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Elizabeth Edge

Elizabeth Edge photoElizabeth Edge serves as the Director of the Office of Regional Operations which works to ensure all policy, managerial, resource and administrative actions that affect or impact the Regions receive effective coordination between headquarters and the Regional Offices. The Office of Regional Operations also ensures that FEMA policies, programs, administrative and management guidance are implemented in the Regions in a manner consistent with the Agency’s overall goals.

During 2005 - 2011, Edge served as FEMA's Executive Secretary and directed the Office of Executive Secretariat which serves as the primary point of contact for FEMA and the Office of the Administrator for coordinating and providing information on departmental taskings, briefing materials and official correspondence to and from FEMA.

Edge began her career in the federal government with FEMA in October 1990. She has served as a program analyst for the Office of Inspector General and the Office of Regional Operations, including two detail assignments in FEMA's regional offices in Denver and San Francisco. She served as the Special Assistant to the Executive Associate Director for Response and Recovery, and as Special Assistant to the Administrator of the U.S. Fire Administration. Edge has also served as an advisor and assistant to the FEMA Chief of Staff and the FEMA Administrator.

Edge received a Bachelor's degree in Government from Connecticut College.

Last Updated: 
07/05/2016 - 09:58