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Collaboration between DoD, VA aims to improve initiatives for women's health

As the number of women in the military, as well as those transitioning to VA care, continues to grow, the DoD and VA are working together to meet health-related needs for female service members. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Angela Lorden) As the number of women in the military, as well as those transitioning to VA care, continues to grow, the DoD and VA are working together to meet health-related needs for female service members. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Angela Lorden)

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The Military Health System is highlighting the efforts of Health Affairs Women’s Health working group. Comprised of experts from the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs, the group addresses health-related concerns, needs and issues affecting a growing body of women both in the military and as they transition to VA.

Dr. Cara Krulewitch, director of Women’s Health Medical Ethics & Patient Advocacy in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs), said the group wants to ensure that there is a comprehensive approach to the health needs of a woman – from entry into the military to status as a veteran.

“We will find a better way to identify trends and what’s going on across the life cycle of our soldiers, airmen and seamen,” said Krulewitch. Communication between DoD, VA and the services will allow the group to share data and health perspectives to identify gaps that must be filled.

While men’s health is just as important as women’s health, women have specific needs that are different from those of men, she said, including the unique hygiene needs of women in a field environment.

“We want to ensure that we’re focusing on both [men’s and women’s health], even in simple things,” said Krulewitch. Contraception is a major topic for the group, but other areas of discussion include cancer screenings and reproductive and gynecological needs.

Colonel Nancy Parson, chief of the Army Medicine women’s health service line, said the group is response-oriented based on issues that have come forward from beneficiaries and Congress. In September, experts participated in a live question-and-answer session through Facebook, which allowed the experts to directly address questions and concerns voiced by beneficiaries.

“Sometimes we think of the [needs of a] younger soldier, but we’ve gotten some questions recently from some of our older female officers who are asking about things like menopause and urinary retention issues as they get older,” said Parson. This type of feedback can help guide the group’s discussions in the future, she said.

Through collaboration with the VA, the group will be able to gain a better understanding of the needs of women transitioning out of service, which will then impact the education and initiatives being provided to women now in the service, said Parson.

“We always want to educate people about how to complete preventive care in order to take care of themselves,” said Parson, stressing that they focus on areas to keep service members fit and ready. Officially chartered in June under the Health Executive Committee, the group plans to announce its first set of initiatives in 2017.

“Women will have seamless care throughout their entire military experience and career,” said Krulewitch.

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