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Thomas J. Lowry

Thomas Lowry

Thomas Lowry is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for FEMA, after coming to FEMA as the Deputy CFO in June 2013. As CFO, Lowry provides advice and counsel to senior FEMA leadership, including the FEMA Administrator and Deputy Administrator, on budget, financial, internal control and other related matters.  He also represents FEMA to the Department of Homeland Security, Office of Management and Budget, and Congressional offices on related matters, in addition to leading an organization of 250 professionals and technical staff.

Mr. Lowry brings 30 years budget and financial management knowledge, skills and abilities to this position, along with exceptional leadership, organizational and business acumen.  Prior to leaving Federal Service through his military retirement from the Department of Defense, and working in private industry as a Director of Financial Services for an Information Technology firm in Ohio, Lowry held numerous senior level financial management/budget positions with the

U.S. Air Force including: Comptroller/CFO for the Air Force Space Command, Chief of the Air Force Budget Integration and Operations Division, and Senior Military Advisor to the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Chief Financial Officer).

In these positions, as well as numerous other financial management leadership or technical positions within the Air Force at the field level, headquarters, and Pentagon, he directed and managed diverse, high-performing organizations, complex budgets, and sizeable professional and technical workforces. Mr. Lowry has also worked extensively with both Office of Management and Budget and Congressional staff in representing effectively the needs of the organizations he served, and has a proven track record of transforming financial and budget operations in terms of overall effectiveness and efficiency, and the timeliness and quality of deliverables and products.

Mr. Lowry is a graduate of The Ohio State University. He and his wife Karen have been married for 30 years, and currently live in Northern Virginia. They have two grown sons both living in Colorado.

Last Updated: 
03/09/2016 - 11:27