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Stroke Awareness

Visit the Know Stroke website to learn more about stroke and obtain Know Stroke materials such as brochures, posters, and this video.
Video for Know Stroke. Know the Signs. Act in Time.

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NINDS Nonprofit Forum Celebrates a Milestone!

Director's Message from Walter Koroshetz, M.D.This September marked a milestone for the NINDS Nonprofit Forum: its tenth anniversary! The two day forum drew its largest crowd to date with over 150 participants, representing program staff from 3 NIH Institutes, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), industry, and 75 different nonprofit organizations from across the country. 

Each year, the Forum’s theme, “Progress through Partnership,” emphasizes the importance of collaboration between public and private stakeholders to advance therapeutic development for patients with neurological disorders. This theme of collaboration was interlaced throughout each session of the Forum, with several panels focusing on how meaningful clinical data can best be attained, applied, and (most importantly) shared. 

The forum kicked off with a panel on Lessons Learned and Case Studies in Natural History Databases moderated by Dr. Petra Kaufmann of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences and Ms. Janet Hieshetter of the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation. Panelists discussed their experience developing natural history databases, and the importance of leveraging existing databases... More Message »

Labs at NINDS

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  • NIH nearly doubles investment in BRAIN Initiative research
  • Untangling a cause of memory loss in neurodegenerative diseases
  • Translational Stroke Research: Vision and Opportunities Workshop
  • SFN Satellite Workshop 3D CNS Disease Modeling Workshop
  • Researchers find a gap in the brain's firewall against Parkinson's disease
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