HomeNew EmployeesWelcome Aboard!Onboarding Roles and ResponsibilitiesYour Onboarding SponsorBefore You Arrive
Human Resources and Organizational Management


Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Your Sponsor: Before You Arrive (Onboarding Phase 1)
Your guide through the transition to your new office will be your onboarding Sponsor. Your Supervisor will select one of your peers/coworkers to play this role. Throughout your first several weeks in your new position, your Sponsor will assist you with all administrative responsibilities, introduce you to fellow Civilian Marines, tour you around your facility, and help you to understand the work environment.

Preparation of Your Workspace

Depending on your office, your Sponsor may assist your Supervisor in ensuring that a suitable workspace is prepared for your arrival. Obviously, your workspace will vary considerably depending on the kind of work you’re going to do, but at a minimum your new space should be identified, clean, and ready for your arrival.

Planning Office Introduction

Since your Sponsor will be a peer, they are often instrumental in helping you ease into the culture of your new office. Through introductions, team activities, and casual conversations, your Sponsor can help you to fit in. While official staff functions led by your Supervisor can be helpful as well, your Sponsor can be invaluable in providing informal opportunities for you to acculturate into the office.
