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AEDC Feds Feed Families volunteers assist Good Samaritan personnel with loading 1,579 pounds of non-perishable food and dry good donations for delivery Aug. 31, 2016. Pictured left to right are AEDC volunteers Capt. Jonathan Diaz, Peggy Proffitt (behind Diaz), Pamela Anderson and Capt. Michael Davault; and Good Samaritan workers Fay Jones and Grace Thompson. (U.S. Air Force photo/Holly Peterson) 2016 Feds Feed Families campaign at AEDC a huge success
The 2016 Feds Feed Families Campaign, an Air Force wide program that personnel at Arnold Air Force Base have participated in for the past five years, was a huge success this year.Collecting 1,597 pounds of non-perishable food, personal hygiene and baby items enabled the base to donate more than 500 pounds to each of our three local Good Samaritan
0 9/19
AF Innovation Grant- Compost At AEDC Composting lives at AEDC
As you move about AEDC, you may have spotted a number of black bins about the size of a large trash can scattered throughout the Complex and wondered what they were being used for.The bins are being used by a small army of dedicated recyclers for the composting of personal food scraps and paper towels.Composting at AEDC was the brainchild of Annie
0 8/22
AFMC Commander Gen. Ellen M. Pawlikowski Independence Day is a day of gratitude
The Fourth of July is a day of celebration. Whether with parades, fireworks, backyard barbecues or enjoying a baseball game, we Americans will soon celebrate our nation's birthday.Our founding fathers' vision of a free nation was commemorated in 1776 in the Declaration of Independence. They believed all people have certain undeniable rights - the
0 6/28
Default Air Force Logo Ensure your voice is heard, exercise your right to vote
The United States is in the midst of a busy voting year. Armed Forces Voting Week, June 27 - July 5, is an opportunity to encourage and enable the people of the U.S. ArmedForces to exercise that vote.The week is devoted to ensuring that military personnel and their family members know they can vote even if they live outside their place of
0 6/20
Michael Glennon (far left), technical director of AEDC Engineering and Technical Management, presents an Amateur Radio Relay League handbook to the Tullahoma Civil Air Patrol Composite Squadron May 23, recognizing their STEM electronic and robot program. Pictured with Glennon left to right is Hayden Thompson, William Watters, Brenan Bailey and William Lore. The book was presented on behalf of the AEDC amateur radio members who support STEM efforts with the group. AEDC STEM program also supports the Tullahoma CAP. (Courtesy photo) AEDC amateur radio members present STEM award to Tullahoma Civil Air Patrol
AEDC amateur radio members attended the Hamvention® in Dayton, Ohio, May 20 where we received an Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) handbook to present to the local Tullahoma Civil Air Patrol Composite Squadron.AEDC retirees Tom Baskin and Jack Hennon and I attended the event.The Dayton Hamvention is a yearly convention that host over 25,000 amateur
0 6/06
Default Air Force Logo Memorial Day a time to honor the fallen
For many of us, Memorial Day kicks off the summer season.  Families will gather for cookouts, go boating or swim at the pool. While you enjoy these activities, please be mindful of your safety. But as we spend time with friends and family, let us be reminded of the most important meaning of this day.Established in 1868, Memorial Day was a day set
0 5/19
Each year several AEDC employees participate in the Coffee County Relay For Life, a fundraiser event that raises money for cancer research. AEDC employees Dee and Shawn Wolfe are captains of Team REMEMBER and assist in planning activities to raise money. Pictured here is Shawn Wolfe with daughter Amber taking part in one of the fundraisers known as “Wreck-a-Car.” (Courtesy photo) AEDC team to again participate in Relay for Life
Preparations are underway for the Coffee County Relay For Life being held April 29, 2016, at the small track located at the Coffee County Fairgrounds in Manchester.  AEDC employees are encouraged to participate in Relay For Life, which is actually not a race, but an event to raise money and awareness for cancer research.Relay For Life starts at 6
0 1/12
A 1945 photo shows one of the two high altitude cells at the Munich BMW plant. Engines having up to 4,400 pounds of thrust could be tested at conditions simulating Mach number 0.8 (about 525 mph) at 55,000 feet. Inlet air supply totaled 55 pounds per second. The history behind German wind tunnels at AEDC
The story of the German wind tunnels at AEDC begins in July 1944 somewhere in the air over Germany. That is when our Air Force bomber pilots first encountered high speed German aircraft flying without the aid of propellers. These jet aircraft were faster than anything in the skies and they tore apart many an allied bomber formation in the summer of
0 11/04
Default Air Force Logo Choosing to live
I have worked for the federal government for 13 years. In each and every one of those years, I have been through suicide awareness and prevention training. I have completed the Resiliency Training Assistant course, and I have even taught resiliency at Wingman Days. I know the toolsets to help and have a set of personal coping skills. However, there
0 11/04
Default Air Force Logo Veterans Day is a day to celebrate and honor
Veterans have made a selfless choice to lay their lives on the line to serve and protect our country. In many cases, they have made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure we continue to have our rights and freedoms.Veterans Day is a time we set aside to honor these special Americans.Originally known as Armistice Day since 1919, President Dwight D.
0 10/30
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