Main Content

Protect your Property

Learn how to protect your home or business from floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and high winds, and manmade disasters (terrorism/bombs). Read how others have protected themselves in Best Practices and Case Studies and how you can protect your business.


Assess your risk

Reduce your risk

Insure your risk

See what FEMA is doing to help


Assess your risk

Reduce your risk

See what FEMA is doing to help

Hurricanes, Tornadoes, and High Winds

Assess your risk

Reduce your risk

See what FEMA is doing to help

Manmade Disasters

Find construction guidance which can help reduce the damage caused to buildings from bomb attacks, as well as chemical, biological and radiological agents. See our Risk Management Series.

Best Practices and Case Studies

The Best Practice and Case Studies portfolio is a collection of ideas, activities/projects and funding sources that can help reduce or prevent the impacts of disasters. Take a look at what is possible and to get ideas for your own situations. To learn more visit Mitigation Best Practices and Case Studies.

Protect Your Business

Protecting your business from disasters caused by natural hazards can involve a variety of actions, from inspecting and maintaining your buildings to installing protective devices. Learn how to protect your business records, create a business inventory and install a generator. To learn more, see Protect Your Business from All Natural Hazards.

Last Updated: 
10/20/2016 - 08:24