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David Bibo

Photo of David BiboDavid Bibo, MPP, is the Acting Associate Administrator for Policy, Program Analysis, and International Affairs at FEMA.  In this role, David leads the Agency’s strategic and resource planning, data analytics, policy, audit, and international affairs functions.  As the career Deputy Associate Administrator, he drove completion of FEMA’s 2014-2018 Strategic Plan.  David brings Federal, state, local, and first-responder experience and perspective to his FEMA role and is a career member of the Senior Executive Service.

David served from November 2011 – December 2013 on the staff of the White House National Security Council (NSC), most recently as Senior Director for Preparedness Policy.  He worked with Federal leaders to foster initiatives to build and sustain the Nation’s capacity to withstand and rapidly recover from all hazards.  He led development and implementation of national-level policy related to individual and community resilience, preparedness grants, health and medical preparedness, and national security and emergency preparedness communications.  David also coordinated interagency preparedness for and response to emerging infectious disease threats and Federal response to biological incidents.  Prior to being promoted to Senior Director, David served as Director for Preparedness Policy, coordinating interagency efforts to implement Presidential Policy Directive-8: National Preparedness, including completion of the first National Preparedness Report and National Response, Recovery, and Mitigation Frameworks.  

Before joining the NSC staff, Bibo served from 2009 – 2011 in the Office of the Administrator at the Federal Emergency Management Agency as Counselor to the Deputy Administrator.  In this role, David provided leadership for several of the Administrator’s priorities, including empowerment of FEMA’s regional offices and efforts to enhance the capabilities of FEMA’s workforce.  David was also responsible for improving effectiveness and efficiency across FEMA’s preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation programs and operations.  He began his Federal career as a Special Advisor to the Director of the United States Secret Service, where he focused on implementation of the Director’s strategic priorities.

Prior to joining the Federal Government, David served in state and local government.  In 2007, he was selected as one of Harvard University’s inaugural Dukakis Governors’ Fellows.  During the fellowship, he served in the office of Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, supporting the Governor’s Homeland Security Advisor in building preparedness and response capacity for the Commonwealth.  David served from 2004 – 2006 as Assistant Homeland Security Director for the City of Boston and eight other metropolitan communities, where he designed and implemented initiatives that were integral to building the region’s preparedness and response capabilities in the wake of September 11th.  

David holds a Master’s in Public Policy in International Security and Political Economy from Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Criminal Justice from Stonehill College in Easton, MA.  David worked his way through college as an Emergency Medical Technician in metro-Boston.  He lives in Washington, DC, with his wife, Dr. Erin Ward Bibo, and their three children.

Last Updated: 
03/29/2016 - 08:00