
Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts

The list below provides information gathered from press releases and other public notices about certain recalls of FDA-regulated products. Not all recalls have press releases or are posted on this page. See Additional information about recalls for a more complete listing.

For recall notices older than 60 days, see the Recall and Safety Alerts Archive.
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Date Brand Name Product Description Reason/ Problem Company Recall Type
11/02/2016 AC Creamery Inc.   Manila Sky Purple Yumm Ice Cream   Listeria monocytogenes AC Creamery Inc. 454, 220, 69
10/30/2016 None provided by firm   Frozen Strawberries   May be linked to a recent Hepatitis A outbreak International Company for Agricultural Production & Processing (ICAPP) 454, 220, 69
10/28/2016 Oreo   Fudge Cremes   Undeclared Milk Mondelez Global LLC 454, 220, 69, 76
10/27/2016 Back to Nature   Granola, and cookies   Undeclared Milk Back to Nature Foods, LLC 454, 69, 76, 220
10/26/2016 Stewart’s   Sportade fruit punch   Undeclared Milk Stewart’s Shops Corp. 454, 76, 69
10/20/2016 Brownwood Farms   Fruit Preserves and Fruit Butter   Undeclared milk Brownwood Farms 454, 220, 69, 76
10/17/2016 Yoma Myanmar   Tea Salad Snack   Undeclared peanuts Yoma Myanmar Tea Co. 454, 220, 69, 76
10/14/2016 Pipeline, Alligator, X-Celerator, more   Micro Catheters   Potential separation and detachment of the polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) coating Medtronic 454, 509
10/12/2016 Kuster’s Dairy Foods, Fata’s Best, Nor-Tech Dairy   Shredded, sliced and cubbed various cheese   Listeria monocytogenes Kuster’s Inc. 454, 220, 69
10/11/2016 Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream   Various flavors of Ice cream containing chocolate chip cookie dough pieces   Listeria monocytogenes Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream Company, Inc. 454, 220, 69
10/11/2016 Roland®   Preserved lemons   Undeclared Sulfites Roland Foods, LLC 454, 220, 69
10/11/2016 Nutrisystem   Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bar   Listeria monocytogenes Nutrisystem Everyday, LLC 454, 220, 69
10/10/2016 Blue Bell   Ice cream in the following flavors: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Cookie Two Step, Blue Monster, Chocolate Chip Cookie, Krazy Kookie Dough   Listeria monocytogenes Blue Bell Ice Cream 454, 69, 220
10/10/2016 Blue Bunny   Hoppin’ Holidoodle ice cream   Listeria monocytogenes Wells Enterprises, Inc. 454, 220, 69
10/10/2016 Publix   Chocolate Cookie Dough Ice Cream   Listeria monocytogenes Publix Super Markets 454, 220, 69
10/07/2016 Nestle   Drumstick   Listeria monocytogenes Nestle USA, Inc. 454, 220, 69, 76
10/07/2016 Belgian Boys   Mini Pancakes   Undeclared Milk Le Petit Belge, LLC 454, 220, 69, 76
10/07/2016 Turkey Hill   Dutch Chocolate Ice Cream   Undeclared Almonds and Eggs Turkey Hill Dairy 454, 220, 69, 76
10/07/2016 Cesar   Filet Mignon Flavor wet dog food   Presence of plastic Mars Petcare US 454, 220, 69, 104, 105, 767, 495, 183
10/07/2016 Brownwood Farms   Sauces, glaze, salsa, and butter   Undeclared soy, undeclared Yellow #5 Brownwood Farms 454, 69, 76, 220
10/07/2016 Osage Gardens   Micro Greens   Salmonella Osage Gardens Inc. 454, 69, 220
10/05/2016 McCormick   Taco Seasoning Mix   Undeclared milk McCormick & Company, Incorporated 454, 220, 76, 69
10/04/2016 Nurse Assist, Inc.   I.V. Flush Syringes   Potential for Burkholderia cepacia Nurse Assist, Inc. 454, 230
10/04/2016 Vascular Solutions, Inc.   Twin-Pass Dual Access catheters   Excess manufacturing material at tip of catheter may pose embolism risk Vascular Solutions, Inc. 454, 230
10/03/2016 Good Earth Egg   Shell eggs   Salmonella Good Earth Egg Company, LLC 454, 220, 69
09/30/2016 Sammy’s   Milk Baby Food   Potential for Cronobacter Milk Baby Food 454, 69
09/30/2016 Fred Meyer   Deli BTG Superfood Wrap   Undeclared milk, soy, wheat and cashews Fred Meyer Stores 454, 69, 76, 220
09/29/2016 Fresh Express   American Salad   Undeclared allergens (egg, milk, wheat, anchovy) Fresh Express Incorporated 454, 220, 69, 76
09/28/2016 Kroger, Fareway   Frozen onion rings   Undeclared milk McCain Foods USA, Inc. 454, 220, 69, 76
09/27/2016 Baxter   Potential for a missing filter support membrane and potential presence of particulate matter   Baxter International Inc. Baxter International Inc. 230
09/26/2016 Mt Kisco Smokehouse   Smoked salmon   Listeria monocytogenes Mt Kisco Smokehouse 454, 220, 69, 76
09/26/2016 Café Valley   Banana Nut mini muffins   Undeclared Walnuts Café Valley 454, 220, 76, 69
09/26/2016 Various: Allens, Reliance, Monarch, Silver Source   Peas with snaps, cut green beans   Undeclared shellfish Sager Creek Foods, Inc. 454, 69, 76, 220
09/26/2016 TASTY SAWA   GROUND TURMERIC   Contains elevated levels of lead Spices USA Inc. 454, 220, 69
09/23/2016 Good Sense   Cranberries   Undeclared Pecans, Walnuts, Milk and Soy Waymouth Farms 454, 220, 69, 76
09/23/2016 ShurFine, Spartan and more   Frozen onion rings   Undeclared milk McCain Foods USA, Inc 454, 220, 69, 76
09/22/2016 BIKAJI   BIKAJI Chowpati BHELPURI   Salmonella Krishna Food Corp 454, 220, 69
09/21/2016 Blue Bell Ice Cream   Ice Cream   Listeria monocytogenes Blue Bell Ice Cream 454, 220, 69
09/20/2016 Apple Tree Goat Dairy   Four Goat Cheeses   Listeria monocytogenes Apple Tree Goat Dairy 454, 220, 69
09/20/2016 Wells Pharmacy Network   Sterile human and veterinary compounded products   Concern for Lack of Sterility Assurance Wells Pharmacy Network 208, 495, 183
09/19/2016 6毛FIVE   Rice Noodles   Undeclared Shellfish and Soy Mei Shun Noodle, Inc. 454, 69, 76, 220
09/19/2016 Brach’s   Milk Chocolate Almond Supremes   Undeclared Peanuts and Wheat Ferrara Candy 454, 69, 76
09/19/2016 Kellogg’s   Eggo Nutri-Grain Waffle   Listeria monocytogenes Kellogg Company 454, 69, 220
09/19/2016 Censea, Inc   Black Tiger Frozen Shrimp   Salmonella Censea, Inc 454, 69
09/17/2016 Koffee Kup Bakery, Inc.   Bread Products   May contain clear plastic pieces Koffee Kup Bakery 454, 69, 220
09/15/2016 Ossie's   Ready to eat salads   Listeria monocytogenes SM Fish Corp 454, 220, 69
09/14/2016 Virtus   Hyoscyamine Sulfate 0.125 mg tablets   Superpotent and subpotent test results Virtus Pharmaceuticals Opco II, LLC 208
09/14/2016 Field Day   Ranch Dressing   Undeclared Milk and Egg Drew's, LLC 454, 69, 76
09/13/2016 New Seasons   Almond Butter   Undeclared peanut New Seasons Market 454, 69, 220, 69, 76
09/09/2016 Meijer   Potato Chips   Undeclared Milk and Soy Shearer's Foods LLC 454, 220, 76
09/09/2016 Vrindavan   Cow Ghee   Undeclared milk Pure Ghee, Inc. 454, 220, 69, 76
09/08/2016 The Baker's Scoop HEB   Whole wheat flour   Possible foreign matter Morrison Milling Company 454, 69, 220
09/08/2016 GlucaGen® HypoKit®   Glucagon [rDNA origin] for injection   Detached needles on the syringe in the kit Novo Nordisk Inc. 36, 208
09/08/2016 Publix   Apple Coffee Cakes   Small metal shavings Publix Super Markets 454, 220, 69
09/07/2016 Family Care   Eye Wash   Microbial contamination United Exchange Corp 454, 208
09/07/2016 Island Soups   Soups   Clostridium botulinum Fresh Express Incorporated 454, 69
09/06/2016 Rugby, Major   Eye irrigating solution and Eye wash   Possible microbial contamination United Exchange Corp. 36, 208

