The Marine Corps DSTRESS Line provides a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anonymous phone and chat and referral service using a ‘Marine-to-Marine’ approach.  The call center is staffed with veteran Marines, Fleet Marine Force Navy Corpsmen who were previously attached to the Marine Corps, Marine spouses and other family members, and licensed behavioral health counselors specifically trained in Marine Corps culture. DSTRESS Line’s goal is to help callers improve total fitness and develop the necessary skills required to cope with the widely-varying challenges of life in the Corps.




  • 24 hour phone, chat, and Skype line that provides counseling services with a “Marine to Marine” approach
  • Successful interventions interrupting the cycle of suicide.
  • Offers ‘Marine-to-Marine’ counseling, allowing callers speak with a Marine, Fleet Marine Force Navy Corpsmen
  • Spouses and children over the age of 18 can call at any time.  Children below the age of 18 can call if a parent is present and consents to the conversation
  • Works with callers in crisis to stabilize the situation, and then make the most appropriate referral for suitable treatment

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DSTRESS Line provides services to active duty Marines and their beneficiaries.  If veterans/retirees or non-beneficiaries in a Marine’s extended family call, counselors will help assess the level of stress and stabilize the current crisis, and then refer that person to the most appropriate resource (e.g., Vet Centers, VA hospitals, MilitaryOneSource, or other community resources.) Moms, dads, or other family members who are not beneficiaries should call the DSTRESS Line if it can help lead to increased resilience within the Marine family.

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Call 1-877-476-7734 to speak anonymously with a live person.

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