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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Community Development

Community Development

The community development function within the Federal Reserve promotes fair and informed access to financial markets for communities and individuals, recognizing the particular needs of underserved populations. It does so by convening stakeholders to collaborate on community and economic development initiatives, conducting and sharing applied research, and identifying emerging issues.

Experiences and Perspectives of Young Workers

This report provides a snapshot of the educational attainment, employment experience, labor market outlook, and financial self-sufficiency of 18- to 30-year-olds across the United States.

Report: PDF

Data from the 2015 survey



2017 Federal Reserve System Community Development Research Conference Leaving the Board
The Federal Reserve System welcomes you to register for its tenth biennial conference, "Strong Foundations: The Economic Futures of Kids and Communities," on March 23-24, 2017. High-quality and emerging research from multiple disciplines will be presented in a dialogue with policymakers and community practitioners at this conference.
Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2015
This report analyzes results of the Board's third Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking and compares them with results from the previous year's survey. This survey provides insights into the well-being of households and consumers, and provides important information about how individuals and their families are faring in the economy.
Addressing the Risks of Pursuing Post-Secondary Education
Many students carry debt burdens that can limit their economic opportunities. This conference will explore potential areas of risk for individuals pursuing post-secondary education and on groups most likely to experience negative outcomes when encountering such risks. A report highlighting findings and counseling techniques from focus groups held with financial aid administrators will be released at the conference.
Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2016 
This report presents findings from the Federal Reserve Board's fifth survey on consumers' use of mobile financial services, conducted in November 2015. It also compares results from the current survey with results from previous years' surveys. 
Last update: December 21, 2016