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Office of Response and Recovery

This page will help you learn about the responsibilities and the leadership in the Office of Response and Recovery.


Elizabeth Zimmerman, Associate Administrator

Cory Gruber, Deputy Associate Administrator for Response and Recovery


The Office of Response and Recovery (ORR) provides guidance,  leadership and oversight to build, sustain, and improve the coordination and delivery of support to citizens and State, local, tribal and territorial governments to save lives, reduce suffering, protect property and recover from all hazards.

The Office of Response and Recovery (ORR) is comprised of the following offices and components:

  • Office of the Associate Adminstrator for Response and Recovery
    • Executive Staff
    • Doctrince and Policy Office
    • Business Management Office
  • Response Directorate
  • Recovery Directorate
  • Logistics Management Directorate
  • Field Operations Directorate
Last Updated: 
11/17/2016 - 15:40