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Individual Assistance Fact Sheets (13)

Fact Sheets to assist people who may need assistance during a disaster.
Collection Created:
May 15, 2014
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  • Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program Fact Sheet

    The CCP supports short-term interventions that involve the counseling goals of assisting disaster survivors in understanding their current situation and reactions, mitigating stress, assisting survivors in reviewing their disaster recovery options, promoting the use or development of coping strategies, providing emotional support, and encouraging linkages with other individuals and agencies who may help survivors in their recovery process. This document gives a brief program overview of CCP.

  • Disaster Legal Services Fact Sheet

    The purpose of Disaster Legal Services (DLS) is to provide legal assistance to low-income individuals who prior to or as a result of the disaster, are unable to secure legal services adequate to meet their disaster-related needs. This fact sheet outlines when DLS can be provided and explains the general conditions and limitations of DLS.

  • Disaster Unemployment Assistance Fact Sheet

    The purpose of Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) is to provide unemployment benefits and re-employment services to individuals who have become unemployed as a result of a major disaster and who are not eligible for regular State unemployment insurance. This fact sheet outlines general information pertaining to the requirements and conditions under which an individual may be eligible for DUA.

  • Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program

    This fact sheet describes the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program.

  • Funeral Assistance Fact Sheet

    This fact sheet describes the eligible costs associated with FEMA Funeral Assistance under the Individuals and Households Program (IHP).

  • Assistance to Individuals and Households-Individuals and Households Program (IHP) Fact Sheet

    The Individuals and Households Program (IHP) provides financial help or direct services to those who have necessary expenses and serious needs if they are unable to meet the needs through other means. This fact sheet gives a brief introduction to the forms of help offered under the IHP.

  • Disaster Case Management Guidance

    Final guidance document for Regional, State, Tribal, and local partners for developing a grant and implementing and administering disaster case management.

  • National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System Fact Sheet

    The FEMA National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System (NEFRLS) may be activated following a Presidentially declared disaster at the request of an affected State to help reunite families that have become separated as a result of the disaster. Individuals and families can register online at or or by phone at 1-800-588-9822 when the system is activated.

  • Generator Reimbursement – Individuals and Households Program Fact Sheet

    Under the Other Needs Assistance provision of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Individuals and Households Program, and in conjunction with the State or Tribe, eligible applicants may be reimbursed for the purchase or rental of a generator required for medical purposes. Funds awarded for generator reimbursement are counted toward an applicant’s financial assistance limit, which is an annually adjusted amount based on the Consumer Price Index.

  • Manufactured Housing Units (MHUs) – Individuals and Households Program Fact Sheet

    FEMA may provide direct assistance to eligible disaster survivors through either the Multi-family Lease & Repair Program, in which FEMA contracts with the property owner or landlord to repair multi-family rental units for use as temporary housing, or by providing Manufactured Housing Units (MHUs). This fact sheet outlines the use of MHUs.
  • National Shelter System Fact Sheet

    The FEMA National Shelter System (NSS) is a coordinated nationwide database of emergency shelter information where thousands of profiles of potential shelter resources, as well as virtually any type of facility associated with the care of disaster survivors, are maintained.

  • Cora Brown Fund Fact Sheet

    The purpose of the Cora Brown Fund is to help provide for disaster-related needs that have not or will not be met by governmental agencies or any other organization, which has programs to address such needs. The Cora Brown Fund is for survivors of presidentially declared major disasters or emergencies not caused by or attributable to war. Disaster survivors do not apply for assistance from the fund; instead, they are identified and recommended by a FEMA Regional Director or his/her representatives, with assistance from other governmental agencies and voluntary disaster agencies.

  • Disaster Survivor Assistance Fact Sheet

    The DSA mission is to build and sustain an expeditionary cadre that can establish a timely presence primarily focused on addressing the needs of disproportionately impacted populations and disaster survivors.