Hundreds of experts and professionals from around the globe are working collectively on state-of-the-art global earthquake risk assessment and get together in Nexus to discuss the work being carried out within the scope of GEM.


Call for applications - EEFIT research grants
The EEFIT Research Grant supports short-term projects that will benefit earthquake (and related hazards) disaster mitigation and post-disaster reconnaissance efforts.
GEM Nexus restyling
GEM Nexus has a new look and feel, fitting with new branding; other than that.. nothing changed!
New Nexus group on Social Vulnerability & Resilience
A project on Social Vulnerability and Resilience for GEM has recently taken off, in order to support GEM's mission of producing a holistic global earthquake risk model and tools to estimate the impact of earthquakes on economy and society.

Submit your suggestions for community support & collaboration within the scope of GEM.