Contact Information

Emergency Numbers:

Emergency Operator: 112 or 110
On base from cell phone: 0-322-316-0112
Law Enforcement Desk: 676-3200
Command Post: 676-9920/9921
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator Hotline: 676-SARC (7272)
Off-base medical care, call International SOS: 00-44-20-8762-8133
Off-base emergency: 112

To reach Incirlik AB commercially:

From outside Turkey: 90-322-316-XXXX
From within Turkey (outside Adana area): 0-322-316-XXXX
From within Turkey (in Adana area): 316-XXXX

Other Incirlik AB contacts:

Public Affairs:
DSN: 314-676-6060
Comm: 011-90-322-316-6060

Action Line

Everyone at Incirlik is encouraged to use normal command and agency channels to resolve their problems or complaints. However, the Action Line program allows members of Team Incirlik to voice any concerns they may have and receive a response relating to the concern while remaining anonymous.

Ask Mehmet

Do you have a question about Turkey? Then Ask Mehmet! He has more than 30 years of experience as the 39th Air Base Wing's Host Nation Advisor, and is a wealth of knowledge about the local culture.

Hometown News Release

Airmen and civilian military employees wishing to submit a hometown news release for recent accomplishments must complete a DD Form 2266.

This is a user-driven process and the creating individual is responsible for the submission of this form to Public Affairs office. If you have any questions, please contact the 39th Air Base Wing Public Affairs office.

News Submissions

Want to make your unit famous? Send the 39th Air Base Wing Public Affairs office an email with your story ideas and contact information!

728th Air Mobility Squadron Passenger Travel

24 Hour Flight Recording: DSN 676-6424
Commercial: 90-322-316-6424
Passenger Service Agent: DSN 676-6425
Commercial: 90-322-316-6425
Fax: 676-8244
Commercial: 90-322-316-8244
Hours of Operation: 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Seven days a week