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Environmental Assessment Evaluation Sheet

This page presents a template for an Environmental Assessment Evaluation Sheet.

NOTE: To Print, set margins to 0.5" on the left and right sides.

Project Title:___________________________________________________________

Reviewer: _______________  Date received:_______  Date reviewed: ________

AdequateInadequateList Items
______________1. Title - Disaster, Program, Location
______________2. Purpose and Need:
______________  Need - Description of project area problems
______________  Goals for taking action (not focused on proposed project)
______________3. Proposed Action and Alternatives:
______________  Enough alternatives
______________  All alternatives feasible
______________  Level of detail:
______________  --All components of full scope of action (clearly described, site maps/plans, etc.)
______________  --Details (amounts, sizes, acres, locations, etc.)
______________  --Construction/Implementation (equipment, methods/timing)
______________  No Action Description
______________  Alternatives Considered but Dismissed
______________4. Affected Environment Impacts of Proposed Action and Alternatives
______________  No action, proposed action, and alternatives clearly identified
______________  Affected environment description incorporated
______________  Impacts of no action, proposed, and alternatives evaluated
______________  --Level of analysis
______________  --Information distinguishes differences between impacts of alternatives.
______________  Analysis, discussion, and citation of authority/reference for:
______________  --E.O. 12898 (Low Income & Minority) (required)
______________  --E.O. 11988 (Floodplains) and 11990 (Wetlands)
______________  --Geology (hazards, resources)
______________  --Soils (erodability, hydric, load bearing capacity, Prime)
______________  --Special Land/Natural Features
______________  --Water Resources (surface and ground)
______________  --Biotic Resources (plants, fish, wildlife, T&E species, habitat)
______________  --Climate and Air Quality (dust, odor, humidity, temp.)
______________  --Cultural (Historic and Archeological) Resources
______________  --Socioeconomics (neighborhoods, businesses, politics, zoning and
______________  --Visual Resources
______________  --Solid Waste and Hazardous/Toxic Materials
______________  Complete consultation from:
______________  --USACE (CWA § 404 Wetlands, RHA § 10 Waterways)
______________  --USFWS and/or NMFS (FWCA § 7; ESA T&E Species)
______________  --SHPO (NHPA § 106 Cultural Resources)
______________  --Federal, State, or local agencies, as required, for other resource issues (e.g.,stormwater management, water quality, Prime other farmlands)
______________5. Mitigation measures
______________  Described in project or alternative description
______________  Clear description and rationale related to impacts
______________  Measures required to mitigate below significance identified
______________6. EA should not:
______________  Eliminate alternatives
______________  Indicate selection of an action
______________7. Appropriate level of public notice/involvement (EA addresses public comments)
______________8. Attachments and Appendices
______________9. Other Areas Adequate?


Last Updated: 
04/22/2015 - 14:23