=bil&val=HB1876+ Text messaging and emailing while driving. Prohibits operation of a motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth while using any handheld personal communications device to manually enter multiple letters or text or to read a text message. This bill provides exemptions for using global positioning systems (GPS), reading caller identification information, and using a wireless telecommunications device to report an emergency. The provisions of this bill do not apply to operators of emergency vehicles. This bill incorporates HB 1615 and HB 2380.
  • Take a look on any site that allows you to look up news. There is always plenty of up to date information out there and stories of distracting driving.
  • Drive Smart Virginia
  • NHTSA - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website covers research into distracted driving as well driver strategies. Drowsy and Distracted driving can be found under the Traffic Safety link.
  • Naval Safety Center - offers its view of distracted driving and gives a list of resources to use
  • Nation-wide Smart Ride - Talking to your teen about driving safe. Can be adapted for young sailors.

Driving While Distracted Videos

Promoting safe driving - http://www.themoreyouknow.com/safe-driving/

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