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Flood Hazards of Special Concern

The purpose of this page is to define flood hazards of special concern, a commonly used term in floodplain management. To explore other common floodplain management terms access the NFIP Policy Index.


The mapping and regulatory standards of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) are general standards and do not address every flood problem in the United States. Certain floodplains and flood-related hazards are less common, more destructive and harder to map than riverine, coastal, alluvial fan, and shallow flooding. Special hazards include coastal erosion, tsunamis, closed basin lakes, uncertain flow paths, dam breaks, ice jams, and mudflows.

Communities should address these special hazards in their planning, public information, hazard disclosure, and flood warning programs.

Communities participating in the Community Rating System (CRS) that address these flood hazards can receive CRS credits for doing so.

NFIP Requirement

Part 60 - Criteria for Land Use and Management

  • 60.1 (d) Community Responsibility
  • 60.4 - Mudslide
  • 60.5 - Erosion
  • 60.22 - Planning Considerations for Floodprone Areas
  • 60.23 - Planning Considerations for Mudslide-prone Areas
  • 60.24 - Planning Considerations for Flood-related Erosion-prone Areas


Related Keywords

Special Topic Resources

Last Updated: 
04/27/2016 - 15:09