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R6 Floodplain Management & the NFIP

Provides information on floodplain management, the National Flood Insurance Program, training, and contact information for those with questions.

Floodplain Management and Insurance Branch

Region 6 Floodplain Mangement and Insurance Branch (FMIB) serves as the point of coordination and resources on floodplain management and federal flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.  This includes promoting community participation in the NFIP and ensuring compliance with NFIP regulations.  Region 6 floodplain specialists provide floodplain management and insurance expertise to Tribal, local, state, and other stakeholders including training on floodplain management, elevation certificates and the Substantial Damage Estimator.

The FMIB administers the NFIP for Region 6.  These programs focus on Tribal, state and local building codes and zoning regulations to assure that development and substantial improvements located in the identified floodplains are constructed to minimize future flood damage. FMIB works closely with our States' Floodplain Managment Associations to support training and outreach. To learn more about flood maps visit the FEMA Map Service Center, RiskMap6 and Texas Coastal Mapping websites.

The NFIP is aimed at reducing the impact of flooding on private and public structures.  This is achieved by encouraging communities to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations, and by providing affordable flood insurance for property owners.  Under the insurance part of the NFIP, this office provides oversight of flood insurance training programs and outreach efforts for insurance agents, lenders, real estate agents, and property owners throughout Region 6. 

These efforts help mitigate the effects of flooding on new and improved structures.  Overall, the program reduces the socio-economic impact of disasters by promoting sound land use development and the purchase and retention of insurance in general and National Flood Insurance in particular.

Program areas currently administered by the Floodpliain Management and Insurance Branch in Region 6 include the following:

National Flood Insurance Program-Compliance

The U.S. Congress established the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) with the passage of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and has been amended several times.  The most recent reform of the NFIP is the Homeowner's Flood Insurance Affordability Act or HFIAA.

The NFIP is a federal program enabling property owners in participating communities to purchase insurance as protection against flood losses in exchange for State and community floodplain managment regulations that reduce future flood damges.  The Regional Insurance Liasion (RIL) for FMIB provides oversight of technical assistance on flood insurance training programs and outreach efforts for insurance agents, lenders, property owners and other stakeholders throughout the region.

Federal Flood Insurance

Flood insurance administered under the NFIP is written by state-licensed property insurance brokers and agents.  Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA), a part of FEMA, provides rule-making and rates to insurance companies who partner through the Write Your Own (WYO) program as a cooperative undertaking of the insurance industry and FEMA.  The WYO program allows participating property and casualty insurance companies to write and service the Standard Flood Insurance Policy in their own names. The companies receive and expense allowance for policies written and claims processed while the Federal government retains responsibiilty fo underwriting losses.  The WYO program operates as part of the NFIP and is subject to its rules and regulations.  More flood insurance information can be found at FloodSmart.

Community Rating System (CRS)

The objective of the Community Rating System (CRS) is to suport the goals of the NFIP.  To do this, CRS provides insurance premium rate reductions to policyolders in recognition that their community's floodplain management activites work toward its three goals: 

  • Reduce flood damage to insurable property;
  • Strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the NFIP, and
  • Encourage a comprehensive approach to floodplain management

Community Assistance Program-State Support Services Element

 The Community Assistance Program-State Support Services Element (CAP-SSSE) program derives its authority from the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended, the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 and from 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 59 and 60.  This program grants funding to States to provide technical assistance to communities in the NFIP and to evaluate community performance in implementing NFIP floodplain management activities. In this way CAP-SSSE helps to:
  • Ensure that the flood loss reduction goals of the NFIP are met,

  • Build State and community floodplain management expertise and capability, and

  • Leverage State knowledge and expertise in working with their communities.

Links to Additional Floodplain Management, NFIP Information, and Contacts

Floodsmart -

Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) -

Region VI Mapping Information -

For contact information names, phone numbers, and email addresses for the State National Flood Insurance Program Coordinators, State Hazard Mitigation Officers, Dam Safety Officers, participating Earthquake Program Managers, and the Floodplain Management Associations for all Region 6 States visit:

To reach FEMA Region 6 Mitigation Staff please visit:


Last Updated: 
10/05/2016 - 12:13