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The purpose of this page is to define basements, a commonly used term in floodplain management. To explore other common floodplain management terms access the NFIP Policy Index.


Any area of the building having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides. The lowest floor of a residential building including basement must be above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE). Basements below the BFE are only allowed in communities that have obtained a basement exception from FEMA. Floodproofed non-residential basements are allowed.

NFIP Requirement


Related Keywords

Special Topic Resources

  • Basement exceptions  
    • 60.6 (b) and ( c)
    • Federal Register Vol. 51, No.60, March 28, 1986, Proposed Rule, pp. 10746-10747
Last Updated: 
04/26/2016 - 13:46