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OMB Surveys

OMB-Approved Planning and Operations Public Surveys PROCESS

This IWR site contains a catalog of questionnaires (surveys) currently approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) which can be used as a framework for creating and conducting water resource surveys.  NO SURVEY MAY BE CONDUCTED UNTIL FINAL APPROVAL IS RECEIVED FROM OMB. READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FOR APPROVAL PROCEDURES.


Selecting an OMB Approved Survey

All survey material is categorized by topic. The forms are presented in Word documents and can be viewed, printed, and modified in MS Word®. All new uses of a survey must be approved.  Instructions for submittal are provided below. Please mail, email, or fax any questions CECW-IWR-R, 7701 Telegraph Rd, Alexandria, Va 22315-3868, telephone: 703/428-7086, fax:703/428-8171, and EMAIL.

OMB-Approved Survey Listings


 Seeking Approval to Use an OMB-Approved Survey

  • Specific approval must be gained for each use of a survey, even if the questionnaire materials remain unchanged. 
  • No survey may be conducted until final approval is received from OMB.
  • There is a ten business day approval process for the survey package to be submitted through the Corps MSC Offices to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, OMB, and the Headquarters Information Management Office.
  • Approval submittals must include:
    • the survey instruments with reference to which approved generic survey(s) the instruments are taken from or adapted,
    • a discussion of the research questions to be answered by the survey,
    • the sampling strategy to be employed in the survey,
    • the collection and follow-up procedures to be used, procedures, the data analysis plan, and a discussion of the consistency of the questions with OMB-approved questions.
  •  Division Commanders are responsible for assuring quality control and policy compliance prior to submitting requests to OMB.  Request to OMB may only be submitted by the designated MSC (or HQUSACE) points of contacts.

Points of Contact


Seeking approval to develop specific survey applications

 When using these questionnaires to develop specific survey applications, you must follow the guidance:

 Please review these documents before conducting any survey.  All requests for approval should be sent to the six contacts below.   

                             Click here to initiate an email message to the six contacts below:

  •  IWR POC
  •  HQ CI POC
  •  DOD POC
  •  OMB POC


Survey and Statistical Information Collections

 Guidance on Agency Survey and Statistical Information Collections (pdf, 817 KB) (OMB 2006) provides extensive coverage of survey research methods and policy.  Practitioners should be fully familiar with the contents of this document prior to embarking on a data collection effort.

 Further assistance in survey research development, administration, and analysis is available by contacting the Corps Labs and Planning Centers of Expertise below: their response to any questions.

                                                                                More Information

  • For Planning Surveys: IWR POC 703-428-7086
  • For Operations Surveys: OPS POC IWR: 703-428-8458; ERDC: 602-831-4352

All surveys of Customer Satisfaction Surveys of Corps of Engineer Project Sponsors are conducted under the USACE Customer Survey.

  • For Information on the USACE Customer Survey Contact: USACE CSS POC 251-694-3848

Privacy and Personally Identifiable Information

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is very serious about guarding the privacy of the public, whether it is individuals, businesses, or organizations. There is generally no need to collect or maintain any personally identifiable information. However, if there is a requirement to collect such information, the public should know that the Corps is committed to safeguarding that information and destroying it when it is no longer required. Potential respondents should also be informed that their participation is completely voluntary and they are free to withhold

For More information:   Links to Federal Laws, Directives and Guidance