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General Information
CSRA DUATS on the Web provides immediate on-line access to U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved information including:

* Current, continuously updated weather information
* Easy-to-understand plain language weather
* Flight plan filing and closing
* Automated flight planning
* Click Here for QICP Information

Assistance and Feedback
Please see the frequently asked questions page for answers to common questions.
For assistance, please call the customer support center toll free at 1-800-345-3828, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. See above for forgotten access codes and passwords. If you have any problems, comments, or suggestions, please send email to duats@duatsmail.com. After you have signed on, please use the feedback form (located near the end of the main menu), which will provide additional information that will allow our customer support personnel to better handle your request.
Special Notice
Current TFRs including ADIZ information may be viewed by selecting one of the choices for Temporary flight restrictions on the main menu page. National FDC NOTAMs or Flow Control Messages may be viewed by selecting the appropriate links under Flight Restrictions in the main menu. Special notice information may be viewed by selecting General flight restrictions on the main menu page. Special notices include: * Enhanced class B airspace operational restrictions for VFR and IFR general aviation aircraft. * IFR operations in the U.S. * VFR operations in the U.S. To request Temporary Flight Restrictions for specific ARTCC regions but no other data such as weather information: In the Weather Briefing section of the main menu page, use the Abbreviated Briefing choice to select a Location Briefing, and then enter the location and select the weather type as follows:

Message TypeLocation CodeWeather Type
for example:

Security Bulletin
The U.S. Government continues to receive credible indications that extremist individuals are planning additional terrorist operations against U.S. and Western interests within the U.S. and overseas. Such operations, possibly involving civil and general aviation (GA) aircraft, could be carried out whenever attack preparations are complete and operatives are in place. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has no credible information concerning specific targets, timing, or methods of attack. However, the GA community should observe good physical security for aircraft and facilities and be continuously on the lookout for suspicious persons, activities, and operations around airports. Terrorists who are no longer able to hijack commercial airliners because of increased security at commercial airports may turn to GA airports and aircraft to conduct operations. The TSA asks members of the GA community to report all unusual and suspicious activities. If you observe persons, aircraft, and operations that do not fit the customary pattern at your airport, you should immediately advise law enforcement authorities.

Your immediate action is requested for these items:

* Secure unattended aircraft to prevent unauthorized use.
* Verify the identification of crew and passengers prior to departure.
* Verify that baggage and cargo are known to the persons on board.

Where identification systems are in place, encourage employees to wear proper identification and challenge persons not wearing proper identification.

* Increased vigilance should be directed toward the following:
* Aircraft with unusual or unauthorized modifications.
* Persons loitering in the vicinity of aircraft or air operations areas.
* Persons who appear to be under stress or the control of other persons.
* Persons whose identification appears altered or inconsistent.
Conditions of Use
With Aviation Security one of the top issues in the United States today, the FAA has issued the following WARNING which is directed at unauthorized users, abusers, and hackers. It is not meant to discourage legitimate users in any way. CSRA DUATS is a free FAA-sponsored service to pilots, dispatchers and others authorized by the FAA. Legitimate users are encouraged to use CSRA DUATS as much as needed and without reservation.
This is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) computer system. FAA systems, including all related equipment, networks, and network devices (specifically including Internet access) are provided for the processing of official Government information. Unauthorized access or use of this computer system may subject violators to criminal, civil, and/or administrative action. All information on this computer may be intercepted, recorded, read, copied, and disclosed by and to authorized personnel for official purposes, including criminal investigations. Access or use of this computer system by any person whether authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent with these terms.