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OpenFEMA Dataset: Registration Intake and Individuals Household Program - V1

This page documents the metadata for the Registration Intake and Individuals Household Program API data feed.

Entity Name



The dataset is composed of Registration Intake and Individuals and Households Program (IHP) Information from the Individual Assistance (IA) reporting authority where registration is valid.

This dataset contains aggregated, non-PII data by generated FEMA's ECIM (Enterprise Coordination & Information Management) Reporting team to share data on registrations and Individuals and Households Program (IHP) for Hurricane Sandy, segmented by city for the state of New Jersey AND New York where registration is valid. Additional core data elements include: valid call center registrations, valid web registrations, valid mobile registrations, IHP eligible, IHP amount, HA eligible, HA amount, ONA eligible, and ONA amount.

Please note: IHP is intended to help with critical expenses that cannot be covered in other ways. The IHP is not intended to return all homes or belongings to their pre?disaster condition. In some cases, IHP may only provide enough money, up to the program limits, for you to return an item to service. Secondary or vacation residencies do not qualify.

Please see the IHP Fact Sheet and IHP Applicant Guidelines to learn more about the Individuals and Housing Program.

This is not intended to be an official report.

Citation: The agency's preferred citation for each dataset is included in its metadata. Users should also cite the date that data was accessed or retrieved from and/or Finally, users must clearly state that "FEMA and the Federal Government cannot vouch for the data or analyses derived from these data after the data have been retrieved from the Agency's website(s) and/or"



Program URL



OpenFEMA -

API Endpoint


Full Data



None provided

Data Fields

disasterNumberDisaster NumberstringSequentially assigned number used to identify a declared event in a U.S. state or territory. Disasters in the range 1-1999 are major disasters and 3000 and above are special emergency declarations. For more information on the disaster process, //
countyCountystringThe name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state or territory.
cityCitystringA center of population; Applicant in this dataset.
zipCodeZipstringUnique geographical identifier for a U.S. postal address; Applicant in this dataset.
totalValidRegistrationsTotal Valid RegistrationsnumberThe total number of valid registrations.
validCallCenterRegistrationsValid Call Center RegistrationsnumberThe total number of valid registrations submitted through the call center.
validWebRegistrationsValid Web RegistrationsnumberThe total number of valid registrations submitted through the website.
validMobileRegistrationsValid Mobile RegistrationsnumberThe total number of valid registrations submitted through a mobile device.
ihpReferralsIHP ReferralsnumberCumlative number of applicants referred to the IHP Program
ihpEligibleIHP EligiblenumberCumlative number of applicants referred to the IHP Program
ihpAmountIHP AmountnumberTotal IHP Amount awarded for Housing Assistance (HA) and Other Needs Assistance (ONA) among eligible applicants for designated incident.
haReferralsHA ReferralsnumberTotal number of applications referred to the Housing Assistance (HA) Program
haEligibleHA EligiblenumberThe total number of valid registrations eligible for Housing Assistance (HA).
haAmountHA AmountnumberTotal amount awarded for Housing Assistance (HA) from the Individual and Households Program (IHP).
onaReferralsONA ReferralsnumberTotal number of applications referred to the Other Needs Assistance (ONA) Program.
onaEligibleONA EligiblenumberThe total number of valid registrations eligible for Other Needs Assistance (ONA).
onaAmountONA AmountnumberTotal amount awarded for Other Needs Assistance (ONA) from the Individual and Households Program (IHP).
lastRefreshLast RefreshdateDate the record was last updated in the API data store
hashHashstringMD5 Hash of the fields and values of the record
idIDstringUnique ID assigned to the record


Last Updated: 
07/30/2015 - 14:58