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Mitigation Corner - Summer 2014

Mitigation Corner provides The Link readers with the latest in policy updates on FEMA mitigation programs as well as highlight innovative practices being undertaken across the six Region VIII states.

Mitigation Best Practice: Cedar Heights Saved during Waldo Canyon Fire

Colorado Springs has long recognized their wildfire risk, with a quarter of the population living in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI).  Between 2005 and 2009, the Colorado Springs Fire Department used four FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation grants to reduce fuels (i.e. thin trees and clean up brush) across high risk areas.  The projects proved their worth in 2012 when the Waldo Canyon Fire struck the city.  Thanks in part to the mitigation work in a neighboring park, the Cedar Heights community of more than 250 homes was saved. 

Ceder Heights Mitigation profile at

Related Resources


FEMA Mitigation Policy Updates:

For any questions regarding the implementation of the above policies in Region VIII, please contact


Did You Know?

According to an independent study by the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Council, for every $1 spent on mitigation activities, society saves an average of $4!  Learn more about FEMA’s mitigation programs.

Last Updated: 
08/22/2016 - 08:14