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Free assistance is available for Fannie Mae homeowners from our Mortgage Help Centers. Simply confirm that Fannie Mae owns your loan, then make an appointment and get started with free, professional help.

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Your one-stop resource for housing education and information.

Whether you’re a renter, prospective homebuyer or you’re a homeowner struggling with your mortgage, KnowYourOptions.com can help. We’ve made it easy to find the information you need with tips and tools to help you every step of the way.

Have little or no equity and want to refinance? HARP can help!

If you've been unable to take advantage of today's low interest rates because the value of your home has declined, you now may be eligible to refinance based on recent changes to the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP).   Contact a lender about HARP

Affected by Hurricane Sandy?
Get Help Today.

Fannie Mae is taking action to help those affected by Hurricane Sandy. We’re offering up to 12 months of mortgage payment relief to impacted homeowners with Fannie Mae loans as well as financial support to communities in distress.   Read more

Attention military—special help is available!

If you’re facing a financial hardship due to a death or injury of a service member on active duty or you've received Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders, you may be eligible for mortgage assistance programs targeted to the needs of service members. See our military help in action with this video.

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  • NACA American Dream EventWashington DC Feb 14
  • Foreclosure Prevention WorkshopElsmere DE Feb 19
  • Foreclosure Education Class (Spanish)Fresno CA Feb 21
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