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New Orleans Metropolitan Area Infrastructure Projects


Public Information and Outreach Overview

Public information and outreach for the NEPA Alternative Arrangements process includes the development of this part of the FEMA website; providing environmental information specific to the proposed actions in the New Orleans area; providing links to other public involvement forums such as state, parish, local group and committee hearings; and outreach through various groups like faith-based organizations.

FEMA will continue to monitor opportunities for the public to become involved in the NEPA Alternative Arrangements for NOMA Infrastructure Projects through attendance at local and neighborhood planning meetings, FEMA Public Assistance meetings with applicants and local officials, distribution of comment brochures and by assisting applicants with a public outreach plan if requested. 

Applicants must have a public involvement plan.  The amount of public involvement will vary by project and applicant.  Adequate public involvement is determined by various factors which include but are not limited to size of population affected, dollar amount of project, geographic area size, and potential for controversy.  While the applicant is responsible for public involvement, FEMA is responsible for ensuring appropriate public involvement under NEPA.  Alternative Arrangements Projects will be reviewed for NEPA Compliance prior to approval.  If needed, FEMA can provide assistance for designing and implementing a public involvement program.

Comments received by FEMA are cataloged and the comment is placed within the appropriate category of project (hospital, school, etc.). 

To submit comments regarding critical infrastructure and request information on the NEPA Alternative Arrangements, contact FEMA at the following email address: You can also submit comments online on the Alternative Arrangements contact us page.

Please submit written comments regarding critical infrastructure by mail to:

NEPA / Alternative Arrangements Coordinator
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
1 Seine Court, 4th Floor
New Orleans, LA 70114
Phone (504) 762-2361
Fax (504) 762-2323


Public Involvement Process for the Alternative Arrangements under NEPA

FEMA will continue to provide opportunities for stakeholders to become involved in the Alternative Arrangements environmental review process through regular outreach mechanisms. An example of these mechanisms is meetings with the applicant and local officials to explain the Public Assistance (PA) Program requirements, including environmental and historic preservation compliance requirements and related environmental, social, economic, cultural and historic consequences. Other existing venues for the involvement of stakeholders will be identified and used to the extent practical. Public input will be used to further develop appropriate outreach mechanisms best suited to assess the potential for impacts to the human environment from the critical physical infrastructure projects required to restore safe and healthful conditions for the repopulation of the New Orleans area.

Applicants must have a public involvement plan. The amount of public involvement will vary by project and applicant. Adequate public involvement is determined by various factors which include but are not limited to size of population affected, dollar amount of project, geographic area size, and potential for controversy. While the applicant is responsible for public involvement, FEMA is responsible for ensuring appropriate public involvement under NEPA. Alternative Arrangements Projects will be reviewed for NEPA Compliance prior to approval. 

FEMA is using public involvement strategies that take into consideration the nature of that project and the likely stakeholders that would have an interest in or be affected by those projects. Such strategies include addressing national, state and local media; notifying groups linked to the various types of infrastructure; and involving various civic, ethnic and religious groups, etc. When an action also requires public involvement to satisfy requirements under other federal laws, regulations, or Executive Orders, including the National Historic Preservation Act and Executive Order 11988, Floodplains, FEMA will work to integrate those public involvement requirements into the Alternative Arrangements public involvement process.


How to Contact FEMA or Submit Comments

Answers for many questions about the Alternative Arrangements are available in the Questions and Answers section of the FEMA website and on the main FEMA website Questions and Answers page.

To submit comments regarding critical infrastructure and request information on the NEPA Alternative Arrangements contact FEMA at the following email address: You can also submit comments online on the Alternative Arrangements contact us page.

Please submit written comments regarding critical infrastructure by mail to:

NEPA / Alternative Arrangements Coordinator
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
1 Seine Court, 4th Floor
New Orleans, LA 70114
Phone (504) 762-2361
Fax (504) 762-2323


Public Service Announcements, News Releases

In an effort to reach those eligible for federal assistance through federally declared disasters, FEMA has launched a public service advertising campaign that includes television, print, radio and web spots. Check news releases and public service announcements for a regional FEMA press archive.

Louisiana News Releases

Last Updated: 
06/16/2012 - 08:28