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R6 Hazard Mitigation Assistance - Non-Disaster Grant Programs and the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)

This page provides information on the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program and how to build a Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Application for Region 6 stakeholders.

Hazard Mitigation Assistance Branch

FEMA administers three programs that provide funding for eligible mitigation planning and projects that reduces disaster losses and protect life and property from future disaster damages. The three programs are the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program, and the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program. 

How to apply for HMGP funds

Following a disaster declaration, the State will advertise to local jurisdictions, Private Non-Profit (PNPs) and Tribes that HMGP funding is available to fund mitigation projects in the State. Those interested in applying to the HMGP should contact their local government to begin the application process.

Local governments should contact their State Hazard Mitigation Officer

*Tribal government in grantee status, contact FEMA Regional Office

Who's eligible?

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding is available, when authorized under Presidential major disaster declaration, in the area of the state requested by the Governor.

Eligible applicants are:

  • State and local governments
  • Indian Tribes or other tribal organizations
  • Certain non-profit organizations

Individual homeowners and businesses may not apply directly to the program; however a community may apply on their behalf.

Types of applications:

Three categories for types of applications:



To be eligible for the Initiative, activities must:

  • Comply with all applicable Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) eligibility criteria as well as with Federal, State, Tribal and local laws and ordinances;
  • Be consistent with the goals and objectives of the State or Tribal (Standard of Enhanced) and local Hazard Mitigation Plans; and
  • Be submitted for review with a narrative that indicates that there is a reasonable expectation that future damage or loss of life or injury will be reduced or prevented by the activity.

Examples of activities that might be considered under the Initiative include:

  • Equipment and systems for the purpose of warning citizens of impending hazards;
  • Purchase of generators or related equipment, such as generator hook-ups;
  • Hazard identification or mapping and related equipment for the implementation of mitigation activities;
  • Public awareness or education campaigns about mitigation;


  • Planning: A mitigation planning sub-grant award must result in a mitigation plan adopted by the jurisdiction(s) and approved by FEMA prior to the end of the Period of Performance (POP).


  • Regular applications: Comply with all applicable HMGP eligibility criteria as well as with Federal, State, Tribal and local laws and ordinances;

Examples of Regular applications:

  • Property Acquisition and Structure Demolition
  • Structure Elevation
  • Structural Retrofitting of Existing Buildings
  • Safe Room
  • Non-structural Retrofitting of Existing Buildings and Facilities: Non-structural retrofits may include bracing of building contents to prevent earthquake damage or the elevation of heating and ventilation systems.

A storm warning siren in Greensburg, KansasExamples of Previous funded applications:
• Safe rooms- Regular application
• Acquisition/ Relocation- Regular application
• Elevation of Structures- Regular application
• Water retention - Regular application
• Culverts- Regular application
• Warning systems- Initiative applications
• Drainage improvements- Regular application
• Hazard Mitigation Plans- planning applications
• NOAA Radios- Initiative applications

What are the elements of a good application?

( For additional information click on the underlined link)Scope of Work, Work Schedule, Cost Breakdown


Scope of Work

Safe room design What makes a good Scope Of Work?
Ask yourself these questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How?
The project applications Scope Of Work (SOW) provides a detailed description of the problem that needs to be mitigated and a detailed description of the proposed project. Knowing the causes of the damage will help you identify the type of project you should be considering.

The SOW describes the proposed activity and should answer the following questions about the proposed activity: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Sub-applications do not need to be perfect; however, they need to be well prepared, defined, and documented.


  • Who will the mitigation activity affect? Consider individual citizens, property owner, businesses, government agencies and neighboring jurisdictions.
  • Who is performing the work? Will the work be contracted or will your jurisdiction’s employees do some or all of the work?


  • What is the problem to be mitigated? Explain the link between the problem and the proposed solution. The local mitigation plan Hazard Identification should provide information.
  • What activity is proposed?


  • When will the activity start and when will it be completed?


  • Where will the activity take place? What is the location? Include latitude and longitude coordinates for the proposed project area and provide a map with location plotted on the map.


  • Why is the activity important?
  • Why is this, the best alternative?


  • How will the activity be carried out?
  • How will it solve the problem?
    (See fact sheets)

Remember, the proposed activity may be either a plan or project. Remember to paint a picture


You will need to identify at least 3 alternatives in detail:

  1. The selected project
  2. The 2nd alternative is your other feasible Alternative actions: Has the proposed project been determined to be the most practical, effective and environmentally sound alternative after consideration of a range of options? The second alternative is explanation of why this is not your recommend choice for the project. Explain why this is not your first solution.
  3. The 3rd alternative is No action- means if you not do mitigate this problem will continue to grow

Maintenance Agreement

What is a maintenance agreement?
The maintenance agreement is a signed statement that explains how the project will be maintained, how that the sub-applicant will be responsible for maintaining the project and there is no cost to the State and FEMA

Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) Considerations

What are EHP Considerations?