The list above provides information gathered from press releases and other public notices about certain recalls of FDA-regulated products.

  • FDA works with industry and our state partners to publish press releases and other public notices about recalls that may potentially present a significant or serious risk to the consumer or user of the product. Not all recalls have press releases or are posted on this page.
  • The posting of information on this page is separate from FDA's recall classification process. The weekly Enforcement Report lists all recalls after they have been classified by FDA.  For more information about FDA’s product recall authority, process and classification guidelines, see FDA 101: Product Recalls.

Press releases issued more than 60 days ago are accessible in the Recall and Safety Alerts Archive. For more safety information in a specific product area, please visit the links below.

  • Drugs: Additional safety information about human medical products can be found on FDA’s MedWatch page.
  • Animal Health: Additional safety information about products affecting animal health can be found on FDA’s Animal & Veterinary Recalls & Withdrawals page.
  • Biologics: A more complete listing of Biologic Recalls and Market Withdrawal information about can be found on FDA's Biologics Recalls page.
  • Medical Devices: A more complete listing of Medical Device Recalls can be found on FDA’s Medical Device Recalls page.
  • Cosmetics: Additional safety information about cosmetic products can be found at FDA's Cosmetics Recalls and Alert page.

Recalls of raw (fresh and fresh frozen) oysters, clams, mussels, and whole and roe-on scallops See Disclaimer page regarding links to external sites
The safety of these products is ensured by the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference (ISSC), which consists of federal, state, and industry partners who administer the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP).

Page Last Updated: 11/02/2016
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