  • Endangered Species
  • Cultural Resources
  • Historic Properties
  • Archaeological sites
  • Air and Water Quality
  • Habitat
  • Fish and Wildlife
  • Floodplains
  • Wetlands
  • Agricultural Lands
  • Geology
  • Environmental Justice
  • Land use
  • Hazardous materials

Environmental impacts can include:

  • Ground disturbance
  • Degradation of air or water quality
  • Loss of critical habitat for species
  • Altered viewsheds
  • Destruction/alteration of historic structures
  • Disproportionate environmental impacts to low income or minority communities
  • Buildings should include age of structure and date built

Additional EHP Guidance:

Supporting Documentation

The supporting documentation is the visual documentation that support and explains the SOW and feasibility and eligibility of the project.

The documentation shows examples of maps, studies, and photos that should be included to support the SOW, including but not limited to:

  • A topographic map
  • Photos of the project site, at least 3 photos should be submitted
  • Pertinent studies relating to the project, such Flood Insurance Studies
  • Flood Insurance Rate Map and study (FIRM)
  • Specs and or drawings
  • Damage history
  • Locality Maps

*Depending on the nature and complexity of an application, more information could be requested at a later time.

Work Schedule

The projected time needed to complete the work schedule should not exceed the Period of Performance (POP), which begins when the grant is awarded. Should NOT go over 36 months. A task is measured by the duration, the time period between starting and ending, without specifying dates.

Time periods may be days, week’s, months or years. Tasks may over lap.

  • Divide the activity into measurable tasks/phases. Milestones
  • Includes all tasks
  • Provides a realistic timeline for each task

Some examples are but not limited to:

  • Solicitation of contractor bids
  • Design
  • Construction
  • Stage completion milestones
  • Inspections

Example of a work schedule chart

Work Schedule Chart
Description of TaskDuration of TimeUnit of Time
Explanation of TaskHow long it takes to complete the taskDay, Week, or Month for completing task
Gather Data4Weeks
Do a Risk Assessment3Weeks
Draft Plan12Weeks

Cost Breakdown

Cost break down should be itemized:

  • Detailed budget line items
  • Specific Quantities
  • Accurate Units of measure - No lump sum
  • Comprehensive Costs

Project budget line items may include:

  • Project Manger
  • Contractor
  • Engineering/architectural designs
  • Construction costs
  • Equipment
  • Permits/surveys
  • Site preparation/restoration

Eligible costs DO NOT include the following:

  • Hidden or contingency cost
  • Post-implementation maintenance cost
  • Lump sums

Making your 25% Match

When applying for HMGP, sub-applicants will need to provide up to a 25% match of the project cost. Example: total project cost is $35,000; Federal share (75%) is $26,250 Local match (25%) is $8,750.

The application must include a 25% assurance letter, explaining if the match is a cash match or a in-kind match or both.


  • Cash or,
  • In Kind: In-kind match is donated services, such as donated use of equipment or space, donated supplies, equipment, buildings and land (Title passes to the grantee or sub-grantee). In your comment letter, please give details on what your in-kind will be and the cost of the in-kind.
  • Combination: Match can be both cash and in-kind; also explain how each will be used.

Examples of in-kind:

  • Donated services
  • Volunteers
  • Employees of other organizations
  • Donated use of equipment or space
  • Equipment or space: the contribution will be valued at the fair rental rate
  • Donated supplies, equipment, buildings and land (Title passes to the grantee or sub-grantee)
  • Supplies- supplies are valued at the market value at the time of donation
    Examples: the local hardware store donates construction material for shuttering projects, saferooms, retrofits projects. The retail value of those materials is an allowable third party in-kind contribution
  • Equipment, buildings and land- The treatment of the donated property will depend on the purpose of the grant
  • Grantee or sub-grantee donated real property- the valuation of grantee-owned real property is the current market value (assuming that these items were not purchased with Federal Funds)

Standard Form-424 / Assurances

What is a SF 424?
The Standard Form (SF) 424 forms make up the grant application; they consist of the face sheet, include budget narrative. It includes:

  • Applicant information
  • Type of applicant
  • Employer Identification number (EIN)
  • Areas affected by project
  • Proposed project
  • Congressional districts
  • Estimated funding

Resources Provides a list of fact sheets on various FEMA Programs including the Mitigation Grant Programs

// - HMA Review Tool:  It is both an instrument to facilitate FEMA’s review of HMA subapplications as well as a transparent reference to guide State Applicants and local communities in developing more complete HMA grant applications. - HMA Tools and Resources

Have questions?

Contact a member of the Region 6 Mitigation Staff or your State Hazard Mitigation Officer



Last Updated: 
10/05/2016 - 12:12